What is Bright Side Projects?
Bright Side Projects is Taiwan’s first non profit association that concurrently promotes empowerment and plant-based foods through creation and content rich activities. Plant-based meals is a unique and integral component of all of our workshops. Help us fulfill our Bright Side Projects Winter Wishlist by 12/20 to support families. We spend portion of funds buying from local farmers – when you support local farmers, you also support a nutritious plant-based meal and workshops for a child this winter.
It’s that time of the year! Join us for our 9th annual Jia-Xin Gifting and Necessities Drive! This year our gift creation workshops include three amazing pastry chefs to create gourmet chocolates with kids in orphanages and remote tribal locations in Taiwan to spread the warmth and generosity from Jia-Xin!
Campaign Period:2020/11/1 – 2020/12/20
Who we’re targeting:Necessities pack for 10 indigenous Atayal families in ChingChuan and 13 indigenous Amis families in Taitung; approx 100 youth in tribes and orphanages throughout Taiwan.
Necessities Pack include:Rice, cooking oils, noodles, blankets, jackets, etc.
Sponsor a family for $200 USD / 6000 NTD
Sponsor a child for $50 USD / 1500 NTD
Support a child’s plant-based lunch for $15 USD / 500 NTD
Our goal before 12/20 is $9,000 USD.
Your generous donation through Santa Jia Xin Toys for Taiwan will cover the delicious vegan meal and treats for one child this winter in our gift creation workshop taking place throughout Taiwan. It will also benefit the delivery of staple organic plant-based food to 15 families in ChingChuan (Hsinchu) and Taitung. Each family we support may have anywhere from one to six children to feed. To make this a reality, we need to raise close to $9,000 USD but we will do what we can with however much we are funded.
Our deadline is 12/20 for both monetary and items donations so we can personally deliver it to families and children in time in late December. Thank you!
- Goal $9,000 USD 0%
Countdown to December 20th
聖誕大使Jia-Xin 是一位慷慨熱心的臺灣小女孩,被領養後移居加拿大。2012年11月,在因緣際會之下,我收到一封來自Jia-Xin養父的電子郵件,希望可以實現他當時年僅六歲的小女兒一個願望。由於JiaXin在臺灣從未慶祝過聖誕節,她期盼能夠在這樣歡騰喜樂的節日,分送禮物給有需要的人,傳遞一點點溫暖。一轉眼,九年過去了,每一年的聖誕佳節,我們都會分送生活必需品(食物、毛毯、外套)及禮物給各地孩童,實現JiaXin的心願。除了要四處蒐集大家的愛心禮物,分送禮物的地點往往也相當遙遠,如清泉部落,往返當地需要五個小時的車程。因此,有相當程度的經費是運用在交通之上。 首先,需要兩到三輛車載滿米、麵條、毛毯,及其他的家庭所需物資送到當地。物資送達後,我們還會再回去為孩子們舉辦工作坊,讓他們了解這個節日的意義並不僅止於接受禮物,更重要的是,大家能夠花時間聚在一起。
聖誕大使Jia-Xin 的夢想是將她得到的溫暖獻給全台灣,為了不讓這段遙遠的路程阻撓我們實現她夢想的這份心意,希望您能夠在12月20日前慷慨助援!
SANTA JIAXIN is a generous warmhearted little girl who was adopted from Taiwan and is now living in Canada. By a “chance” email back in November 2012 JiaXin’s father contacted me and asked me to fulfill a wish for his then little 6 year old girl. Believing she never celebrated the holidays when she was in Taiwan, she wanted to be able to provide gifts to those who would benefit the most from a little warmth during the festive season. For the past eight years we were able to fulfill her wish via delivery of needed items (food, blankets, jackets) and gifts to the children.
In addition to picking up gifts that people donate, locations such as ChingChuan (2.5 hours each way) are quite far so a sizeable chunk of our funds are directed towards transportation. We require at least 2-3 cars filled up with sacks of rice, noodles, blankets, and other necessities for the families. We then go back at a later date for another session for a workshop with kids so that they understand the holidays are about spending time together, not just receiving gifts.
AiXin Rice Station
We will be working with local farmers from MiaoLi to source organic rice from AiXin Rice Station. Support local farmers and families! If we exceed our goal, the funds will purchase more rice and other necessities for families or will continue benefit the children in the community.
Goal: 25 families each 9 KG.
3KG = $15 USD / 9 KG = $50 USD
Sponsor a family: 50 USD/ 1500NTD
Total Goal $1200 USD / 33,750 NTD
Bright Side Projects also provides necessities and small gifts when we deliver food staples to families in 15 households in ChingChuan and 8 households in Taitung. For the cost of 3,000NT/$100 USD per household it will go to buying things that families and children need to stay warm – whether it be blankets, mittens, or winter jackets and delivery to them. Remember that in each household, generally there are around 3-5 children or more that require support. In addition we will also be conducting a Secret Santa so for those interested to receive the wishlist of a child next week, please email us at love@brightside.tw
Support one family Necessities Pack:
$100 USD / 3,000NTD
Target: 23 families (10 in ChingChuan and 13 in Taitung)
Goal: $2,300 USD / 65,000 NTD
The holidays are not just about receiving gifts but spending time together! This year we will add to holiday warmth by hosting gourmet chocolate creation workshops at the year end with various amazing pastry chefs!
Bright Side Projects is adamant about empowerment and will look to collaborating chocolatiers chefs. Kids can choose to keep their creations or gift it to someone else! We hope that by being able to give back, the kids feel that they have control in their own lives by being able to help others. In spending time with them, we will also create other holiday sweets and meals with them.
Our goal is to host approximately 80-100 youth age 3-18 years old this winter.
Kids will learn: basics of chocolate making, creation, cuisine
Interpersonal: Kindness and gratitude
Social issues: Fair trade chocolate
Campaign Period:11/15/2020 through 1/19/2021
Locations and target: Taitung indigenous Amis youth, Miaoli Shelter for youth with disabilities, Taoyuan Muhsiang Children’s Home, ChingChuan indigenous Atayal youth, Wanhua community.
We are asking for the support of $30-50 per child.
2020 Mini Chocolatiers and Chefs
【活動報告】:2024/11/23 (苗栗) 2024 暖心歲末,「藝」起畫動物工作坊
這個歲末,嚮光將舉辦一系列關於愛與祝福的工作坊,透過藝術,一起傳遞對動物的關懷! 我們與苗栗的夥伴們一起認識了新朋友——可愛的倉鼠,了解牠們的生活習性及相處方式,首次嘗試以壓克力媒材進行創作,培養專注力與協調性。大家生動地描繪出心中的「鼠鼠」模樣。 ►更多活動照片 More images: https://shorturl.at/WmSO...