這是我們在睦祥育幼院舉辦的第三屆 Jia-Xin的冬日慶典,但是,這是我們第一次在睦祥的新家舉辦! 我們帶來很多色彩繽紛的布料及食材,準備和小朋友一起親手製作巧克力馬克杯蛋糕!
It’s our third Santa Jia-Xin winter solstice in at MuHsiang Children’s Home ! It’s our first one based in their new home and we brought over heaps of colorful fabric and ingredients to make vegan chocolate mug cakes with! (English Below)
今天我們的老師Rhea 帶領小朋友和大朋友一步一步地製作布娃娃。休息時我們享用了一頓非常美味的蔬食午餐。午餐是Josette Penzel 準備的,她用綠豆製作菲律賓家常料理,讓我們了解菲律賓的飲食文化。我們也享用了法國吐司上面放上番薯,灑上鹽與胡椒,旁邊搭配水果沙拉。當小朋友完成布娃娃的裝飾之後,她們輪流用馬克杯製作巧克力蛋糕。Fresh Bakery & Café 很大方的提供蔬食鮮奶油給我們,好讓小朋友可以在蛋糕上做裝飾。小朋友們還把Jia-Xin 和她同學帶著愛製作,並從美國寄來的手工裝飾品擺好。
老師;Rhea Chou
攝影師:鄭又綺, 吳孟娟
大朋友: Jeff Yang, 鄭如棻, 蔡幸芳, 周郁穎, 張麗華, 周文和, 熊語僊, 林佳樺, Snow Tsao, 王思閔
美味餐桌:Josette Penzel
謝謝JIAXIN及我們的贊助者! https://wp.me/p6AHdc-1wT
感謝: 睦祥育幼院,劉緣玉, 新鮮烘培坊
Hoping to be more environmentally friendly in the future, Bright Side has begun banning plastic bottles that can be brought to workshops and look into recycled goods for the materials we use. Bright Side Projects generally bans gift-giving of toys except during our end of the year activities. This time, however, we decided to empower kids to make their own toys. Utilizing secondhand fabrics that could be made into sewless plushies kids were in charge of brainstorming, drawing, and creating their own toys.
Today we had Teacher Rhea taking us through the steps for the plushie creation with the kids and our Big Friends. We took a break for a delicious plant-based lunch prepared by Josette Penzel who introduced us to some Filipino culture via home-cooking with mung beans. This was supplemented by French bread topped with a sweet potato salt and pepper spread, alongside the staple fruit salad. After kids were done embellishing their plushies they took turns to make the chocolate mug cakes. Fresh Bakery & Café generously supplied us with plant-based whip cream which the kids had fun with in decorating their cakes. They set up the hand crafted items that were made with love by Jia-Xin and her classmates, sent from the US!
Lead Teacher;Rhea Chou
Photographers:鄭又綺, 吳孟娟
Big Friends: Jeff Yang, 鄭如棻, 蔡幸芳, 周郁穎, 張麗華, 周文和, 熊語僊, 林佳樺, Snow Tsao, 王思閔
Kitchen Table:Josette Penzel
Thanks all sponsors for Santa Jia-Xin: https://wp.me/p6AHdc-1us
Special Thanks: Mushiang Children’s Home睦祥育幼院,劉緣玉, Fresh Bakery & Cafe新鮮烘培坊
Support us: https://brightside.tw/donate/