Teacher Snow ( 小雪人與小小藝術家 Little Snow and The Very Little Artists ) and I are continuing our third year tradition of going to Harmony Home! We want to invite you to join us as we create some simple and beautiful ornaments from with the kids to post onto a Thank You tree. We might create apple lollipops as well with chocolate fondue!
Will you join us? Contact us! More in English below.
過去三年來的聖誕夜,小雪人老師和嚮光協會負責Daisy Lin都會到關愛之家看孩子,也陪他們做些美術活動。
Date 日期: 2014年 12/23 (二)
Time 時間: 18:30 – 20:00
Location 地點: Harmony Home near WanFang Hospital Station 關愛之家(靠近萬芳醫院捷運站)
Register 報名:brightside.tw@gmail.com
Class materials sponsored by Santa Jia-Xin (Bright Side Projects), 小雪人與小小藝術家 Little Snow and The Very Little Artists, and if you’d like to donate so we can do more with the budget we have, please let us know! The below are our current costs.
$500 Clay (white, red, pink, blue)黏土費用
$300 Art Materials (paper, paint, scissors, paintbrushes, etc)藝術材料費用
$500 Apple slice lollipop material (apples, black chocolate, toppings)蘋果棒棒糖食材費用
$200 Transportation and logistic fee for teacher 師資鐘點車馬費
Total: $1,500 NT 估計共1500元
Photography credit Ken Photography