街坊人物專訪| 曹佳琪


Daisy: 你是在何時、如何得知嚮光協會?為什麼想成為嚮光實習生?
Violet: 2021年5月左右,我大學即將要畢業,開始找實習機會,在國藝會的網站上看到嚮光協會的求才資訊。到嚮光官網暸解之後,協會替偏鄉孩童安排各種不同的課程及活動,並且定期的募資幫助一些家庭的日常生活。我非常喜歡小朋友,在官網提及了小朋友會參與藝術療癒的課程,由於我未來志向是從事藝文策展領域,認為這份工作不但能讓我跟更多不同的人接觸,也對志向有一定的幫助,因此決定投遞履歷報名!

D: 你覺得嚮光與其他組織有何不同之處?或是嚮光在做的事與其他組織之間有什麼區別,這有什麼重要的意義?
V: 我認為嚮光跟其他協會最大的不同,在於創意以及多元性,協會會安排各式各樣的活動讓小朋友參與,活動內容幾乎都不會重複。在我實習期間,協會也會讓實習生親自安排課程,再加以指導,我認為這是一件很棒的任務,讓剛入職場的我學習了不少,同仁也會在我們編排課程時給予指教或幫助,課程上完時,真的很有成就感,而如此一來,協會的活動內容也能更多元且創新活潑,我認為這是嚮光協會最大的優勢。

D: 在參與嚮光培力工作坊的過程中,有什麼值得紀念的時刻或與孩子們的互動讓您印象深刻?
V: 要說印象最深刻還是上我編排的「你是什麼顏色?」線上課堂的時候了,在準備以及上課前真的很緊張,並且教材要準備的齊全又要讓我能在上課時臨機應變,實作之後才知道真的不容易。一直到上課時,我的緊張反而是小朋友幫我紓解的,他們非常配合,甚至會自己丟不同的點子跟我分享,現在回想起來反而很謝謝他們,可以說我也被他們上了一課!

D: 是否有因為實習或與孩子互動,改變你未來處理問題或與孩子相處的方式?
V: 由於疫情關係,我並沒有與孩子面對面交流的機會,這是我覺得比較可惜的地方,但是有與孩子在線上聯絡的經驗,我認為孩子的反饋,或看到他們的成果照片會讓我感到先前的準備都很值得!

D: 你對孩子們有什麼期望,或是你能夠做什麼?
V: 首先當然是希望他們能在無憂無慮的環境下成長,同時以歡樂的心情為未來需要的技能做準備。嚮光的課程與活動都以非常正向、歡快的方式進行,我認為對孩子的幫助甚大,希望孩子長大後,能培養出健康正面的人格特質,並且能將這些歡樂繼續散播、傳承下去。

D: 你在線上課程期間加入嚮光,也在之後能夠重回實體課程的時候繼續投入嚮光的活動。可以與我們分享線上及實體活動對於你跟孩子們交流、建立連結的區別嗎?或甚至是在辦公室上班時的溝通與團隊合作跟在家上班時有什麼不同?
V: 在家線上工作時,雖然正職們都會定時以電話聯繫關心工作狀況,但難免還是無法即時解決疑問。到辦公室上班後,有問題可以直接問,並且也可以開始著手進行道具的準備,材料取得也更為方便在嚮光的工作氛圍很輕鬆,在辦公室工作也不會有壓迫感,因此跟在家工作相比,我更喜歡在辦公室工作。



As one of our interns that worked with us online exclusively during the peak of the pandemic in the summer of 2021, we loved 佳琪 enthusiasm that radiated through the screen even though we had never met in person. 

Her dedication, quirky creativity, talent with crafts, had us enamored with her when she continued with Bright Side Projects at our office and also on-site creating with the kids!

Daisy: How and when did you find out about Bright Side Projects and what made you want to become an intern?
Violet: Around May 2021, I was graduating from university and I started looking for internship opportunities. I saw Bright Side Projects’ posting on the National Culture and Arts Foundation looking for interns. After visiting Bright Side’s official website, I learned that the association arranges various courses and activities for children in remote areas, and regularly raises funds to help some families in their daily lives. I like children very much, and it is mentioned that children will participate in therapeutic arts courses. Since my future ambition is to be engaged in the field of art curation, I think this job will not only allow me to contact more different people, but also have a certain degree of help on my future ambition, so I decided to send my resume!

D: What do you think are unique characteristics to Bright Side Projects from other organizations?
V:I think the biggest difference between Bright Side and other associations lies in creativity and diversity. The association arranges various activities for children to participate in, and the content of the activities is almost never repeated. During my internship, the association will also let the interns arrange the courses in person and give them guidance. I think this is a great task. I have learned a lot as I just entered the workplace. Coworkers will also provide advice or help when the course is over. I really feel a sense of accomplishment, and in this way, the activities of the association can be more diverse and innovative. I think this is the biggest advantage and uniqueness of Bright Side.

