Net Impact 的一項研究顯示,超過半數的人希望在工作上或所屬的企業能為社會帶來正面影響,也表示這樣的正面影響力為他們帶來快樂。
Enrich your company’s culture and children’s lives through small acts of kindness
Bright Side and our kids need you to be a part of the solution! Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a company’s sense of responsibility towards the community and environment and there is no better way to act upon both than by collaborating with us.
Bright Side Projects is a creation empowerment charity that cares about our youth and the environment; we can find unique ways to engage your company and team to better the lives of children in Taiwan. For the children to be able to experience love and care makes a difference for a brighter future for all.
* Enhanced brand image & reputation
Your brand is no longer seen as simply selling a product or service, but rather the sharing of specific skills and resources to make a real change in the world. A company image based on the values of empathy, environmental concern, sustainability and social action which is then reflected back to both business participants and market
*Increased sales and customer loyalty
Customers will want to support a business that does good for the community. This is because when the customer supports that business, they are also helping themselves in the future.
*Increased ability to attract and retain employees
A survey conducted on “Net Impact” found that more than half of workers wish to be a part of a company where they can make an impact, and that making an impact would make them happy.

和孩子一起玩創意 Create with children
You and your company are welcome to join an ongoing creative education workshop or create one to meet and team with children to enhance socialization and their future success.
贊助嚮光孩子 Sponsor children
Support what we do, provide much needed resources so that kids they require. Consider an annual donation or getting staff onboard to give a little each month as a company so love and care is given where it’s most needed.
給孩子的植物性飲食 Plant-based meals for kids
Cook plant-based with or for our kids, sharing food and conversations builds bonds and friendships. You can also consider donating funds for children’s nutritious meals.
企業社會責任 活動報告與近況
CSR Post Reports and Activities

【活動報告】:2024/12/15 「聖誕佳欣」用愛包裝,讓溫暖傳遞 x 喜鵲娛樂
能夠將愛與快樂傳遞給他人,無疑是人生中最大的喜悅。能遇見蕭敬騰和Summer,這對充滿愛心與信念的夫妻,對我們而言無比榮幸! ⭐ 影片: https://shorturl.at/8108k ⭐ 更多照片:https://shorturl.at/9LKdR 他們不僅支持了台東新馬蘭部落及竹東清泉部落的孩子們聖誕禮物和歲末工作坊,蕭敬騰 和 Summer 與整個 喜鵲娛樂團隊更親自動手包裝了近 300 份禮物,將這份愛心化作溫暖與真摯的力量。本次發放禮物及物資的用車,也是由喜鵲娛樂慷慨捐贈,才讓這份愛與溫暖得以順利傳遞。...

Corporate Sponsors and Supporters