2023 歲末歡慶 麋鹿送愛到你家 Santa Jia-Xin Winter Solstice

邀請您參加嚮光第十二年的「福氣運將」Santa JiaXin歲末物資發送活動!為了能在這個冬天為台灣的家庭和兒童提供全植乾糧主食和生活必需品,請在12/10前慷慨解囊幫助我們達成目標!嚮光將發送物資到20戶在台東及清泉的家庭,並為全國6個地點80-100位孩子、樂齡與其家人舉辦工作坊,讓他們知道歲末年終不僅僅是收送禮物的日子,最重要的是把握時間陪伴彼此的心意。

活動期間:2023/11/11 – 2024/1/16
贊助家庭: 5,000 / 戶
贊助孩子及樂齡:1,500 / 位
**贊助孩子素食愛心餐:500 / 位

目標募款金額 250,000 元











Welcome to year 12!
Bright Side Projects is Taiwan’s first non profit association that concurrently promotes empowerment and plant-based foods through creation and content rich activities. Plant-based meals is a unique and integral component of all of our workshops. Help us fulfill our Bright Side Projects Winter Wishlist by 12/17 to support families. We spend portion of funds buying from local farmers – when you support local farmers, you also support a nutritious plant-based meal and workshops for a child this winter.

Your generous donation through Santa Jia Xin Toys for Taiwan will cover the delicious vegan meal and treats for one child this winter in our gift creation workshop taking place throughout Taiwan. It will also benefit the delivery of staple organic plant-based food to 10 families in ChingChuan (Hsinchu) and 10 in Taitung. Each family we support may have anywhere from one to six children to feed. To make this a reality, we need to raise close to $8,000 USD but we will do what we can with however much we are funded.

Our deadline is 12/10 for both monetary and items donations so we can personally deliver it to families and children in time on December 20th. Thank you!



嚮光協會在運送糧食物資的同時,也將提供家庭糧食以外的必需物資,像是讓家庭與孩子們保持溫暖的毯子、冬天外套等等。每個家庭將會有 $5,000NT 的基金用來採買大約3-5個孩子或更多的家人所需要的物資。

贊助品項: 一戶家庭新台幣5,000元~6,000元
( 愛心物資包 :  主麵食、食用油、植物奶、毯子、外套等等…)
贊助目標: 20戶愛心物資包(10戶台東;10戶清泉); 額外30戶家庭收到冬季物資
總金額: ~新台幣 150,000元


 Bright Side Projects also provides necessities and small gifts when we deliver food staples to families in 10 households in ChingChuan and 10 households in Taitung. For the cost of 5,000NT/$165 USD per household it will go to buying things that families and children need to stay warm – whether it be blankets, mittens, or winter jackets and delivery to them. Remember that in each household, generally there are around 3-5 children or more that require support.

This year we will work again with SUIIS for a majority of our staple plantbased goods. SUIIS  is Taiwan’s pioneer online vegetarian shopping platform and we are so pleased to be working with them this year on specific wishlist food staple items for 20 families who would benefit the most. We welcome everyone to directly head to their website to purchase or you can also donate funds to us as well.  When you purchase staple items for our wishlist, a percentage of their sales will be donated on top to Bright Side Projects! The two main areas for rice distribution include Wufeng’s ChingChuan (Atayal families) and Taitung’s ShinMaLan (Amis families) who we work with all year round.

If we exceed our goal, the funds will purchase more rice and other necessities for families or will continue benefit the children in the community.

Goal: 20 families; $200 USD / 6000 NT each
Directly buy: https://mall.suiis.com/product/group/3179

You can also via Bright Side Projects to support now! 


SUIIS  is Taiwan’s pioneer online vegetarian shopping platform and we are so pleased to be working with them this year on specific wishlist food staple items for 20 families who would benefit the most. We welcome everyone to directly head to their website to purchase or you can also donate funds to us as well.  When you purchase staple items for our wishlist, a percentage of their sales will be donated on top to Bright Side Projects! The two main areas for rice distribution include Wufeng’s ChingChuan (Atayal families) and Taitung’s ShinMaLan (Amis families) who we work with all year round.

If we exceed our goal, the funds will purchase more rice and other necessities for families or will continue benefit the children in the community.

Goal: 20 families; $200 USD / 6000 NT each
Directly buy: https://mall.suiis.com/product/group/3179

You can also via Bright Side Projects to support now! 


純素天堂|Vegan Heaven Organic Rice





We will be working with the former owners of bakery Vegan Heaven as they have turned into organic rice farmers for our rice staple. Support local farmers and families! If we exceed our goal, the funds will purchase more rice and other necessities for families or will continue benefit the children in the community. Donate any amount to support now!

Goal: 20 families each 2-4 KG.
4KG = $20 USD

Total Goal ~$450 USD / 14,400 NTD

2023年冬至慶典 | 活動計畫

又到了分享歲末祝福的時刻!嚮光正在籌備第 12 個禮物創作工作坊,節慶不只是能收禮物,也是個能好好相聚的機會。

孩子和樂齡將會學到 : 烘焙基礎知識、認識台灣的慈善團體與動保組織
。人際交流能力 : 互動、合作、溝通、同理心


11/11 苗栗幼安教養院
11/24 南港弘道據點
12/2 桃園睦祥育幼院
12/9 清泉部落
12/19 清泉部落物資
1/6 萬華新安里據點
1/13 台東新馬蘭部落
1/14 台東新馬蘭部落物資




2023 JiaXin Doggy Cookies for Charity

Bright Side Projects is adamant about empowerment and will look to collaborating woodcraft teacher. Kids can choose to keep their creations or gift it to someone else! We hope that by being able to give back, the kids feel that they have control in their own lives by being able to help others. In spending time with them, we will also create holiday sweets together made from scratch, such as strawberry daifuku, vegan chocolate mug cakes, with coconut whipped cream and delicious gingerbread cookies. This year we will be making doing something meaningful – making doggy treats to donate to Mary’s Doggies so lovable furry friends can be socialized for their furever homes! We are all capable of helping others and making a difference!

Donate just 1000NT/$35USD to this amazing one of a kind workshop

Dates: 2022/12/3-2023/1/14
Six Locations: Taitung ShinmaLan Tribe, ChingChuan, Taoyuan Mushiang Children’s Home, Wanhua Community Center, Nangang Center for Older Persons, Miaoli YuAn Center for those with Disabilities
Target: 65-100 mainly youths, age 5-18 ; Older Persons 65 and above

Support Now!


街坊人物專訪 Interview| 佳欣 Jia-Xin