街坊人物專訪| 呂季蓉
Daisy: 你是在何時、如何得知嚮光協會?為什麼想成為嚮光實習生?
Janice: 做志工是自己的人生清單之一,2017爬雪山時,山友和我提起嚮光協會,剛好我對兒童藝術教育很感興趣,於是在2021離開工作滿四年的建築事務所,給自己一個gap year,申請嚮光協會實習的職位。
D: 你覺得嚮光與其他組織有何不同之處?或是嚮光在做的事與 其他組織有區別,這有什麼重要的意義?
J: 之前沒有接觸過其他協會,不過得知嚮光有遠景計畫時,覺得這項計劃相當友善且實際,讓孩子有機會在踏入社會前,提供安全熟悉的環境,學習生活與職場技能。參與計畫前,我認為理所當然的生活技能,對許多偏鄉孩子而言竟是完全陌生,像是:騎乘Youbike,我們協助他從綁定悠遊卡、租借到利用google map導航上路,看著他完成自己許下的都市生活清單之一,感到無比驕傲與開心。
D: 在參與嚮光培力工作坊的過程中,有什麼有什麼值得紀念的時 刻或與孩子們的互動讓您印象深刻?
J: 謝謝嚮光夥伴和孩子們陪我度過溫暖有愛的2021,這一年帶給我的能量很滿。10月份的台東心情貼圖製造機工作坊,是以課程老師的身份回歸嚮光,在疫情趨緩後,面對面帶著孩子們活動,和他們聊聊心情,我們像朋友一般,以輕鬆遊戲的方式分享疫情期間發生的生活大小事,有興奮的、脆弱的不是那麼舒服的狀態,陪伴他們用畫筆紀錄自己的感受,我喜歡孩子總是誠實和直接的反應,和他們相處我感到特別自在,就在即將結束為期兩天的工作坊前夕,有位女孩舉手問我‘’老師,你下次還會再來部落嗎?‘’當下瞬間被這句話融化,原來在孩子心中我是有個位置,被記得的感覺很好,10月是我的生日月,這份經驗是我收到最美好的禮物之一。
D: 是否有因為實習或與孩子互動,改變你未來處理問題或與孩子相處的方式?
J: 對於承諾我會更加謹慎,以往我習慣答應要求但不一定做到,不過經過協會的價值推廣,我只答應確實能兌現的事,又或者是承諾過的事會盡可能地做到,這是對自己誠實與負責的行為。
D: 實際在培力營與孩子面對面後,在辦公室的實習的時候心裡 是否有不同的轉變呢?
J: 辦公室經常需要處理庶務行政,過程難免乏味無趣,不過在實際參與培力營後,看見孩子們熱情參與和笑容,覺得這一切過程都很值得。
J: 參與一場場的工作坊,我看見嚮光在地方深根,一點一滴用愛和時間灌溉,持續陪伴小朋友變成大朋友,我很喜歡協會與夥伴們的熱忱與實質行動,堅持做一件善的事相當不容易,我想這是為什麼會在完成實習後繼續協助嚮光協會,希望能在自己能力範圍內,以行動幫助需要的大朋友與孩子們。
D: 你對孩子們有什麼期望,或是你能夠做什麼?
J: 希望孩子們保有對事物的好奇心,無論外界如何變化,誠實面對內心的感受。
We would not be the same without Janice. She has been with us through thick and thin, at birthday celebrations for us as friends, for Brighter Future young adults, and celebrating dream birthday cakes with youth in Wanhua. She is a true part of Bright Side family and has exhibited absolute love and patience at her time with us. The dedication and passion she puts into the work is reverberated and can be felt by everyone around her, the kids included. We love that getting to know her through Bright Side Projects is just the beginning of a relationship that will last for a lifetime! Read more to get to know her!
Daisy: How and when did you find out about Bright Side Projects and what made you want to become an intern?
Janice: Volunteering is one of the things on my of my lists for living life! When I was climbing Mount Sylvia in 2017, my friend mentioned Bright Side, and I was very interested in children’s art education, so I left the architectural firm where I had worked for four years in 2021 and gave myself a gap year, applying for an internship with Bright Side.
D: What do you think are unique characteristics to Bright Side Projects from other organizations?
