Dan Hards 是一位居住在台灣的藝術家、語言學家和教育家。 目前擔任台北一所學院的藝術、設計和 STEAM 課程開發負責人。
他在倫敦出生和長大,2007 年畢業,獲得了學士學位。 畢業於中央聖馬丁藝術學院,獲得著名的大和英日獎學金前往東京。他獲得了東京藝術大學藝術碩士的政府獎學金,並取得藝術碩士學位,然後前往韓國,在一家藝術雜誌擔任編輯,在業餘時間學習韓語。 幾年後他來到了台灣,在國立政治大學獲得華語獎學金學習中文。
近期,Dan 持續在開發語言學習的教育資源,為藝術合作創作圖畫,學習葡萄牙語,重新發現他對電影的熱情,學習如何烹飪。致力於用自己10 多年的教育經驗為那些不幸的人帶來改變。
Dan Hards is an artist, linguist, and educator based in Taiwan. He is the current Head of Art and Design and lead STEAM curriculum developer at an academy based in Taipei.
Born and raised in London, he graduated in 2007 with a B.A. in Fine Art from Central Saint Martins and left for Tokyo on the prestigious Daiwa Anglo-Japanese scholarship. He received an MFA on a government scholarship from Tokyo University of the Arts, before heading to South Korea where he worked as an editor at an arts magazine and studied Korean in his spare time. After a couple of years, he made his way over to Taiwan and studied Mandarin on the Huayu Scholarship at National Chengchi University.
Recently, Dan has been developing educational resources for language learning, producing drawings for artistic collaborations, studying Portuguese, rediscovering his passion for cinema, and learning how to cook. He is committed to using his 10+ years of experience as an educator to make a difference for those less fortunate.