因為是嚮光協會第一次舉辦金工的課程,我們很早就開始做準備,很幸運的找到@晒閑餘的老師Emma Yi-Ting Liao來擔任本次的講師,Emma辛苦的幫我們從文華高中借來許多專業工具一路扛到清泉,舒緩我們經費不足的囧境,在課程材料上除了必要耗材,機器人所需要的金屬片,我們秉持一貫支持環保的態度,向金工社團的前輩、同學還有Emma老師輔大的學弟妹們徵求不要的廢料,大家都好熱心!讓課程可以順利進行!
After a successful series of woodcraft workshops, we were excited to have metalsmith teacher Emma Yi-Ting Liao contact us with an interest to share and create with kids! (ENG BELOW)
老師 Teacher:Emma Yi-Ting Liao: https://brightside.tw/helping-hands-liao-yiting-emma/
攝影師 Photographer:蘇嘉琦 ,鄭又綺
大朋友 Big Friends:李子權, 林伯仁, 鄒鳳庭,林明毅, Angela Lin, Noah Chen
廚師 Chef:Joanna Chou, Rhea Chou, Daisy Lin
贊助者 Sponsors: Phoebe Chung, Plants, SALADAY, Josephine Cheng
特別感謝 Special Thanks: 蘇美娟, 林育宏, 丁神父 Father Barry Martinson, 桃山國小,文華高中, 鍾宛蓉, Cerulean Skyone, 蘇志明, 顧哲偉, 溫政傑, 輔大學弟妹, iarts decor 我之藝術,
更多照片 More Pics: https://goo.gl/urAdNQ
您也可以贊助孩子,贊助我們!SUPPORT US! https://brightside.tw/donate/
After a successful series of woodcraft workshops, we were excited to have metalsmith teacher Emma Yi-Ting Liao contact us with an interest to share and create with kids! Since this was our first time collaborating on such a newly skilled activity, we started early and began calling out for materials we could borrow or re-use to make the workshop as environmentally friendly as possible. We were so fortunate for the kindness of Emma’s classmates that provided materials to us.
As we started the workshop, more kids who did not register in advance showed up due to the intriguing subject. Although we had limited materials and helping hands, we chose to not turn the children away but hope we have more opportunities in the future to have continued metalsmith workshops. A hardworking morning consisted of discussion, sketching, drawing, and sawing. We challenged the children to put more effort into the design of their metal-art with the question of “If I were a robot…” Through this mini-role play, Big Friends could get to know the kids and their dream super strength.
Our plant-based lunch was fit for royalty – preparations began the night before in the Chou household with cibatta sandwich fillings of tomatoes, cole slaw, and amazing BBQ “pulled pork” mushrooms. Locally sourced organic kale packed full of nutrients also a delicious part of the meal. Combined with homemade pumpkin soup, sweet potatoes and veggies baked in olive oil, and the fan favorite fruit salad, Bright Side Projects provides a comprehensive workshop and well-balanced meal for everyone who joins.
Before kids started up on activities again they took new Big Friends and the teachers to their school and introduced their Neighborhood. With continued sawing, hammering, and shooting animated film with the mini-me robots, the day ended on a high note. The weeks of planning and communication was worth it to see the smile on the children’s faces and their hands being able to create something they never tried before.
We need your support to continue to bring workshops such as these to communities in Taiwan. Please help us at https://brightside.tw/donate/
老師 Teacher:Emma Yi-Ting Liao: https://brightside.tw/helping-hands-liao-yiting-emma/
攝影師 Photographer:蘇嘉琦 ,鄭又綺
大朋友 Big Friends:李子權, 林伯仁, 鄒鳳庭,林明毅, Angela Lin, Noah Chen
廚師 Chef:Joanna Chou, Rhea Chou, Daisy Lin
贊助者 Sponsors: Phoebe Chung, Plants, SALADAY, Josephine Cheng
特別感謝 Special Thanks: 蘇美娟, 林育宏, 丁神父 Father Barry Martinson, 桃山國小, 文華高中, 鍾宛蓉, Cerulean Skyone, 蘇志明, 顧哲偉, 溫政傑, 輔大學弟妹, iarts decor 我之藝術,
更多照片 More Pics: https://goo.gl/urAdNQ
您也可以贊助孩子,贊助我們!SUPPORT US! https://brightside.tw/donate/