還記得8月24日和25日,嚮光受邀參加VAST舉辦的「想淨辦法 永續市集」嗎?在市集中,我們的彩虹冰獲得熱烈的迴響,嚮光決定將這份甜蜜與暖心晚餐帶到我們的萬華據點,透過「作伙呷菜」的概念,與孩子及社區朋友們一同享用!
►更多活動照片 More images:https://reurl.cc/7dE4kl
在這個夏末開學之際,嚮光延續暑假VAST舉辦的「想淨辦法 永續市集」廣受好評的彩虹冰,加上簡單清爽的消暑涼麵,讓孩子們跟著大朋友們一起搓地瓜圓、切小黃瓜,孩子不僅學會了不一樣的烹飪技巧,也為自己與大朋友們帶來一頓豐盛的晚餐!寶締媽媽說平常不吃麻醬的她這次居然吃了兩碗麻醬涼麵!!

Kids in the Kitchen is back! Empowering kids to create and share plant-based meals with others in their community.
Today we were so happy to have our Wanhua kids pair up traditional cold noodles with traditional Taiwanese shaved icy for not only themselves but the social workers, volunteers, and others in the community. Slicing carrots and cucumbers, everyone was eager to help. Rolling purple yams into delicious shaved icy toppings was their favorite activity, alongside their fearful yet determined glances as they turned on the shaved icy machine. Backing away on their first try they began to have more confidence and “skill” after the first block of ice was “shaved.”
There is just a sense of pride in creating and making one’s own meal and a step even further in being able to cook for others. Many on the Bright Side Projects team don’t remember having had this opportunity in being able to do this for themselves in their youth – oftentimes it might have been an assistance here and there, but we hope to give the kids more creative rope from inception to creation and serving as we have done before in the past.
Thank you to Taiwan CPSW for this opportunity for having us and giving the kids this amazing opportunity to keep giving and make the idea of a Soup Kitchen so much more than just about receiving, but sharing!
We would love to have more chances to empower youth through not just sharing cooked plant-based meals but for them to create to share this love with others – contact us!
Thank you to 梁星宇 for letting us borrow his family’s machine for this experience!

大朋友 Big Friends:Daisy Lin|Grace Chang|Joyce Chou
攝影師:Daisy Lin
特別感謝:台灣社區實踐協會 萬華新安里|梁星宇提供的製冰機
王美惠|楊小姐|蕭敬騰|捷式股份有限公司|古*慈|宋語宸|丁林秀鸞|Elaine Kuo|吳先生|王*凌|段安玲|詹雅琳|侯詠容|黃上宸|H*****兒|洪*縵|王美惠|丁昶興|KWZ|林佳樺
…|謝*芬|簡育儒|陳*妤|Peace Be Upon You|Jack 尤|陳臻怡|李淑娟|李梅華|陳姿辰|張*君|盧家琪|余肇玲|葉宸熹|雙鳥|黃宣庭|覺心文化有限公司|施姵甫|張凱閔|林佳儀|張啓筠|希塔療癒Sofina|俞*儀|何*澤|蔡孟潔|鐘士凱|楊*慧|張加油|范宇璇|夏偉|許海晨|江佳穎|蕭靜儀|黃薇臻|陳修平|紀**|王*宇|鄭郁慧|王清金|孫婉菱|王琪|洪先生|K&J|CHENFAN|郭*銘|吳*葦|柯*慧|Jou|藍*芬|蕭敬騰的小風粉絲|林明瑾|劉依融|黃阿雙|張*慈|梁朝陽|余肇玲|林靜怡|鍾*祝|鐘士凱