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除了烹煮暖心食物和製作餅乾,我們也與孩子一起裝飾聖誕樹,好像回到 2013 年初次來到睦翔的時光,期待本週五 12/15 與您們更新嚮光在睦翔的十週年紀念貼文!

我們有許多要感謝的事,其中特別謝謝 Mary’s Doggies 所實踐的理念,曾在 2018 年一起合作,為推廣動物福利的第一個課程,那場活動是「藝術,讓愛發聲 - 穿越景框,讓愛顯影」,孩子藉由鏡頭來接觸 Mary’s Doggies 的狗狗,從害怕轉變為懂得互動且有同理心,當時有兩隻狗狗來到桃園睦翔,成為這裡的毛小孩,邀請您一同欣賞當時的紀錄影片!

As we prepared for our annual Jia-Xin gift creation workshop in Taoyuan Children’s Home, we were unprepared for the surprise that this was actually our 10th year at our “home.” 

From moving one home to the other, beautifying the home with the children and artists, we could not have imagined that ten years later we would still be creating beautiful things with our forever family! Many of the faces we had seen ten years ago we no longer saw in the workshops but instead, we have continued to keep in contact with them and see them outside of MuHsiang.

We started the day off with having the kids prepare a hearty plant-based pasta lunch for themselves and everyone at the children’s home. Bright Side’s signature fruit salad and delicious loaves of chocolate chip banana bread that would be topped with whip cream served as desserts and also snacks for later in the afternoon. Since it’s the holidays, we also prepped non alcoholic mulled wine with them that packed a punch of star anise, cinnamon, and fresh pomegranates. 

What made today an especially unforgettable day was that our kids were also able to give back to charity. Jia-Xin for the past 12 years has never forgotten the children in Taiwan and wanted to spread warmth and generosity to them – we always aim to teach others to pass it forward. This year children would be able to help stray dogs by making doggy treats for them. We learned the similarities between human and non human animals – that we all need the basics of food, care, and love. Perhaps through this small act of kindness and generosity, the treats will make a difference in the doggy’s lives. Empowering people to make a difference can be one of the most rewarding gifts and we thank you for supporting our endeavors to make our curriculum possible.

The first part of the day ended with decorating Christmas trees, which also brought us back to our first time at MuHsiang in 2013. We look forward to updating you more with our 10 year post on 12/15!

We have much to be grateful for – a huge thank you to Mary’s Doggies for all the amazing work that they do. Because of our collaboration in 2018, Taoyuan Muhsiang Children’s Home now is home to two adopted dogs. Our Paws and Pixels course was the first step in engaging a group of children who were extremely afraid of dogs to being able to interact and find sympathy with them. Feel free to watch the footage here from our Advocacy through Art animal welfare class from 2018. We also can’t wait to update you more on what will be going on in 2024.

Meanwhile, we welcome you to accompany us in the lifelong journey of growing alongside youth either via donations or becoming a Big Friend. Let’s all look forward to the next decade of making a positive difference in the world!

老師 Teacher: Grace Chang
大朋友 Big Friends: Grace Chang | Tiffany Chang | Daisy Lin | 董玲 | 賴暐婷 | 賴竑運

攝影師 Photographer: Daisy Lin 

特別感謝: 桃園睦祥育幼院 | 劉緣玉阿姨 | 小白 | Tara (聖誕樹裝飾及狗狗模型) | William  (聖誕樹及裝飾) | Lucile Lo (聖誕節頭飾)
贊助者:Lot Consulting Partners | Botega | Cantina | Nice Cream | La Locanda | Vinology | The Rosenbergs | Sharon Curtis Ramsay | Paul Tenk | Marla Rosenberg | Kaliah Ames | Rosa Dejoy | Cassie Holden |子瑀王 | 林佳醇 | 宋維君 | 簡珮如 | 張建智 | 鍾** | 潘*嘉 | 琬喬陳 | 張詩詩 | 崇安朱 | 永珍朱 | Yingting Chen | Nicolas Lin | Ting YiWU | 鄭琪 | 張毓玶 | 黃竫玟 | 鄭琪 | 梁*琴 | 蔡淑雯 | 鄭*婷 | Stacey Chang | 阿琪 | 張嘉倩 | GaoShih Syuan | PengYun wen | 玟伶賴 | 偉** | 侯惠 | ShihShi weei | 陌生人 | Fanny Chen | 函** | Maggie Lee | 黃柏涵 | 呂孟樺 | 麗雯蔡 | 柯柯 | 小可 | 朱妙清 | 黃珮瑜 | 謝依妍 | 政家楊 | 瑀菲陳 | 施小姐 | 李子瑛 | 珍瑩蘇T************g | 介翰黃 | 啟剛孫 | 陌生人 | Mandy Chen | 鄞綸王 | 呂柏璋 | 翔聖黃 | 黃侑涵 | 鏡** | A****u | CYC | P***********G | 林隆圭 | 羅舒怡 | 學正黃 | 張育菱 | Sandy | Party | Lilian | 史| 洪先生 |  葉*蘭 | 潘志明 | C******g | 黃明珠 | 邱小姐 | 劉品妡 | 林*舜 | 陳幸葳 | 李麗芳 | 黃淑貞 | 游*勳 | Jen | 李*霖 | K******i | W*****o | 李** | 李威政 | 李昶宇 | 匿名 | Chang Chia Fang | 廖國豪 | 石勝行 | 黃*俊 | Brian | 林奕翔 | 莊*蓉 | 祝你快樂 | 許淳喻 | 廖*捷 | 杜泓頡 | Sheepherder | WUHSIAO YI | 陳*琦 | 陳俊豪 | 江如穎  | 許*宜 | 方婉君 | 李湖龍 | 蘇廷倢 | 江依宸 | 無名氏 | 郭*均 | 王*洲 | 李治城 | 王恩琪 | Weichen Kung | 張凱惟 | 陳*廷 | 王*琴