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2024 山海培力夏令營 Part 1:https://reurl.cc/A2kykQ
2024 山海培力夏令營 Part 2:https://reurl.cc/bYXGnX
2024 山海培力夏令營 Part 3:https://reurl.cc/VMER5Y
2024 山海培力夏令營 Part 4:https://reurl.cc/nvoZ5d
一大早,我們來到了費雪奇普仕澳洲炸魚薯條 Vast Fish & Chips 的餐廳,正好餐廳旁邊是今年增設的滑板課程場地。在快樂衝浪——凱文教練專業指導下,孩子們不僅挑戰自我,還取得明顯的進步。在學習過程中,雖然孩子們偶爾摔倒,但他們毫不氣餒,鼓起勇氣,重新站起來,繼續挑戰!
中午抵達大溪國小後,孩子們按照分組開始了搭建帳篷的工作。當天的天氣非常炙熱,但有幸有VAST——A da和Kerry兩位老師耐心示範和細心指導,孩子們在短時間內掌握了搭建帳篷的技巧,每個人都對自己搭建完成的帳篷感到自豪和成就感!為晚上的露營活動順利做好準備。
我們再度邀請了海邊的接力賽——Wendy老師,帶領我們一同行動。孩子們穿著手套,拿著垃圾袋,齊心協力清理海灘上的各種垃圾。孩子們充滿熱情和決心,堅持不懈地清理海灘。我們在短短的 15 分鐘內清理了25公斤的垃圾,成果超乎大家預期!
這兩天的活動中,我們享用了來自 Omni Foods、Ooh Cha Cha 和 Fish & Chips 費雪奇普仕 澳洲炸魚薯條 的美味純植餐點的慷慨贊助。
Omni Foods 提供的純植魚柳,炸得恰到好處,口感和味道讓孩子都不可置信口中香酥的魚排是純植的,由Fish & Chips 費雪奇普仕 澳洲-炸魚薯條的提供的薯條以及香氣四溢的義大利麵,大大滿足大家的味蕾,孩子們更是一直在續盤!
晚餐時,我們特地舉辦了BBQ活動,讓孩子們親自動手烤制他們的純素漢堡。這些漢堡排由 Ooh Cha Cha 提供,搭配 Wendy 老師窯烤的時蔬,為晚餐增添了美味和營養。
過去幾個月來,嚮光和VAST攜手努力,致力於同一個目標。能夠與 VAST 合作是一種幸運,他們擁有豐富的活動經驗,共享資源,並且對CSR ( 企業社會責任 ),投注了承諾和熱情,這些是我們最欣賞的地方。
感謝我們的合作夥伴,也感謝每一位贊助者,正是因為你們的支持,嚮光得以堅持信念。我們深信人們需要關心、愛與體驗,並且我們朝著可持續發展目標 (SDG) 的方向邁進。
With years of postponement due to COVID and then typhoon, we were definitely feeling that “fifth time is a charm”!
On our second annual Surf and Ocean Conservation Camp, we were proud to be working once again with two amazing partners – VAST and Race for the Beac, also two of our great partners in SDGs. This time we not only got some amazing surf and a great beach clean in, but also skateboarding session, an additional meal prepped by teacher “Race for the Beach” Wendy paired with Ooh Cha Cha hamburger prepped grilled omnipork patties, and the kids finally got the camp aspect of “camp” – setting up the tents and spending the night!
The first day got off to a smooth start with 32 people descending in Yilan’s Toucheng’s Vast Fish & Chips. Our 20 kids from Taoyuan and Wanhua were paired up for the first item on our crazy packed itinerary – skateboarding with instructor 王葵 from Taiwan Surf Tour 衝浪工作室, who led the way for us. Kids were apprehensive as this was their first time but as they helped and assisted each other, everyone eventually was able to make their way unassisted on a skateboard, practicing their balancing skills in preparation for surfing.
After skateboarding, kids rested and built up their energy with Omnifood’s vegan fried fish, paired with Vast’s fries and tartar sauce. VAST’s founder Sam was kind enough to give the kids an overview of his company and the good they strive for for the planet, wishing kids the very best in experiencing what nature has to offer.
