如何在島上用保特瓶蓋一顆樹 (序)
今年聖誕使者Jia Xin的愛心版圖首次擴展到台東和蘭嶼,Jia-Xin將愛與溫暖傳遞全台灣的願望也跨出了一大步! 從九月中起,我們便開始緊鑼密鼓籌備這次的遠征,James和Peter也絞盡腦汁設計在島上的聖誕樹裝置。在整個年末慶典的活動過程中,除了提供全素蔬食餐點外,我們也希望更進一步使用對環境友善的手法和材料進行工作坊活動。
我們於是決定拿島上最普遍常見的回收垃圾 – 保特瓶來製作這顆樹。接著這一個月來我們就慢慢開始研究如何用保特瓶做一顆樹。
挑戰: 在確保樹體結構穩定度的同時,
高度: 大約3米高
材料: 回收保特瓶為主
展期: 四個月 (2015年11月 – 2016年3月)
X 容易切割到保特瓶身,不易固定緊密。
X 撤場時拆卸不易。
O 耐久性強
∆ 可回收,相對於塑膠容易分解。
X 不易固定緊密,長時間置於室外強風環境下易摩損斷裂
O 易回收分解,對環境影響最小。
O 可緊密固定瓶身,達到理想結構強度。裝卸容易及耐久性足夠。
X 不易分解,可回收,但經濟價值低,故很少回收站願意回收處理。
下面是James在創作過程中所紀錄的創作日誌,希望大家持續關注我們的進度,並且能一同支援我們的這趟遠征! 藉著這些活動,我們希望能喚醒當地社群的環保意識。刺激大人小孩一同進行思辯、並起身行動,同時也希望能尋找一個有效的方法讓當地社群有力量及工具保護並美化自己的土地。
“How To” Guide – A Plastic Bottle Tree for an Island
This year our Santa Jia Xin Winter Solstice is expanding to Taitung and Orchid Island and we’re so excited to be able to fulfill Jia-Xin’s wish to spread warmth and generosity throughout Taiwan. As we are gearing up for our Orchid Island trip and since the middle of September, James and Peter have been racking their brain. Throughout the entire process for our annual year end celebrations, we hope in addition to our plant-based meals to move towards more environmentally friendly workshops.
“After receiving an invitation to Orchid Island with Lan En Cultural and Educational Foundation’s wish for a Christmas Tree, we began to research the resources that were available to us. One of main issues plaguing the island concerns the amount of garbage that needs to be sorted and recycling.
Thus, after assessing which type of material that could be upcycled into an one-story high Christmas Tree, Peter and James decided to collect recycled plastic bottles and finding a way to build a self-standing bottle tree.”
James Teng
The purpose of the Christmas tree is that it can be enjoyed by the community as reflection of Santa Jia-Xin’s wish to spread warmth and holiday cheers to Taiwan every year. Along with our belief in attempt to minimize negative impact we will be using plastic bottles that are found on Orchid Island itself. Since September our teachers have worked very hard to create a tree that is stable and have encountered the following issue on an environmentally friendly binding material we would like to ask community and expert input for, preferably by early the end of this week (11/6 ?) as we are leaving shortly.
* As we hope to use the PET bottles as main constructing materials and add as little construction material as possible, we aimed to connect the bottles with minimum binding materials to form a stable self-standing structure. We hope that you can support our journey! Through this we hope to highlight an environmental issue to draw debate, resolution, and in the meantime find a way to create and empower the community to beautify their surroundings.
HEIGHT: Approximately one-story high (3 meters / 9 feet)
MATERIAL: Main material plastic bottles
LONGEVITY: Four Months (2015 NOV – 2016 MAR)
X Cuts into the plastic bottles and difficult to hold the bottles tight enough.
X Difficult to disassemble and assemble.
O Good durability
∆ Recyclable,easy to degrade compared to plastic。
O Easy to recycle and degrade, smallest impact for the environment.
