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由烹煮 #純植午餐 開始,除了孩子熱愛的椰奶水果沙拉外,還有烤馬鈴薯、純植肉排瑪芬堡以及可可香蕉蛋糕;其中煎純植肉排的任務對孩子而言較為困難,他們一開始躍躍欲試,但聽到噗滋的熱油聲,立即閃得遠遠,雖然第一片肉排以烤焦收場,後來才漸漸掌握技法,面對不熟悉的事物時,失敗也是一種學習。

享用完午餐後,孩子興奮地帶著我們參觀他們的學校「桃山國小」,沿途經過搖晃的長吊橋時,大朋友的緊張不安與孩子老神在在形成有趣的對比,接著,學校操場及教學樓印入眼簾,一邊是山另一邊是溪水,這般美景讓人感到很放鬆;有孩子大聲地邀請我們 PK 籃球,在炎熱的天氣下打籃球,陽光照印在孩子的臉上曬得紅通通,實在是可愛極了!


這次的課程,除了備菜及烘焙技巧之外,安排進階的烹煮項目讓孩子體驗,從害怕熱油噴濺到順利完成餐點,可以實踐#作伙呷菜 與大家分享餐點,我們看見孩子的潛力與進步,如同狗狗訓練時可能會失敗,經過嘗試後才會成功;相信狗狗品嚐孩子手作的愛心餅乾後,能補充滿滿能量,完成更多訓練,並且找到永遠的家。

We always love coming back to ChingChuan and our kids here are always eager to learn and help in any way they can, making every creative education workshop such fun. It’s always such a treat to be able to have fun while learning and today, in the spirit of our year end Jia-Xin gift creation classes, we were also able to pass it forward and donate a little something back to charity!

Kids started off the day by making their own lunches. We had expected an overcapacity of 16 children but due to a last minute event by the school, we were given a blessing in disguise of hosting a more specialized workshop with fewer kids, meaning higher engagement. They definitely rose to the challenge and prepared food for other children who said they would join us for lunch.

Mini burgers with omnipork patties, twice baked potatoes, banana chocolate chip bread topped with whip cream, and our signature seasonal fruit salad with coconut milk were diced, chopped, grilled, and baked all by the children. This delicious meal set up them up for an afternoon of baking doggy treats to donate to Mary’s Doggies and a school tour and basketball game for our new Big Friends.

Thank you children of ChingChuan! We love to see your smiles and can’t wait to head back up to see you! I think my favorite part is being able to share experiences with friends who fall in love with the kids here so we hope others can join us on the journey in 2024!

老師 Teacher: Grace Chang
大朋友 Big Friends: Grace Chang | Tiffany Chang | Daisy Lin | 陳柏政 |  Edie Tsai 

攝影師 Photographer: Tiffany Chang | Daisy Lin 

特別感謝: 桃山國小老師林育宏 | 桃山國小校長蘇美娟 | 馬丁神父 | 哈那 Hannah | Tara (狗狗餅乾模型) | Lucile Lo (聖誕節頭飾) | Ooh Cha Cha的手作素奶油
贊助者Global Giving Donors | Lot Consulting Partners | Botega | Cantina | Nice Cream | La Locanda | Vinology | The Rosenbergs | Sharon Curtis Ramsay | Paul Tenk | Marla Rosenberg | Kaliah Ames | Rosa Dejoy | Cassie Holden |子瑀王 | 林佳醇 | 宋維君 | 簡珮如 | 張建智 | 鍾** | 潘*嘉 | 琬喬陳 | 張詩詩 | 崇安朱 | 永珍朱 | Yingting Chen | Nicolas Lin | Ting YiWU | 鄭琪 | 張毓玶 | 黃竫玟 | 鄭琪 | 梁*琴 | 蔡淑雯 | 鄭*婷 | Stacey Chang | 阿琪 | 張嘉倩 | GaoShih Syuan | PengYun wen | 玟伶賴 | 偉** | 侯惠 | ShihShi weei | 陌生人 | Fanny Chen | 函** | Maggie Lee | 黃柏涵 | 呂孟樺 | 麗雯蔡 | 柯柯 | 小可 | 朱妙清 | 黃珮瑜 | 謝依妍 | 政家楊 | 瑀菲陳 | 施小姐 | 李子瑛 | 珍瑩蘇T************g | 介翰黃 | 啟剛孫 | 陌生人 | Mandy Chen | 鄞綸王 | 呂柏璋 | 翔聖黃 | 黃侑涵 | 鏡** | A****u | CYC | P***********G | 林隆圭 | 羅舒怡 | 學正黃 | 張育菱 | Sandy | Party | Lilian | 史| 洪先生 |  葉*蘭 | 潘志明 | C******g | 黃明珠 | 邱小姐 | 劉品妡 | 林*舜 | 陳幸葳 | 李麗芳 | 黃淑貞 | 游*勳 | Jen | 李*霖 | K******i | W*****o | 李** | 李威政 | 李昶宇 | 匿名 | Chang Chia Fang | 廖國豪 | 石勝行 | 黃*俊 | Brian | 林奕翔 | 莊*蓉 | 祝你快樂 | 許淳喻 | 廖*捷 | 杜泓頡 | Sheepherder | WUHSIAO YI | 陳*琦 | 陳俊豪 | 江如穎  | 許*宜 | 方婉君 | 李湖龍 | 蘇廷倢 | 江依宸 | 無名氏 | 郭*均 | 王*洲 | 李治城 | 王恩琪 | Weichen Kung | 張凱惟 | 陳*廷 | 王*琴