這次我們將臺灣特色小吃麥仔煎和印度國民美食烤餅帶到苗栗,與夥伴們分享美食,也將 Henna 繪畫帶入課程,讓他們在「嚮食文化探索 Culture through Cuisine」中,盡情享受美食與體驗多元文化。
►更多活動照片 More images:https://reurl.cc/70kYvd
在藝術創作的環節中,夥伴們認識印度獨特的 Henna 文化,了解其中各圖形的含意,請他們在紙張上描繪自己的雙手,並以鮮豔蠟筆繪製 Henna 常出現的元素,再將紙張上的雙手剪下,完成一雙雙充滿祝福的手!
With new green passports in hand, we made sure that our friends at MiaoLi were ready for their passport photos! Smiles and peace signs were given during their headshots. Today we took them on a trip to India with the creation of delicious naan bread and engaging our friends to utilize their dexterity to draw their hands, “henna”ize it, and cut it out.
Learning about India’s culture, architecture, and the meaning of the designs in henna drawings showed them a different part of the world; in then creating naan so they could eat it with Indian curry that we made beforehand, made this plant-based meal extra special and unique.
In addition to our savory carbs, we knew we had to add something to satiate those with sweet tooth. Taiwan’s classic peanut powder and sugar pancakes made from scratch – and made together – served as the balancing act.
While the youth and adults at Miaoli Home for the Disabled have been taken on “trips” to learn about different cultures before, this time with passports it felt like a different experience. Immigration “stamps” were also provided for the places visited, today India and on return, Taiwan. We look forward to filling up the pages of their passports and having to add extra pages in the future! Where to next?
About “Culture through Cuisine”
The Culture through Cuisine is a delicious hands on series of workshops engaging the five senses that allows everyone to experience and “travel” through different corners of the world by creating plant-based cuisine.
老師 Teacher: Jiun Lin
大朋友 Big Friends:Grace Chang|Daisy Lin | Jiun Lin | 李依諦
攝影師 Photographer :Daisy Lin | 李依諦
贊助者:何 | 林*翔 | 鄭琪 | HsiehYvonne | 吳*宜 | 陳*彤 | 知心 | 楊*淇 | 柯*芝 | 陳*琦 | 陳威任 | Anon | 有善人士_街頭捐款 | 捷式股份有限公司 | 樹林企業股份有限公司 | The Refresh | 蕭淑惠 | H*****想 | 何*玲 | 段安玲 | 系統 | Addy | 王美惠 | 洪祥凌 | 李*杉 | Coya | 瑞筑國際有限公司 | 宋語宸 | 洪*縵 | 劉*珠 | 艾多美佩甄團隊 | 李若君 | 新築窟Hsinchuku | 江山藝改所 | 小孩吃素蔬食館 | 善心人士_街頭募款 | 宋宋 | 陳*誼 | 彭*珊 | 侯詠容 | 何*婷 | 何*妍 | 呂*蓉 | 林佳蓉 | 陳俊明 | 慶菜全植物蔬食 | 吳*羚 | 陳*廷 | 王*琴 | 李*綺
定期定額: 陳耀祺 | 葉盈蘭 | 梁秀珊 | 鄭鉑翰 | 陳冠如 | 江炳彰 | 張芷翎 | 張璲麟 | YuRi’s蔬食日嚐 | 呂靜佩 | 莊仁生 | Joanne | 吳一帆 | HSIA YI WEI | 黃靖? | 探索天下有限公司 | 劉依融 | 楊*慧 | 張加油 | 范宇璇 | 夏偉 | 許海晨 | 江佳穎 | 蕭靜儀 | 黃薇臻 | 陳修平 | 紀** | 王*宇 | 鄭郁慧 | 王清金 | 孫婉菱 | 王琪 | K&J | CHENFAN | 郭*銘 | 吳*葦 | 柯*慧 | Jou | 藍*芬 | 蕭敬騰的小風粉絲 | 林明瑾 | 張*慈 | … | 梁朝陽 | 簡育儒 | 陳*妤 | Peace Be Upon You | Jack 尤 | 陳臻怡 | 李淑娟 | 李梅華 | 陳姿辰 | 張*君 | 余肇玲 | 葉宸熹 | 雙鳥 | 覺心文化有限公司 | 林靜怡 | 施姵甫 | 張啓筠 | 希塔療癒Sofina | 何*澤 | 蔡孟潔 | 鍾*祝 | 鐘士凱 | 陳盈榕 | 李政翰 | 洪先生 | Kevin | 葉*蘭 | Jack | 賴曉沛 | 林小風