by Bright Side Projects | Nov 5, 2015 | Arts & Craft, Mini Me, Seasonal Specials
Share 我們將在島上進行兩項活動,希望邀請大家和我們一起創作! 1. 一層樓高的聖誕樹 內容: 我們將會在蘭恩基金會用回收保特瓶建造一棵3米高的聖誕樹。希望邀請島上的居民來一同參與並協助我們的創作過程。 日期: 2015/11/17 ~ 11/20 (可以選) 地點:財團法人基督教蘭恩文教基金會 / 台東縣蘭嶼鄉紅頭村漁人 147 號 工作任務: 1. 協助分類、清理及組合保特瓶。 2. 讓每位前來參與的大朋友都使用現場材料創作一支個人的保特瓶小風車。 了解更多: We are so...
by Bright Side Projects | Oct 2, 2015 | Arts & Craft, Mini Me, MuHsiang, Post Report, Youth
迷你我”工作坊是一系列帶領小朋友探尋內在自我的課程,孩子們將透過藝術創作的形式逐漸挖掘、認識內心中那個純粹完整的’自己’。 讓每個小朋友都能認識自己,尊重自己,表達自己,同時能尊重身邊的每一個人。 “Mini Me” is a series of empowerment courses that commands an introspection of knowing oneself first, and thus, how to interact with others. Through innovative, creative...
by Bright Side Projects | Jul 25, 2015 | Arts & Craft, ChingChuan 清泉, Event Call-Out, Mini Me, Youth
Update: We are so happy to have plant-based restaurant Mianto sponsor the main course for our upcoming workshop! 更新:很高興“米愛多”餐廳這次贊助我們美味餐桌中餐的部分! 課程目的: ”迷你我”工作坊是一系列帶領小朋友探尋內在自我的課程,孩子們將透過藝術創作的形式逐漸挖掘、認識內心中那個純粹完整的’自己’。...
by Bright Side Projects | Oct 24, 2013 | Arts & Craft, Mini Me, Post Report
The quality of a teacher is essential and this workshop proved it. Joining us for the first time with his own innovation and twists, Teacher Nat Niu was a joy to have and with return volunteer and Renaissance man James Teng, created a magical paper workshop. Despite...
by Bright Side Projects | Oct 24, 2013 | Arts & Craft, Mini Me, Post Report
The quality of a teacher is essential and this workshop proved it. Joining us for the first time with his own innovation and twists, Teacher Nat Niu was a joy to have and with return volunteer and Renaissance man James Teng, created a magical paper workshop. Despite...