在充滿愛與溫暖的12月聖誕節前夕,受到VAST熱情邀約,想與孩子們來一場聖誕節公益餐會,嚮光邀請萬華 台灣社區實踐協會孩子們共襄盛舉~


⭐️更多活動照片 More images:https://reurl.cc/krV2AK

萬華孩子進到餐廳後像是見到好朋友一樣,熱情地與 VAST 夥伴打招呼,儘管山海培力夏令營已經過了半年,孩子依舊印象深刻是由 VAST 舉辦的,直呼下一場是什麼時候:「我還要參加!」這給了 VAST 及嚮光團隊很大的肯定,在聖誕公益餐會上也得到孩子熱烈的回響,為明年的活動計畫增添了更大的信心!

聖誕公益餐會菜單內容是由 VAST 所精心設計的 #全素 餐點:玉米餅、田園森活、南瓜濃湯、自然捲以及豐收九宮格,每一道都別具特色,而當天正逢冬至,VAST準備了小湯圓,嚮光團隊也製作了純植布朗尼搭配Nice Cream的椰子冰淇淋,兩道甜點都深得孩子喜愛;享用完豐富的美食後,孩子們帶著 Lucile Lo提供的聖誕節頭飾,進入動手做的環節,孩子用天然素材打造自己的小小聖誕樹,活動尾聲,VAST 還拿出小禮物送給孩子們,整場驚喜不斷!

感謝 VAST 用心的籌備這場餐會,讓孩子與嚮光夥伴在瀰漫著聖誕喜悅的氛圍中共同度過一個溫馨而難忘的夜晚
聖誕快樂~Merry Christmas

We love being able to have our Wanhua youth enjoy a delicious plant-based dinner lovingly prepared by VAST Cali Eatery! 

This was an amazing year in which we were able provide the children of Taiwan with more opportunities than we ever imagined! In early May, we were fortunate enough to meet VAST at a beach clean up earlier in the year and together pieced together a surf and ocean conservation camp that turned out to be a huge success. The VAST team was one of the most professional and caring that we have partnered with.

Fast forward to year end and our kids were invited to a special Christmas dinner, sampling VAST’s potentially future plant-based spread. Kids, gifted with holiday headbands thanks to Lucile, could not get enough of the chips and tortillas. Once again VAST provided our tummies with an abundance of not only flavorful but healthy food. The evening was not limited to dinner but a mini workshop creating eco-friendly mini Christmas trees captured the kids attention for over a hour. 

After the savory meal, we paired dinner tangyuan dessert that was thoughtfully prepared by VAST in anticipation of winter solstice, with our own homemade brownies decorated with whip cream (still plant-based) and coconut ice cream sponsored by our friendly neighborhood NICE CREAM. 

And just as we thought the evening had come to a close with plenty of Christmas mingling and laughter, fashionable grey and black beanies were gifted to all. We could not have come up with a better night that had the right people, the right food, altogether at the right place. Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing everyone next year!

You can read more about the surf and ocean conservation camp here: https://reurl.cc/N4Xgo5

特別感謝: VAST | VAST Cali Eatery 南加州風格有機餐飲 | 台灣社區實踐協會