街坊人物專訪|周純卉 (純純) Rhea

我們很期待有你的加入!藉由這個機會,我們想向各位介紹即將成為嚮光協會第一個正式員工的Rhea!身為大朋友近兩年,Rhea對孩子們以及小動物的關愛之心,讓她綻放光亮宛如冉升之星. Rhea的熱情是相當鼓舞人心的,我們是如此幸運有她加入行列。也誠摯邀請您參與嚮光協會的工作坊,一同感受她的熱忱

Daisy: 你是在何時、如何得知嚮光協會?為什麼想參與?
Rhea: 因為朋友小雪是合作老師,一直都有追蹤她的活動消息,終於在2014一次機會下有幸受邀參與到嚮光協會在關愛之家舉辦的聖誕節藝術創作活動,陪伴孩子一起創作,對於協會的理念很認同,也很高興自己也能出點力,從此就常常參加活動!

D: 從我們相處的這段時間以來,對於你與孩子之間互動的改變,你的感覺是如何的呢?
R: 其實我一開始不是很會跟孩童相處,比較偏向寵溺哄騙的感覺,反而讓孩子會一直使用哭鬧的方式表達自己的需求,或者是依賴大人幫他完成事物,但是經過Daisy和小雪的經驗分享,慢慢調整應對,才發現其實孩子跟大人一樣都有自己獨立思考、動手的能力,從幫他們完成作品變成引導他們完成作品,在孩子過程中一次一次的學習到種種不同的技法經驗,同時發揮他們自己的創意,很多時候真的很多驚喜。

D: 在你所參過的嚮光協會課程之中,你最喜歡哪些課程?有什麼願意與我們分享的難忘時光嗎?
R: 所有手做的課程都很喜歡,而且常常有不同的節慶主題,來自不同地方的講師帶來不同的文化,不只孩子們課上的快樂,大朋友們也玩的很開心,最讓人感動的是,一次一次的活動,對於環保、愛動物、蔬食或是弱勢關懷等的議題,協會都儘量漸漸帶入這些元素,讓課程更環保也更有意義,打開大朋友與小朋友的眼界與胸懷,不只是我們一次性的快樂課程就此打住,後續的影響也那麼重視,長期的深耕與孩童交流同時兼顧教學內容品質的提昇,真的很棒!

D: 為何你會持續參與嚮光協會的活動?
R: 因為很認同協會的理念,不只是一次性的教學,而是長期的陪伴與交流,這些過程中得到的不只是孩童的成長,還有大朋友的成長與協會的進步。

D: 你之前有帶你的雙親及家人參加嚮光協會的工作坊,你希望他們能夠從活動中得到些什麼?
R: 因為爸爸媽媽雖然退休了,但是還是有很多專長,覺得可以發揮在活動中幫得上忙,同時也讓他們接觸了解這個協會的觀念還有活動內容,學習新知,讓他們跟孩童接觸,將不同的經驗與智慧傳遞給孩子們,也從孩子、協會中,交流到與以前不同的想法與知識。

D: 你對孩子們有什麼期望,或是你能夠做什麼?
R: 對孩子的期望很簡單,希望他們可以在活動中快樂自在的學習、玩耍,把我們當成他們的夥伴:)我能做的就是持續參加協會的活動,跟協會還有孩子們一起學習,一同成長!




We want to introduce everyone to Rhea who will become Bright Side Project’s first employee! She has been with us as a Big Friend for almost two years and is a rising star that burns bright with her compassion and love for our animal friends and kids.

Rhea’s passion is absolutely inspiring – we are so lucky that she found us. We welcome you to join our workshops to get similarly infected by her enthusiasm!

Daisy: How and when did you find out about Bright Side Projects and what made you want to get involved?
Rhea: It was through a friend previously collaborated with one of Bright Side Project’s teachers, Snow Tsao, that I first came to know about the association. I had been following Snow’s updates and in 2014 had a chance to join in a year-end Bright Side event at Harmony Home for Santa Jia Xin. I’m also more than happy to be able to contribute what I can. From my experience that day playing alongside and creating art with kids, in addition other facets of Bright Side Project’s mission, that I continued joined in following workshops.

