只有您的支持和參與,嚮光才能不間斷地運轉。 以下你可以找到許多不同的方式來成為我們的一員;無論是成為大朋友志工、企業贊助、為孩子提供營養豐富的植物基底膳食、為孩子提供教育基金、和我們舉辦募款活動、或是成為實習生,我們都很樂意!加入我們的行列,讓台灣的孩子和社會的未來更加光明。
Bright Side Projects can only exist with your support and involvement. Below you can find ways to get involved; whether it’s becoming a Big Friend volunteer, corporate support, funding kid’s nutritious plant-based meals, providing for their education, creating a fundraising event for us, joining as an intern, we would love and need you to come onboard so we can make the future a bit brighter for our kids and society.