J: I have not been in contact with other associations before, but when I learned about Brighter Futures, I felt that this plan is very approachable and practical, providing a safe and familiar environment giving children the opportunity to to learn life and workplace skills before entering the society. Before participating in the project, life skills that I took for granted were completely unfamiliar to many rural children, such as: riding a Youbike, we were there to assist one of the youth set up an EasyCard, renting the bike, to using google map to navigate the road after lunch and ride back to the office. Watching them being able to check off one of their urban living lists, I felt extremely proud and happy.
D: Any memorable moments in the workshops with the children?
J: I just want to start by saying thank you Bright Side and the kids for accompanying me through such a warm and loving 2021! This year has really given me a lot of energy. After my six month internship was completed, I returned again in October, to a LINE sticker therapeutic art workshop in Taitung as a course teacher. This was after the COVID epidemic that summer slowed down, and we were able to meet with the kids again face-to-face and talk with them about their moods and emotions. We were like friends, and we played games in a more relaxed and casual manner. We were able to share the big and small things in life that happened during the epidemic, the exciting events and even the vulnerable moments that made them not so comfortable, and I was side by side with them to record their feelings with via art. I like that children always respond honestly and directly. I feel very comfortable with them. On the eve of the end of the two-day workshop, a girl raised her hand and asked me one simple question – ”Teacher, will you come to back next time? ” I was instantly melted by this sentence. It turns out that I have a place in the hearts of children, and it feels good to be remembered. October is my birthday month, and this experience is one of the best gifts I have received!
D: Has this internship or moments in interacting with children through Bright Side Projects brought about any changes in how you approach issues/kids in the future?
J: I will be more cautious about making promises. In the past, I was used to agreeing to requests but not necessarily fulfilling them. However, after the training that Bright Side Projects provides regarding not making promises especially to the children, I altered as much as I could to only promise to fulfill the things that could be fulfilled, or that the promised things would be fulfilled as much as possible. Acting honestly and responsibly to oneself means also acting in the same way to others.
D: How has it been working in the office as an intern and being able to tie that in with the importance of the work Bright Side does with the children when you see their faces?
J: The office often needs to deal with general affairs and administration, and the process is inevitably cumbersome and mundane. However, after actually participating in the training camp, seeing the enthusiastic participation and smiles of the children, I think all the process, however tedious, is necessary and worthwhile.
D: You were one of the interns who was with us the longest, from working in the office, to WFH during COVID, and then returning to workshops and also took the trip down to Taitung as a teacher the following year. Can you tell us how it has felt being a part of Bright Side Projects and why you continued to assist us after your official internship time was completed?J: Participating in workshops after workshops, I saw Bright Side deeply rooted in communities, fused with love and time bit by bit, and continued to accompany the children as they grow. I really like the enthusiasm and actions of the association and Bright Side partners, and insist on doing good things. Doing good is not always easy. I think this is why I will continue to help Bright Side after completing the internship, hoping to assist the young adults and the youth in need within the scope of my ability.
D: What are your hopes for the children or what you can do?
J: Hope that children will remain curious about things, and face their inner feelings honestly no matter how the outside world changes.
Welcome to join in our events or if you can read and write Mandarin fluently, join us as an intern!
呂季蓉 Janice Lu
實習生 Intern
【活動報告】:2024/11/23 (苗栗) 2024 暖心歲末,「藝」起畫動物工作坊
這個歲末,嚮光將舉辦一系列關於愛與祝福的工作坊,透過藝術,一起傳遞對動物的關懷! 我們與苗栗的夥伴們一起認識了新朋友——可愛的倉鼠,了解牠們的生活習性及相處方式,首次嘗試以壓克力媒材進行創作,培養專注力與協調性。大家生動地描繪出心中的「鼠鼠」模樣。 ►更多活動照片 More images: 這次活動特別邀請台灣愛鼠協會及黃小凡醫師帶著兩隻倉鼠——「可頌」和「小不點」,與夥伴們見面。大家驚喜地觀察倉鼠的一舉一動,對牠們的小動作充滿好奇與興奮。在黃醫師的介紹與分享,夥伴們學習到倉鼠的生活習性,並了解如何友善地與牠們互動。...
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