X Difficult to tie and hold the bottles tight enough.
Easy to break as the trees will be put in a windy outdoor environment.
O Ideal structural strength and durability, easy to hold the bottles tight enough.
X Difficult to degrade,very few recycling station accepts it cause of low economic value.
- 11/30 募款目標 GOAL $1560 USD / 50,000 元 87.6%
PayPal: brightside.tw@gmail.com
台北富邦銀行/ 銀行代號 012
帳號: 4901 0202 2421
(戶名) 社團法人臺灣嚮光協會
需要收據麻煩EMAIL brightside.tw@gmail.com
訊息: https://goo.gl/7WMTMD
Bank Name: Fubon Bank
Bank Code: 012
Account: 4901 0202 2421
Swift Code: TPBKTWTP
A/C Name: 社團法人臺灣嚮光協會
Donation Info: https://goo.gl/fkBXhi
(If you would like to write a check instead let us know as Paypal deducts a hefty 3% for each transaction. If you require tax deductible receipt -only for Taiwan- please email us at brightside.tw@gmail.com )
The first meeting, decision to utilize plastic bottles to create a tree
We sampled creating something akin to the traditional helmets of the indigenous Tao Tribe, looking into a tree in the similar shape forged through weaving strips of paper through a deconstructed plastic bottle.
Testing a variety of materials and structures to join the pieces together
at the same time playing around with various materials and shapes
From the miniature models we magnified the sizes
to see how stable the creation would be and how it would hold up
everyday hoping that next month our tree will stand
and not collapse.
James Teng 滕孟哲
Born in 1982 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
BA in “Man and Identity” at Design Academy Eindhoven.
Specializing in material research, interior products, exhibition space design and photography.
31歲,高雄人,畢業於荷蘭安荷芬設計學院。 在荷蘭及法國生活約六年半後,兩年前回到台灣, 喜歡吃飯喝酒走路, 創作內容包含材質研發、室內產品、織品、空間、展覽設計及攝影。
2024「暖心歲末」物資發送活動 Santa Jia-Xin Year End Necessities
13 年前,我們受「聖誕佳欣」啟發,當年才 6 歲的佳欣,心繫其他孩子能否得到聖誕禮物,而發起的歲末物資發送,我們想延續這份愛與同理心,把溫暖傳遞下去! 今年歲末,嚮光將舉辦 5 場共 70 位孩子與樂齡歲末工作坊、發送 25 戶家庭物資、為 50 位孩子完成聖誕心願,親送滿滿的愛心物資! 邀請大家支持嚮光分送植物性乾糧和生活必需品給家庭和孩子,並完成孩子們的願望清單,一起成為孩子的聖誕老人! 在 12/20 以前給予贊助,幫助我們完成目標! 第一階段募款目標:2024/11/10 以前,達到 $200,000 元...
[活動報告]:2024/1/6 (台東)冬季愛心暖流歲末物資發送活動 Santa Jia-Xin Year End Necessities
「 佳欣送禮 」已持續十二年囉!今年嚮光依舊秉持著愛與祝福,將滿滿的溫暖分享給台東新馬蘭部落的孩子與家庭。 ►更多活動照片 More images:https://reurl.cc/nrrVq1嚮光團隊於活動前兩週開始準備孩子們的禮物,並採用零廢棄包裝的方式,精心打包與寄送;發送禮物當天,我們搭乘火車前往台東,期盼能看到孩子收到禮物的驚喜表情。 在活動地點的路上,便看到 家長小玲 於門口向我們熱情地招手,一個大大的擁抱與簡單問候,傾訴滿溢的想念。「真是的~我們多久沒見了?」「哎呀!上次見面也是一月呢!」...