We headed to camp grounds with kids helping move all the equipment down and learning how to set up their sleeping quarters for the evening. Despite the blistering sun, after watching VAST’s Kerry and Ada go through the basic steps, they took on the task of completing their nests each paired with a small electric fan.
The beach aspect of our two day trip began with our stroll over to the beach with teacher Wendy ready with gloves and upcycled trash bags. Going over the environmental aspects and current climate issues we face, she stressed on the importance of not only cleaning up the beaches but also being proactive about not creating trash. With the heat we had three peoples sandals completely melt – showing us global warming in action and that it would only continue to get worse. When one of the children’s sandal completely melted from the heat of the sand we gave her a piggy back ride back to the shelter where another pair was loaned to her for the time being.
In total, 25KG of trash was cleared by our group for the day! Don’t simply look at the weight of the pickup – there were and are many small pieces of plastic and styrofoam that are most easily overlooked but often ingested or make their way into marine life which must be addressed. We look forward to other actions that we can take in our everyday lives that will make the most difference.
As we cleared up the trash around us, surf coaches were prepping for their lesson with the kids. We are so grateful for the surf teams that showed up, allotting each child to have a one on one lesson with their coach! Smiles and laughter dotted the two hour lesson. As we were “typhooned” out last year, this year we were blessed with clear skies and used Earth Amigo’s sponsored natural sunscreen for coverage.
By the end of the lesson we saw something different in the children that day – through the experience of surfing, their willingness to take on a new challenge that at the same time last year, they were scared of trying. There were kids who although are vocal in workshops, were quiet, humbled, and patient in learning the flow of the nature and how to change their attitude and stride to pace themselves. There were touching moments of the coaches sharing not just surf techniques but also these lessons of patience and the bounty that Mother Earth provides us if we can take care of her.
Heading back to camp, Wendy and a few of the kids had begun to prep plant-based dinner for us – Ooh Cha Cha’s omnifood’s hamburger patties on the grill paired with Wendy’s ground heated veggies. The night ended late with chatter and group games led by A-da.
The next morning we had to get up early for a hike up the Tsaoling Historic Trail, moving our activities from the sea up to the emerald green mountains. Burning up our calories in the sweltering heat, we were able to end the day with cold drinks back at Vast’s Eatery and a delicious vegetable pasta lunch!
The two day camp was amazing and we look forward to our continued partnership with VAST! It’s been a thrill to have been able to collaborate with a corporation that truly puts passion into CSR with the emphasis on the children and the people rather than simply just profits. We really want to thank you and everyone of our sponsors for making our camp possible – the highlight of the children’s year.
Main Sponsor: VAST
老師 Teacher:Wendy Chiang (Race for the Beach 海邊的接力賽 ) | 王葵(Taiwan Surf Tour衝浪工作室) | 紅旗(Haidia Surf 海豬仔衝浪教室) | 凱文(HAPPY SURF 快樂衝浪及滑板) | Henry(Ocean Vibes Surf 好享衝浪) | 李其軒(登山嚮導)
大朋友 Big Friends:呂文琪 | 林志達 | Edie Tsai | Daisy Lin | Grace Chang | Jiun Lin | 趙晨 | 胡祺凰 |張雅涵 | 蔡易宸 | 鄭智瀚 | 馬明毅
攝影師 Photographer/Videographer:Tony Chen 陳啟宏 | 陳建青 | Daisy Lin
特別感謝:VAST Life Taiwan | 海邊的接力賽 | Ooh Cha Cha | Fish & Chips 費雪奇普仕 澳洲炸魚薯條 | OmniFoods | 玩饗食庫Gustosa | Taiwan Surf Tour 衝浪工作室 | Ocean Vibes Surf 好享衝浪 | Haidia Surf 海豬仔衝浪教室 | HAPPY SURF 快樂衝浪 |防曬油 Earth Amigo
萬華新安里 台灣社區實踐協會 社工及孩子們; 桃園市私立睦祥育幼院 社工及孩子們
贊助者 Surf Sponsors: 蕭敬騰 | VAST 三原有限公司 | KWZ | 林佳樺 | 何 | 林*翔 | 鄭琪 | Yvonne Hsieh | 吳*宜 | 陳*彤 | 知心 | 楊*淇 | 柯*芝 | 陳*琦 | The Refresh