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Happy Graduation to Taoshan Elementary School Class of 2024! 

There are few words that can express how much we’ve experienced together in the times we’ve spent together – from laughter to furrows of the eyebrows during workshops, from plant-based meals and post lunch times spent running around the school playground. 

The graduation started early at the Catholic Church, with our kindergarteners graduating to first grade and our six graders heading on to a new journey in life in middle school. We loved the performances and the youth and teachers sharing back the memories kids had under the guidance and care of the amazing teachers and all the staff at Taoshan Elementary School. We were so honored to be able to yet again present the graduating six graders with their own photo album books of all the time we had spent with them in creative education workshops and camps and the plant-based meals we’ve shared together – all the laughter, all the memories, and the lifelong trust we have built.

Thank you Teacher Lin and Principal for supporting Bright Side Project so we can continue to be a part of the children’s lives!

Bright Side Projects has now been a part of ChingChuan for 13 years and counting – seeing the kids whether in the workshops, the school, at the church, outside of ChingChuan, has just always been like running into and catching up with friends. 

大朋友 Big Friends:Grace Chang|Jiun Lin|Daisy Lin 

攝影師 Photographer :Daisy Lin

特別感謝:桃山國小老師林育宏 | 桃山國小校長蘇美娟 | 馬丁神父 | 哈那 Hannah

贊助者:何 | 林*翔 | 鄭琪 | HsiehYvonne | 吳*宜 | 陳*彤 | 知心 | 楊*淇 | 柯*芝 | 陳*琦 | 陳威任 | Anon | 有善人士_街頭捐款 | 捷式股份有限公司 | 樹林企業股份有限公司 | The Refresh | 蕭淑惠 | H*****想 | 何*玲 | 段安玲 | 系統 | Addy | 王美惠 | 洪祥凌 | 李*杉 | Coya | 瑞筑國際有限公司 | 宋語宸 | 洪*縵 | 劉*珠 | 艾多美佩甄團隊 | 李若君 | 新築窟Hsinchuku | 江山藝改所 | 小孩吃素蔬食館 | 善心人士_街頭募款 | 宋宋 | 陳*誼 | 彭*珊 | 侯詠容 | 何*婷 | 何*妍 | 呂*蓉 | 林佳蓉 | 陳俊明 | 慶菜全植物蔬食 | 吳*羚 | 陳*廷 | 王*琴 | 李*綺

定期定額:陳耀祺 | 葉盈蘭 | 梁秀珊 | 鄭鉑翰 | 陳冠如 | 江炳彰 | 張芷翎 | 張璲麟 | YuRi’s蔬食日嚐 | 呂靜佩 | 莊仁生 | Joanne | 吳一帆 | HSIA YI WEI | 黃靖? | 探索天下有限公司 | 劉依融 | 楊*慧 | 張加油 | 范宇璇 | 夏偉 | 許海晨 | 江佳穎 | 蕭靜儀 | 黃薇臻 | 陳修平 | 紀** | 王*宇 | 鄭郁慧 | 王清金 | 孫婉菱 | 王琪 | K&J | CHENFAN | 郭*銘 | 吳*葦 | 柯*慧 | Jou | 藍*芬 | 蕭敬騰的小風粉絲 | 林明瑾 | 張*慈 | … | 梁朝陽 | 簡育儒 | 陳*妤 | Peace Be Upon You | Jack 尤 | 陳臻怡 | 李淑娟 | 李梅華 | 陳姿辰 | 張*君 | 余肇玲 | 葉宸熹 | 雙鳥 | 覺心文化有限公司 | 林靜怡 | 施姵甫 | 張啓筠 | 希塔療癒Sofina | 何*澤 | 蔡孟潔 | 鍾*祝 | 鐘士凱 | 陳盈榕 | 李政翰 | 洪先生 | Kevin | 葉*蘭 | Jack  | 賴曉沛 | 林小風