老師 Teacher:Rhea Chou
攝影師 Photographer:Bob 吳軒宇
大朋友 Big Friends:Joanna Chou, Sara Chien, Rufen Cheng ,Daisy Lin
贊助者 Sponsors: 佳欣及贊助者Jia-Xin and Supporters, Rachel Huang 黃子娟, Hiro Liao, 廖國宏 , 直接跟農夫買, 蕭賀韶, 新北市私立育才雙語小學, Kevin Dam, 蕭絜, 潘怡安, 潘俊光, 鍾貴真, 傢式國際股份有限公司, Tina Chen, Soda Su, Sabrina Sutherland, Jennifer Yi, Lily Lin, 范家瑋, Jenna Cody Lynn, Lili Lin, 葛馬可 Marco Julian Grishaber
特別感謝 Special Thanks: Paula Perry, 幼安教養院同仁, Vera Lin, 直接跟農夫買
更多照片 More Pictures: https://goo.gl/l4HMcA
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This was a really special day as it was our first time to head to MiaoLi’s Yu-An Children’s Home for kids and adults with special needs! Being able to continue with Jia-Xin’s journey to the western seaboard of Taiwan this time around was a great adventure!
The staff took us on a tour of the amazing Japanese-constructed center complete with a slide from the fourth floor down to the ground level. The rays of the sunlight danced into each of the rooms, providing a cozy haven for the residents. The residents have their own chores and also create many items such as soap and baked goods for charity sales. Our team of Big Friends began to set up in the activities room after the tour with some organic local flour thanks to Buy Direct from Farmer’s [White Dolphin All Purpose Flour] and all the assortment needed to make vegan gingerbread from scratch. It was just two days prior we spent several hours at Paula Perry’s house learning how to make these cookies and were so excited to share this with kids at Yu-An Home.
Every one of the student that day was completely dedicated from creating black sugar syrup, weighing dry ingredients, mixing in wet ingredients, and the patience while the cookies baked to get icing ready. There was a lot of excitement and we are happy to include Yu-An as part of the Bright Side Projects neighborhood for 2017, next time making volcanoes!