[活動報告]:2023/12/22歲末聖誕公益餐會VAST CHRISTMAS DINNER
在充滿愛與溫暖的12月聖誕節前夕,受到VAST熱情邀約,想與孩子們來一場聖誕節公益餐會,嚮光邀請萬華 台灣社區實踐協會孩子們共襄盛舉~ 一起來看看當天發生了什麼有趣的事情吧~ 更多活動照片 More images:https://reurl.cc/krV2AK 萬華孩子進到餐廳後像是見到好朋友一樣,熱情地與 VAST 夥伴打招呼,儘管山海培力夏令營已經過了半年,孩子依舊印象深刻是由 VAST 舉辦的,直呼下一場是什麼時候:「我還要參加!」這給了 VAST...
[活動報告]:2023/12/19 清泉冬季愛心暖流歲末物資發送活動 Santa Jia-Xin Year End Necessities
十二年來,每到歲末年終,嚮光團隊便會馬不停蹄規劃「佳欣送禮」,從物資募集、蒐集願望清單、採買到包裝,每個環節都想著如何好好將愛與祝福分享給孩子與家庭。 ►更多活動照片 More images:https://reurl.cc/80yood 時光很快就來到物資發送當天,我們與素易載著滿車的聖誕禮物和純植物資,相約在清泉的桃山國小,抵達時,天氣從陰雨綿綿,逐漸露出陽光,好天氣迎接著我們,讓我們充滿活力,有效率地將物資與禮物盤點完畢,準備把溫暖傳遞出去。...
2023「冬季愛心暖流」歲末物資發送活動 Santa Jia-Xin Year End Necessities
邀請您參加嚮光第十二年的「福氣運將」Santa JiaXin歲末物資發送活動!為了能在這個冬天為台灣的家庭和兒童提供全植乾糧主食和生活必需品,請在12/10前慷慨解囊幫助我們達成目標!嚮光將發送物資到20戶在台東及清泉的家庭,並為全國6個地點80-100位孩子、樂齡與其家人舉辦工作坊,讓他們知道歲末年終不僅僅是收送禮物的日子,最重要的是把握時間陪伴彼此的心意。 活動期間:2023/11/11 - 2024/1/16寄送家庭:竹東清泉10戶泰雅族家庭、台東新馬蘭10戶阿美族家庭愛心包裹有:主麵食、油鹽醬醋、植物奶、等等贊助家庭:...
聖誕使者JIAXIN 是一位慷慨熱心的臺灣小女孩,被領養後移居加拿大。回溯至2012年11月,因緣際會之下,我收到一封來自JiaXin養父的電子郵件,希望可以實現他當時年僅六歲的小女兒一個願望。由於JiaXin在臺灣從未慶祝過聖誕節,她期盼能夠在這樣歡騰喜樂的節日,分送禮物給有需要的人,傳遞一點點溫暖。一轉眼,三年過去了,每一年的聖誕佳節,我們都會分送生活必需品(食物、毛毯、夾克)以及禮物給小朋友們,確實滿足JiaXin的心願。除了接收人們的贈物,分送禮物的地點如清泉部落(往返五個小時的長途車程)往往相當遙遠,因此,有相當程度的經費是運用在交通之上。 我們需要兩到三台載滿物資的車,車內包括米、麵條、毛毯,及其他的家庭所需物資。之後我們將再回去為孩子們舉辦工作坊,這樣孩子就會了解這個節日的意義並不僅止於接受禮物,重點是在於大家花時間聚在一起。
更多訊息: https://brightside.tw/2015-jia-xin-冬日慶典/
Who is Santa Jia-Xin?
SANTA JIAXIN is a generous warmhearted little girl who was adopted from Taiwan and is now living in Canada. By a “chance” email back in November 2012 JiaXin’s father contacted me and asked me to fulfill a wish for his then little 6 year old girl. Believing she never celebrated the holidays when she was in Taiwan, she wanted to be able to provide gifts to those who would benefit the most from a little warmth during the festive season. For the past three years we were able to fulfill her wish via delivery of needed items (food, blankets, jackets) and gifts to the children.
Read more: https://brightside.tw/2015-jia-xins-winter-solstice-冬日慶典/