D: Since you have joined the workshops, do you believe that your relationship has changed with the children and how do you feel about it?
R: Initially, I actually did not know how to interact with children and would only coddle them, this resulting in kids getting use to crying for attention to get what they want and an increased dependency on adults. After understanding Daisy and Snow’s experience, I started to adjust myself and my perception of children. I began to treat children as adults, giving them independence and allowed them to think for themselves, having them using their hands to create, and changed from “helping” them make items and do things to encouraging and guiding them instead.

In the course of time, I could see that a child would begin to learn a variety of different techniques and start develop their own ideas. Over time, I was continuously surprised on how they expressed themselves.

D: What are your favourite classes that you’ve participated in with Bright Side Projects?
R: I love handicrafts, there’s often themes for workshops where we learn about different places and different cultures. Not only do the kids have fun but also the adults. However, what moves me is that each Bright Side workshop in the midst of fun, brings in elements stressing on our attitudes towards the environment, animals, veganism, or an empathy for others. This expands our horizons and makes the events even more meaningful beyond the conclusion of the day.

The courses are not just one-off exchanges but high quality experiences created in mind to get kids and everyone thinking on how our actions impact others in the long term. It’s really been fantastic!

D: Why do you continue to join in Bright Side Project activities?
R: I find myself agreeing with the fundamentals that association was founded upon. It’s not just one-time volunteering, but long term companionship and communication. It’s not also simply about “us” impacting children and their growth, but also very much about building friendships and how we all learn together and grow together.

D: You have brought both your parents and family to Bright Side Projects workshops before, what is it that you hope they will get from joining?
R: Both my parents are retired but have their areas of expertise so I felt that they could definitely bring in their talents to the workshops. At the same time, they could get acquainted with Bright Side Project concepts and learn new things.

Seeing how Bright Side Projects operates and joining in the fun is a great way to get to know new people and kids, perhaps come out on the other side with a new way of looking at things after this experience!

D: What are your hopes for the children or what you can do?
R: My hope is very simple – I just want them to be happy during the workshops and hope they treat me as a friend and partner. What I can do is continue to join in the activities and along with Bright Side and the kids, learn together and grow together!

We look forward to you also joining the Neighborhood and our community!

周純卉 Rhea Chou

周純卉 Rhea Chou

專案助理 & 大朋友 Big Friend & Assistant Project Manager


Freelance fashion designer . Graduated from FJUTC. Specializing in artists stage styling, fabric prints design.
Passionate about the environment, animal welfare, and social movement issues. Dedicated to being a long term volunteer for communities.



嚮光與苗栗夥伴們在「植物彩繪工作坊」共度愉快的藝術療癒時光。 我們一起探索了葉子的世界,學習彩繪技巧與顏色搭配,同時也培養手眼協調能力。在輕鬆愉悅的氛圍中學習新事物! ►更多活動照片 More images:https://reurl.cc/93YG0X 課程開始時,我們與夥伴介紹今日課程所使用的葉片,讓夥伴們藉由圖片來激發創意聯想。有的夥伴在耳邊用手比出鹿角的形狀,還有人高舉雙手比出大大的「五」,展示手掌像其中一種葉子,場面非常有趣!...

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[活動報告]:2024/09/05 (萬華) 作伙呷菜:彩虹剉冰開學涼一夏

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[活動報告]:2024/08/03 (清泉) 小小科學家:火山歷險記

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睽違10年,嚮光「小火山歷險記」又來到清泉了!與孩子們一起製作小火山,利用簡單的科學實驗,結合藝術創意與地理常識,讓孩子們體驗火山噴發的過程。 ►更多活動照片 More images:https://reurl.cc/WNbvM9 製作火山前,我們跟孩子介紹火山的小常識:火山的基本原理和台灣的火山分佈。通過簡單生動的講解,孩子了解到火山的形成過程、不同類型的火山。同時猜一猜台灣火山的分布「陽明山!」孩子大聲自信地回答著~...