Without any further delay we were so happy to make it back to ChingChuan and have our amazing guest musicians Faye Hong Band head the way up there with us to perform at the new artist village! English below
吃完自製的美味純素午餐,先登場的是介紹愚人節由來和法國愚人節傳統Poisson D’avril的遊戲。孩子們首先用蠟筆在紙上畫出自己最喜歡的魚,然後用剪刀剪下。就地圍成一圈後,孩子們分別介紹自己的魚的名字、牠住在哪裡,再創造出獨一無二屬於牠的聲音。藉由讓孩子自己創作屬於自己的魚,大朋友志工們引導孩子思考海洋保育的重要性,每一種魚在生態圈中都扮演著重要的角色,缺一不可。由此引導孩子思考在日常生活中能做什麼來保護海洋與環境、保護魚類和我們唯一的地球。
更多照片: https://bit.ly/2JIJXo
老師 Teacher:Faye Hong Band 飛鴻樂團|Jessica Yang
攝影師 Photographer: 鄭又綺, Danny Lin
大朋友 Big Friends:鄭穎樺 | 林若茵 | 杜婉君 | 張晉豪 | 吳志隆
廚師 Chef:Daisy Lin | 清泉孩子
特別感謝 Special Thanks: Brian Lin | 清泉藝術村 Besu | Laling Yumin, 桃山國小林育宏老楊涵淇
贊助者 Sponsors: 王淑貞 | 陳杰妤 | 葉盈蘭 | 林奕希 | 江明儒 | 林彤珊 | 陳瑞城 | 姚茶瓊 | Sarah Milne | 廖晨翔 | 鄭錦芬 | Jet Sunny 捷式股份有限公司 | 王祥蓉 | 杜婉君 | 李姿慧 | Lulu Chandler | 陳思穎 | 王博葦 | 李靖棠 | 龔韋貞 | 鄭穎樺 | 廖明捷 | 梁凱勛 | World Wide Vegan Bake Sale \ Ooh Cha Cha ( Mai Bach ) | Plants ( Lily Lin & Square Jao ) 甜素烘焙工作室 – Sweet Vegan (Julia Ju )| Karen Yang | Paula’s Brownies and Pinata ( Paula Perry ) | 娜野蔬院|What The Flöwers Vegan Kitchen | 江山藝改所 jiang shan yi gai suo | | 墨西哥料理 teotihuacán ( Sophie Hsu ) | Esther Chu | 大武清境有機農園 Sara Chien Jed Chen || 貝多蕾納 Blossom Rena Vegan Café ( Sophie Cho ) | 嬉皮麵包 Hip Pun ( Phoebus Wu ) | 綠帶純植物烘焙 Green Bakery | Vegan Taipei | 洛米耶蔬食烘焙LUMIERE VEGAN BAKERY | 協同紅香生態農場 | 靈感咖啡 MyDesy | Nice Cream (Mirko Picerno 沛緹 )
It’s been awhile before we’ve made an overnight stay in ChingChuan and starting the day making lunch here with kids gave us a boost of energy before our music and culture workshop. Kids helped create some fantastic English muffin pizzas with vegan cheese and toppings which we paired with our freshly made homemade pesto pasta. Our dessert was the beloved seasonal fruit salad with coconut milk.
Learning about the French holiday “Poisson d’avril” along with social topic of environmentalism and fish gave kids some background on making their own drawings to stick on the back of others as an April’s Fools Joke. Their fish made sounds and also found their way when the Faye Hong Band performed a moving set for the children and audiences.
The next day, we woke up bright and early to prepare brunch for the indigenous kids of Taoshan elementary school who couldn’t make it to our workshop the day prior due to choir practice. They were going to be at practice again the entire day and we wanted to give them support with our plant-based spread of English muffins topped with chia blackberry jam and fresh fruit, the savory version of tofu scramble and avocados, and a superfood punch of coconut chia seed pudding with passion fruit and blueberries. We hope that you can make it next time or consider supporting our Bright Side kids in the future!
More images: https://bit.ly/2JIJXoJ