by Bright Side Projects | May 21, 2015 | Event Call-Out, Kitchen Table, Yummy Foods
日式 Bright Side Projects 臺灣嚮光協會 Lynn & Chloe的日本式手作烹飪用我們的手作親自融入日本的米食文化,接近夏日的季節,我們用日式剉冰來體驗日本在夏天祭典時人手一碗的經典日式剉冰! Join us for a day of creating delicious plant based Japanese meals with Teacher Lynn and Chloe Wu! Welcome to register and learn how to make delicious,...
by Bright Side Projects | Mar 9, 2015 | Arts & Craft, Event Call-Out, Youth
之前參與 BUILD A HOME 計畫的藝術家 Long Long 要回來跟孩子們一起參觀新家並舉行工作坊。我們想要邀請大家一起來,午餐時間自己動手做披薩,工作坊課程內容則是希望藉由講故事的引導, Long Long 及志工們一步步帶領著小朋友們做出好玩的藝術品。 重要必須報名: Important – you must fill out application to register: We are so excited to...
by Bright Side Projects | Dec 16, 2014 | Arts & Craft, Event Call-Out, Seasonal Specials
Teacher Snow ( 小雪人與小小藝術家 Little Snow and The Very Little Artists ) and I are continuing our third year tradition of going to Harmony Home! We want to invite you to join us as we create some simple and beautiful ornaments from with the kids to post onto a Thank You...
by Bright Side Projects | May 30, 2014 | Arts & Craft, Event Call-Out, Mad Scientist
我們要帶桃園縣睦祥育幼院小朋友一起用廢紙做的做火山,然後跟著老師調出使火山爆發的原料,探索火山的秘密!過程中小朋友可以自行發揮想像力說故事,如果有志工原意協助再把故事將被記錄下來做成小短片。Potential in the world is limitless and kids can grow up to do great things! This course will give kids a better understanding the earth we live on and how science,...
by Bright Side Projects | May 8, 2014 | Post Report, Youth
While we are focused on getting the association registered so we can begin to properly fundraise, workshops for this year have been decreased. However, interest has not waned as within 48 hours of registration our first official workshop in ChingChuan was full for...