Daisy: 你是在何時、如何得知嚮光協會?為什麼想參與?
蘇嘉琦: 2012年同事參與過回來分享,因為對於與小朋友互動的藝術性課程好奇,所以就報了名參加。
D: 你已經拜訪過清泉的孩子將近五年,親眼看著他們日漸成長的感覺如何?這種長期陪伴方式有跟其他團體的差別在哪裡?
嘉琦: 透過長期陪伴,你可以更瞭解孩子的個性與變化,並且知道他們對於什麼樣的領域有較大的專注力與興趣。他們也會更願意跟你聊更多。
D: 在你所參與或拍攝過的嚮光協會課程之中,你最喜歡哪些課程?
嘉琦: Artistic Expression Through Motion 是我最喜歡的課程,藝術家帶領小朋友去感覺自己的身體與環境的關係,自然而然的產生律動與舞蹈,那個時刻很令人感動。 Mad Scientist II Volcanic Eruption! 瘋狂科學家 最難忘小朋友拿著小恐龍們在編牠們與火山之間的故事那段,天馬行空,聽他們說著好可愛的故事。 金工一日體驗營 : 如果我是一個機器人 Metalsmith & MiniMe Robot 從紙張平面轉化成金屬成品,在切鋸過程中正需要長時間的專注力與耐心。雖然鋸絲一直斷,但小朋友對於切鋸金屬片時的認真神情實在是超迷人 !
D: 在嚮光協會的工作坊期間,什麼類型的照片或時光,讓你想嘗試捕捉?
嘉琦: 最喜歡捕捉小朋友專注聆聽老師上課、與沈浸在課程裡的實作時的神情。而且很喜歡觀察小朋友與大朋友們的互動,那些時刻真實而毫無紛擾雜質的干擾,彼此心靈都很純粹直接的時光會令人感動。
D: 為何你會持續參與嚮光協會的活動?
嘉琦: 因為嚮光裡的人都很棒! 很感謝嚮光讓我有機會參與小朋友們的成長,在引導他們課程的過程裡,有更多時候是被他們引領另一種想像、被他們的真誠療癒。
D: 你對孩子們有什麼期望,或是你能夠做什麼?
嘉琦: 希望這些課程與陪伴,都將在她們心裡種下一顆潛移默化的種子,去了解世界是寬廣的有很多路可以選擇,並非侷限於主流的路線與價值觀。
It has been an amazing journey in Bright Side Projects and JiaChi has been a huge part of it since 2012. So many of our beautiful memories have not only been captured by her but created by her. Her wonderful smile, gorgeous soul, and warm glow radiates the very persona of what Bright Side Projects and our Big Friends are about.
Daisy: How and when did you find out about Bright Side Projects and what made you want to get involved?
JiaChi Su: It started in 2012 when my co-worker first joined in Bright Side Projects and invited me to come along with her on their next event. Because I was curious about how an art course would incorporate an interactive aspect between kids and adults, I signed up.
D: Since you have joined the workshops for the past five years, how do you feel this long term relationship is different than other volunteer groups?
J: Through long term involvement with the kids, you can better understand their personality and also how it changes. Through long term involvement with the kids, can better understand their personality ad changes and also how to interaction with them and how to capture their attention on things they are interested in. Understanding them more and having spent time with them, they are more willing to open up to you.
D: What are your favorite classes that you’ve participated in with Bright Side Projects?
J: I loved the Artistic Expression Through Motion workshop, allowing kids to feel the environment and knowing their bodies through art creating a dance. This was very touching to see that moment.
Mad Scientist II Volcanic Eruption! was memorable as kids not only created their own volcanoes, but grabbed dinosaurs and created a story from it. Being able to listen to their stories was adorable. The 如果我是一個機器人 Metalsmith & MiniMe Robworkshop with kids creating their own mini me robots took place just last year and seeing the patience and dedication of the kids was mesmerizing!
D: What types of moments are the ones that make you want to take up the camera and snap?
J: My favorite shots are when kids are listening intently and the enthusiasm they have during the class. And I also love the interaction between the kids and Big Friends.
D: Why do you continue to join in Bright Side Project activities?
J: Because the people involved are wonderful! Thank you to Bright Side Projects for providing this opportunity to be alongside the kids as they grow! While we are navigating through the courses together, their imagination takes me on a journey that is an alternate source of true healing.
D: What are your hopes for the children or what you can do?
J: I hope that a seed is planted in the children’s hearts and minds, that the world has endless possibilities and choices outside of traditional routes and mainstream values.
We look forward to you also joining the Neighborhood and our community!

攝影師,大朋友 , 嚮光會員| Photographer, Big Friend, BSP Member
1990 Born in Taipei, Taiwan.
2012 Graduated from Fu-Jun Catholic University in the Department of Applied Arts as a Metallic Craft major.
Text, imagery, fine metallic craftwork –are all things that Jiachi loves.
She cherishes every moment experienced in life, embracing and transcribing the visceral feelings into the solidity of text and images.

「拳」神貫注 — 跨越挑戰,發現無限可能
https://youtu.be/Czvt79HfQzw 我們與拳擊教練Andre合作已將近十次,每一次的活動都充滿了學習與成長的機會。 一樣是拳擊課程,但每一次的課程進行方式都各具特色,充滿了不同的學習和挑戰。除了拳擊運動,我們也帶著孩子們探索巴西飲食文化,讓他們對世界有了更廣闊的視野。同時,我們也帶孩子們參訪UFC,拓展他們對未來職涯的探索與發展。...

【活動報告】:(南港樂齡)One Art Taipei 藝起看展
2025 年初,嚮光再次帶領南港的樂齡朋友們進入藝術的世界,開啟了新一年的美好序幕。 ⭐「樂齡培力計劃」:https://brightside.tw/older-persons-empowerment⭐ 更多活動照片: https://shorturl.at/OnagN 活動當天,我們來到了台北指標性的飯店藝術博覽會——「One Art...

在充滿溫暖與關愛的歲末時刻,嚮光帶領孩子們透過藝術創作,學習關心毛小孩與環境,共同為流浪與老年動物發聲。本次活動與「桃園市老毛秀秀同伴動物照護協會」合作,為孩子們帶來溫馨的學習與創作體驗。 ⭐️ 「藝術,讓愛發聲」系列課程: https://shorturl.at/cPk8p⭐️ 更多活動照片:https://shorturl.at/0J9pP 活動一開始,我們特別邀請大朋友Joyce的老狗狗Vic先來到現場,為孩子們的創作增添靈感。Vic可愛的模樣和溫柔的陪伴,帶領大家進入藝術創作的氛圍,也為作品背景添加了不可思議的色彩。...

【活動報告】:2024/12/15 「聖誕佳欣」用愛包裝,讓溫暖傳遞 x 喜鵲娛樂
能夠將愛與快樂傳遞給他人,無疑是人生中最大的喜悅。能遇見蕭敬騰和Summer,這對充滿愛心與信念的夫妻,對我們而言無比榮幸! ⭐ 影片: https://shorturl.at/8108k ⭐ 更多照片:https://shorturl.at/9LKdR 他們不僅支持了台東新馬蘭部落及竹東清泉部落的孩子們聖誕禮物和歲末工作坊,蕭敬騰 和 Summer 與整個 喜鵲娛樂團隊更親自動手包裝了近 300 份禮物,將這份愛心化作溫暖與真摯的力量。本次發放禮物及物資的用車,也是由喜鵲娛樂慷慨捐贈,才讓這份愛與溫暖得以順利傳遞。...