D: Any memorable moments in the workshops with the children?
V: The most impressive thing was facilitating the online class “What Color Are You?” I arranged. I was really nervous about preparation and before the class, and the materials had to be well prepared and I needed to be able to adapt and react instantly during class. It’s really not easy as it seems and I realize after doing it. When I was in class, it was the children who helped me relieve my tension. They were very cooperative, and even shared different ideas with me. Looking back now, I am grateful to them. It can be said that it wasn’t a lesson that I taught them – but it was also one that they taught me!

D: Has this internship or moments in interacting with children through Bright Side Projects brought about any changes in how you approach issues/kids in the future?
V: My personality generally gets along well with children, and I also liked the innocence of children. During the internship, I was really happy at work. Although I happened to encounter the COVID, I couldn’t see the children in person, but when I was doing some beautiful props for activities in the office, I imagined the expressions on their hands when I was doing it, and I was happy while doing it. If it has changed the way I get along with children, I think that through this internship, I have become more aware of the importance of listening. Children will come up with a lot of ideas from time to time. I think that as an adult, listen carefully to what they want to say is a very important thing.

D:  How has it been working in the office as an intern and being able to tie that in with the importance of the work Bright Side does with the children when you see their faces?
V: Due to the epidemic, I did not have the opportunity to communicate with children face-to-face, which is unfortunate, but I have experience in connecting with children online. I think the feedback from children or seeing photos of their achievements will make me feel all the preparation is worth it!

D: What are your hopes for the children or what you can do?
V: The first of course is to hope that they can grow up without having to worry about anything, meanwhile preparing for the skills they will need in the future with a joyful mood. Bright Side’s courses and activities are carried out in a very positive and cheerful way. I think it is very helpful to children. I hope that when children grow up, they can develop healthy and positive personality traits, and can continue to spread and pass on these joys.

D: You were with us during online courses and continued with us when we were able to have in-person classes. Could you let us know the difference in connection and communicating with the kids online versus offline? Or even in communicating and working with BSP in the office and from home? 
V: When working online from home, although full-time employees will regularly contact by phone to care about the work situation, it is inevitable that questions cannot be solved immediately. After going to work in the office, you can ask any questions directly, and you can also start to prepare props, and it is more convenient to obtain materials. Bright Side’s office atmosphere is very relaxed, and working in the office one doesn’t feel oppressive, so rather than working from home, I prefer to work in an office.

Welcome to join in our events or if you can read and write Mandarin fluently, join us as an intern!

曹佳琪 Violet Tsao

曹佳琪 Violet Tsao

實習生 Intern


Adores arts, fond of cats and kids, likes to put on her thinking cap and has numerous thoughts passing her mind at all times. Fascinated by the bigger picture behind all kinds of things. Curious about the way things are the way they are, and willing to take her chances. For Violet, how individuals meet, influences each other and furthermore develop diversity is the most enchanting thing ever.


【活動報告】:2024/10/19(萬華)嚮食萬聖工作坊 Hell-o-ween Workshop

【活動報告】:2024/10/19(萬華)嚮食萬聖工作坊 Hell-o-ween Workshop

今天我們與孩子們共度了一個充滿創意與驚喜的萬聖節主題活動!在輕鬆愉快的氛圍中,孩子們透過食物與遊戲學習激發了想像力與手作能力。 ►更多活動照片 More images:https://reurl.cc/nv9G5D 我們先為孩子們介紹萬聖節的歷史與文化背景,接著便進入了大家翹首以盼的料理環節。孩子們化身為小廚師,製作純植萬聖節主題餐點。從水果沙拉、眼球蘇打,到番茄新豬肉義大利麵、眼球新豬肉球,以及紅絲絨骷髏頭蛋糕,每一道料理都充滿了萬聖節的創意色彩!...



嚮光與苗栗夥伴們在「植物彩繪工作坊」共度愉快的藝術療癒時光。 我們一起探索了葉子的世界,學習彩繪技巧與顏色搭配,同時也培養手眼協調能力。在輕鬆愉悅的氛圍中學習新事物! ►更多活動照片 More images:https://reurl.cc/93YG0X 課程開始時,我們與夥伴介紹今日課程所使用的葉片,讓夥伴們藉由圖片來激發創意聯想。有的夥伴在耳邊用手比出鹿角的形狀,還有人高舉雙手比出大大的「五」,展示手掌像其中一種葉子,場面非常有趣!...