by Bright Side Projects | Aug 12, 2017 | Disabled, Mad Scientist, MiaoLi 苗栗, Post Report
by Bright Side Projects | May 29, 2017 | Indigenous, Mad Scientist, Post Report, Taitung 台東, Youth
台東部落的孩子們都好熱情啊!報名人數大爆滿呢!原本還有點擔心因為接近考試,孩子的出席率會下降,這都要感謝郭老師一直教導孩子們負責任的觀念,讓孩子對於報名這樣的承諾認真以待,當然,對於不斷進步與推陳出新的課程,嚮光協會也會繼續努力的! With the pressure of upcoming exams, we were pleasantly surprised and honored that our workshop at FUKID was so popular, filling up fast with several...
by Bright Side Projects | Apr 11, 2017 | Indigenous, Mad Scientist, Post Report, Taitung 台東
從台北一路穿越花蓮來到鹿野,我們第一次為龍過脈部落中的普悠瑪族孩童舉辦教育工作坊。 Trekking over from Taipei to Hualien and then onto LuYe, we were excited to host our first edu-workshop for the indigenous Puyuma kids of the LongGuoMai community. (ENG BELOW)...
by Bright Side Projects | Jul 31, 2014 | Arts & Craft, Mad Scientist, Post Report, Video
I really enjoyed our first Mad Scientist class in creating the volcanoes and since due to typhoon delays, there was a lower turnout for that workshop. So I always looked forward to sharing this experience with more kids and big kids. This time I decided to undertake...
by Bright Side Projects | May 30, 2014 | Arts & Craft, Event Call-Out, Mad Scientist
我們要帶桃園縣睦祥育幼院小朋友一起用廢紙做的做火山,然後跟著老師調出使火山爆發的原料,探索火山的秘密!過程中小朋友可以自行發揮想像力說故事,如果有志工原意協助再把故事將被記錄下來做成小短片。Potential in the world is limitless and kids can grow up to do great things! This course will give kids a better understanding the earth we live on and how science,...
by Bright Side Projects | Sep 22, 2013 | Mad Scientist, Post Report, Video
A super fun class! Video HERE This was a pretty special class in part due to our newcomer teacher Clint Siu. He first contacted me via email, asking to volunteer with kids. After our initial trip to Harmony Home (his first time volunteering with children) and a...