當我們開始尋找一位能與孩子們一同製作精緻巧克力的專業老師,一直聽到同一個名字 —— Florian Bourquin 溥丰詠。Florian 和他的夥伴 Marie 特別從自有品牌 丰子甜點/ Panoramix Project 的工作中撥出空檔,與我們共同討論這場舉辦給孩子的歲末巧克力工作坊。
When we first asked around regarding a master who could create gourmet chocolate with our kids, one name continued to pop up – Florian Bourquin. We were elated when Florian and his partner Marie took time from their gourmet pastry business Panoramix Project to make time for our Bright Side Youth during this years chocolatier creation classes.
這些孩子今年參與的工作坊是超乎想像地棒!每年年底,我們的 聖誕佳欣 Santa Jia-Xin 工作坊總是特別注重這是個給予的季節,比起收禮物,更重視能投入時間聚在一起。這些睦祥育幼院的孩子參與製作巧克力的工作坊,親手製作美麗的巧克力禮盒,並有機會選擇給予自己感謝的人,或感謝今年如此努力的自己。為了製作巧克力調整教室的溫度,孩子從融化巧克力開始,經歷了幾個小時的課程,用生巧克力製作出美味的松露巧克力。
The kids were really in for a treat this year! At year end in our Santa Jia-Xin workshops we always emphasize on the season of giving and spending time together moreso than simply receiving gifts. The youth from Muhsiang Children’s Home were able to join a private chocolatier workshop to make beautiful gourmet chocolates and choose to give this to someone they are thankful or to for themselves. Adjusting the temperature of the classroom, youth went from melting and prepping the raw chocolate to hand creating delicious truffles over the course of several hours.
今年我們也讓這系列的工作坊更加有特色,結合了嚮光遠景計畫。讓遠景計畫的大孩子們認識更多潛在的職涯道路,並透過參與工作坊,在專業師資的注視與引導之下,習得基礎技能。由甜點主廚 Florian 與 Marie 分享專業知識,嚮光青年不僅能學習巧克力的歷史發展,踏入製作美味甜點的領域,也認識到主廚 Florian 投入多少工作時間與力量以將熱忱轉化為職業。嚮光也非常幸運地擁有來自台北寶成扶輪社的有愛的朋友們加入,贊助這場工作坊!因為有他們的資助,我們將能持續創造一個資源充足的築夢網來支持青年們發展人生規劃。
This year we also made these workshops even more special, placing it under our Brighter Futures program. In Brighter Futures kids learn about potential career paths and obtain the fundamental skill sets in workshops under the watchful eye and guidance of accredited professionals. With Chef Patisserie Florian and Marie’s know how, Bright Side youth were able to not only learn the history of chocolate, steps in the creation of the delectables, but also the amount of work and dedication it took for Chef Florian to turn a passion into a career. Bright Side Projects was also fortunate to have wonderful loving friends from the Rotary Club 台北西門扶輪社 – Rotary Club of Taipei Shihmen , Dist.3481 join us and sponsor this workshop – with their funds, we will continue to support the youth with a safety net on what it takes to achieve their dreams.
・For more on Brighter Futures:認識遠景計畫
・Support our Youth Programs:支持遠景計畫的大孩子

特別感謝 Thank you:
丰子甜點 Panoramix Project|甜點主廚 溥丰詠 Florian Bourquin|品牌經理 璩秀君 Marie Chu
睦祥育幼院 劉阿姨、叔叔|小白|葉日隆|Jason Lin(介紹寶成社)| 台北寶成扶輪社|Ooh Cha Cha( 提供升級再造的紙盒)|Jennifer J. Huang、Vegan Chef Adrian Wu(介紹主廚)|BaganHood 蔬食餐酒館(Eric、Carrie Lee、Han-chi與工作夥伴們)準備墨西哥辣燉豆、玉米餅
大朋友 Big Friends:黃怡安|劉惠萍|林建文|侯妍同|許麗偵|康珈瑋 Joyce|周子淨 Aching|馬羽安 Yu-An|林黛西 Daisy
攝影師 Photographer:aching
贊助者 Sponsors:
定期定額:陳耀祺|林孝旭|王清金|郭明進|陳彥彰|陳婕瑀|anon|Anon|Anon|趙文隆|陳惠榮|黃柏諺|葉盈蘭|Anon|Ishi Lin|梁秀珊|Anon|Anon|王俊凱|劉依融|李嘉偉|吳則葦|洪湘綾|謝心怜|Angela Lin|潘麗婉|陳煜鈞|張芷翎|楊珮寧|Anon|探索天下有限公司|黃俊益|楊涵淇|Joanne|黃靖媁|洪嘉珍|陳冠霖|陳建樺|鄭鉑翰|朱敏道|呂靜佩|陳佳妤|江炳彰|張璲麟|YuRi’s蔬食日嚐|陳冠如|蔡孟潔|莊仁生|HSIA YI WEI |何淑玲|陳怡珊|陳柏霖|Anon|李甯潔|曾于珊|林O喬|黃慧茹|綠帶純植物烘焙|吳一帆|高大仁|亞夢服飾