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在歡樂的藝術課程後,我們為夥伴與大朋友們準備美味的香蒜麻醬麵及Omni 純素餃子,為週末午間劃下完美句點。



Bringing the beauty of nature into the classroom is one of the ways to better understand it in a different context. Being back in MiaoLi Yuan’s Shelter for People with Disabilities, our workshop learning more about leaves and nature by incorporating it into art, was therapeutic and enriching!

Getting to first know the different types of leaves and their textures and shapes and what it may resemble, engaged the students to think and focus on small differences. Selecting their favorites leaves was the second step, something beautiful and that they wanted, which would be a part of their own artwork.

We split into teams so everyone could be supportive and encourage each other, we loved that the students were very willing to get their hands dirty with the paste and have patience in learning to dab on the paint with sponge as to not ruin it. We went step by step, dab by dab, until their brilliant masterpieces slowly emerged. Not everyone’s hands were able to make all the movements in order to snip some stray leaves off but working together all artwork was tidied up to their satisfaction and in our group photo outside, artwork and students absolutely glowed.

We hope more people can join us in MiaoLi as socialization opportunities do not come often enough for our youth and adults at the YuAn center for disabled folks.

Lunch was a traditional Taiwanese cold noodle with sesame paste paired with Omniport dumplings. Although we might not be able to share food in the same room as them as in pre-COVID era, we still love to be able to share a bit of plant-based cooking and love, spreading compassion and community.

老師 Teacher: Grace Chang

大朋友 Big Friends:Grace Chang|Daisy Lin | Jiun Lin | Gin Wang | Joyce Chou | 褚若苺 | 劉品妡

攝影師 Photographer :Daisy Lin

特別感謝:苗栗幼安教養院|繪畫指導 李依諦|Edie提供的畫筆|Haichen Hsu 的烘乾機(乾燥葉子)與葉片|裴立農的木板|OmniFoods的餃子

王美惠|楊小姐|蕭敬騰|捷式股份有限公司|古*慈|宋語宸|丁林秀鸞|Elaine Kuo|吳先生|王*凌|段安玲|詹雅琳|侯詠容|黃上宸|H*****兒|洪*縵|王美惠|丁昶興|KWZ|林佳樺

…|謝*芬|簡育儒|陳*妤|Peace Be Upon You|Jack 尤|陳臻怡|李淑娟|李梅華|陳姿辰|張*君|盧家琪|余肇玲|葉宸熹|雙鳥|黃宣庭|覺心文化有限公司|施姵甫|張凱閔|林佳儀|張啓筠|希塔療癒Sofina|俞*儀|何*澤|蔡孟潔|鐘士凱|楊*慧|張加油|范宇璇|夏偉|許海晨|江佳穎|蕭靜儀|黃薇臻|陳修平|紀**|王*宇|鄭郁慧|王清金|孫婉菱|王琪|洪先生|K&J|CHENFAN|郭*銘|吳*葦|柯*慧|Jou|藍*芬|蕭敬騰的小風粉絲|林明瑾|劉依融|黃阿雙|張*慈|梁朝陽|余肇玲|林靜怡|鍾*祝|鐘士凱