還記得一月份時嚮光在南港據點進行新年大掃除嗎~而整理空間只是第一步,今天迎來BUILD A HOME系列的第一堂課程【空間規劃工作坊】與我們的空間設計師同時也是我們的老朋友 威震 幫助樂齡學習如何有效利用空間和設計據點內部的環境課程!

►更多活動照片 More images:https://reurl.cc/z1ek4N
▶︎了解更多樂齡培力計畫learn more about Older Persons Empowerment:





As part of our BUILD A HOME series in Nangang, we have officially started phase one in the beautification of this older folks community center! The most unique part was being able to learn and understand our bodies as being a part of this process!

After January’s  two day re-organization and clean up of the space in January, our architect Wei-Chen led our resident elders on understanding and also re-imagining their space. This felt like an intermediate level of architecture, being able to assess space and translating it into a paper draft, then rendering it into a 3D drawing – but our older friends were game into challenging themselves.

Bright Side made this into a class that fulfilled the imagining of space, what they want to do with it, and also incorporating the understanding of self – is the length of our arms from side to side the same as our height? The span of our fingers – what is that the measure of in relation to the rest of our bodies? We had everyone be responsible for their segment of the wall and count the number of steps to see how large the space was; understanding their relation to this small community center that was also their home away from home. 

Blues and oranges colors provided a touch of color for their paper draft renderings and through this process we have empowered them to take a stance on how the space will be realized. Everyone is so looking forward to the final completion in this project! Thanks to all who supported but we continue to require your funds to complete the beautification process!

老師 Teacher: 李威震
►更多認識 威震

大朋友 Big Friends: Grace Chang | Sara

攝影師 Photographer: Daisy Lin 

特別感謝: 弘道基金會 社工沛萱、尚程 |
Kimi Lee | 何宥妍

定期定額: 楊小慧