街坊人物專訪| 簡秀芳


Daisy: 您從創會開始就一直陪在大家左右,您如何看待組織的成長?
Sara: 組織更大更有規模了,人員穩定,協助小朋友更熟悉給予更多安全感。另外,志工大朋友也很固定參與,在言語及肢體動作也很正確的給予友善環境。

D: 你覺得嚮光與其他組織有何不同之處?或是嚮光在做的事與其他組織有區別,這有什麼重要的意義?
S: 最大的不同是課程活動幾乎都是全天並且供應全素蔬食餐!而且小朋友們還很愛吃!活潑有趣的課程活動,含蓋照顧到小朋友的身、心、靈!另外,循序漸進的培養小朋友的自信心及人際關係,讓他們願意對朋友家人及志工大朋友分享心情。做了這些都是教他們如何認識環境、認識如何友善對待人事物、了解在各個環境中都能自處不害怕,有自信、進而才能自助助人!這些是我看到與其他針對務實教育團體最大的不同。

D: 在參與嚮光培力工作坊的過程中,有什麼有什麼值得紀念的時刻或與孩子們的互動讓您印象深刻?
S: 有一次萬聖節活動教烘焙,本來很粗手粗腳的小朋友看著他們小心的舀起麵粉、糖,專注的和麵糰送入烤箱,這是一般他們在家庭生活中很難去這麼專注的去完成一件事,而且是跟所有的伙伴一起,最後因爲完成作品數量不足引發爭議,但藉此教育分享的過程,最後小朋友也破涕而笑,圓滿的過程讓我體會到生活教育對這些小朋友們真的很重要。

D: 是什麼讓你持續的支持嚮光協會?
S: 持續關懷同一個地區的小朋友變成大朋友,陪伴他們成長是我最感動的,這是一般人很難達成的。所以我才會持續支持嚮光。

D: 你對孩子們有什麼期望,或是你能夠做什麼?
S: 持續參與大朋友任務及捐款支持,期待嚮光協助小朋友人格健全建立,陪伴引導成長!



Sara has been with us before the inception of Bright Side Projects and as a founding member, an integral piece of our support system. She has been everything to us – a Big Friend, a cook, a baker, supplier of organic bananas, liaison to local organic farmers, and above all, a wonderful lifelong friend to us and the children. Sara never shies away from helping us in ways we need to especially when our resources are low and we feel like there’s no one there for us!

Daisy: You have been with Bright Side Projects since the very beginning. How do you feel the organization has grown?
Sara: The organization have definitely grown in terms of size and scale; there’s stable staff and also long term Big Friends that have known the children for years, thus creating a solid foundation and safety net. Since the Big Friend volunteers are long term, they already are pretty well versed on what the organization expects on usage of language in being kind and sending positive messages to the youth.

D: How do you feel Bright Side is different from other organizations or what is Bright Side Projects doing differently than others and how is this important?
S: Bright Side Projects creates full day workshops with plant-based meals, which is unlike any other non profit or businesses. Plus, the kids love the meals that are created in workshops that are fun and engaging. BSP cares not only for the children in their physical well-being but also their heart and their spirit, cultivating self-confidence, strengthening socialization skills for interpersonal relationships, creating a safe space for them to feel comfortable enough to share their feelings and thoughts with others.
When you take care of these small details that are so important in understanding the environment and each other, how to treat people kindly and not live in fear, having confidence will empower yourself. These are the biggest difference I see between Bright Side and other groups.

D: Any memorable moments or interactions with kids that stood out to you at Bright Side workshops?
S: I remember one workshop where we made skull pizzas with the kids – kneading the dough, filling it with “bloody” sauce, and then putting it in the oven. However, there wasn’t enough space in the oven and as it took longer than anticipated, there was not one skull for each child to eat at the same time. A few children burst into tears, so I had to tell them that sharing is very important. These life lessons within the lessons are so important.

D: Why do you continue to support Bright Side?
S: I haves seen children gorwn into young adults and become Big Friend volunteers, being with them on this life journey is amazing and this dedication difficult even for most people. This is why I continue to support Bright Side Projects; because they have and still will continue to support kids.

D: What are your hopes for the children or what you can do?
S: I hope that everyone become aBig Friend or donating to support the programs, building children’s character and being there to guide them into adulthood!

Join a workshop and come get to know us in person!


簡秀芳 Sara Chien

簡秀芳 Sara Chien

Big Friend | Member 會員|大朋友


Sara has a background in art design and hails from sunny PingTung!
She likes Taiwan, animals, and odd yet fascinating things.
Her personality is a bit picky but not overly obsessive; prefers a simple life.


【活動報告】:2025/01/04 (台東) 暖心歲末 佳欣送禮

【活動報告】:2025/01/04 (台東) 暖心歲末 佳欣送禮

歲末送暖的旅程來到台東,為當地的孩子們與每一戶家庭送上了驚喜與溫暖。這份愛與祝福不僅溫暖了冬日,也成為迎接新年最美好的回憶,完美地為這次活動劃下了句點。 ►更多活動照片: [More images] 孩子們圍繞在聖誕樹旁,輕輕翻閱每一張寫有祝福的卡片時,他們也將自己的祝福寫在卡片上,感謝來自遠方的心意。隨著禮物一一分發,孩子們的笑容如陽光般灑滿現場。有的孩子細心地拆開包裝,興奮地享受每一個小驚喜;有的孩子迫不及待地與朋友們分享快樂;還有孩子們拿著棒球奔跑,為整個午後注入了無限活力和快樂。...

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