Brent Calkins 於2008年從美國移居台灣後開始接觸衝浪,便從此愛上大海及衝浪。為了更了解台灣的衝浪 Brent 便開始蒐集台灣浪點和衝浪店家及社群的資訊。於2015年他創立 Swelleye,為台灣第一個且唯一的浪況直播和衝浪預報、衝浪資訊服務平台。
Swelleye 期望能提供台灣衝浪人美好的衝浪體驗,推行乾淨的沙灘、美麗而生機蓬勃的海洋,以及乾淨而永續的環境,相信透過教育台灣青年,便能實踐這個目標。為盡一份心力 Swelleye 捐出至少 3% 的淨利以及他們的時間,協助提供教育並改善台灣的環境。
Brent started surfing in Taiwan after moving here from the U.S. in 2008. He instantly fell in love with the ocean and surfing. In a quest to learn as much as possible about surfing in Taiwan, Brent started compiling surf info about Taiwan’s surf spots, surf businesses, and surf community. In 2015 he founded Swelleye, the first and only source of surf cameras, surf forecasting, and other surf-related resources in Taiwan.
Swelleye’s vision is to create a better surfing experience for Taiwan’s surfers, while also promoting clean beaches, clean oceans full of healthy marine life, and an environment that is clean and sustainable. Swelleye believe in educating Taiwan’s youth on the practices to achieve this, and to do their part they donate at least 3% of their net profits, as well as their time, towards the education and improvement of Taiwan’s environment.