by BSP | Dec 28, 2020 | Full Hearts, MuHsiang, Post Report
當我們開始尋找一位能與孩子們一同製作精緻巧克力的專業老師,一直聽到同一個名字 —— Florian Bourquin 溥丰詠。Florian 和他的夥伴 Marie 特別從自有品牌 丰子甜點/ Panoramix Project 的工作中撥出空檔,與我們共同討論這場舉辦給孩子的歲末巧克力工作坊。 When we first asked around regarding a master who could create gourmet chocolate with our kids, one name continued to...
by Bright Side Projects | May 9, 2017 | Arts & Craft, MuHsiang, Post Report, Seasonal Specials, Youth
「孩子們很願意認真學習,不過可以感覺到在心靈深處他們需要的就是陪伴!」 “The children are so dedicated and have such a passion to learn, however, I could feel that in their hearts they also really want someone to be by their side” —大朋友 Chelsea Huang / -First Time Big Friend Chelsea Huang...
by Bright Side Projects | Mar 28, 2017 | Event Call-Out, MuHsiang
我們將會做以節慶為主題的實物跟手工藝品,像是以植物為主要食材的墨西哥點心墨西哥捲跟紙花,比娘大。 As part of our Culture, Craft, and Cuisine Series, we will be looking at the Mexican-American holiday of Cinco De Mayo (5th of May) in Muhsiang Children’s Home! (English below) 除此之為,我們也會學為什麼愛美國才會慶祝的...
by Bright Side Projects | Nov 23, 2015 | Event Call-Out, Seasonal Specials, Youth
12/5週六, 嚮光協會將在台桃園睦祥育幼院與會所的孩子共度午後時光。(English Below) 老師將帶領孩子了解衣服的來源,認識布料和衣服,想想為什麼會有這麼多二手衣。然後一起動手用不縫針線的創意方法,將回收的衣物轉變成充滿想像力的布偶。 現場一樣會為孩子準備新鮮美味的蔬食餐點和杯子但糕小點心。 大朋友任務: 1.陪伴並協助孩子完成送給自己的小禮物 2.製作杯子但糕 3.一同協助佈置及清理場地 關於SANTA JIAXIN 11月課程費用 (不含交通): 100, 200, 300 (感謝捷式股份有限公司 及 Santa...
by Bright Side Projects | Oct 2, 2015 | Arts & Craft, Mini Me, MuHsiang, Post Report, Youth
迷你我”工作坊是一系列帶領小朋友探尋內在自我的課程,孩子們將透過藝術創作的形式逐漸挖掘、認識內心中那個純粹完整的’自己’。 讓每個小朋友都能認識自己,尊重自己,表達自己,同時能尊重身邊的每一個人。 “Mini Me” is a series of empowerment courses that commands an introspection of knowing oneself first, and thus, how to interact with others. Through innovative, creative...