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再次感謝各位大朋友的參與及支持,也特別感謝兩位南港大朋友 潘玉卿 和 鄭柏祿 協助台語翻譯,因為有你們,嚮光的活動才能順利圓滿????


Taking an inspiration from nature and giving it the juxtaposition of bright vivid colors we had left in acrylic paint, we decided to fuse the two together for something beautiful. With the summer weather incoming, we also decided to make it a little bit of a “Paint and Sip” creative education workshop, if you will. Non alcoholic sangrias were provided during this entertainment hour, we just wanted everything to be perfect.

This would also be the first art piece created by the older folks after we had freshened up the community center earlier in April. This was a brand new workshops created just for the older folks, keeping in mind to have demo sessions practicing their motor skills in dabbing the sponges for the enhanced effect that not only enhanced the leaves natural beauty and markings but rejuvenated them with a sharp contrast of color. 

There was some slight hesitation in the beginning as this was something no one was familiar with and the color schemes were randomly selected, as we were confident that even without pre-planning (we only ensured there were a set of light and dark) that magnificent creations could be made. We were right and everyone loved their pieces!

Thank you so much to our Big Friends Yiti for assisting with the creation of this workshop we hope to bring to Create for Love; and also Haichen Hsu for helping us dry the leaves to prep them for the workshop!

老師 Teacher: Tiffany Chang

大朋友 Big Friends: Grace Chang | Tiffany Chang | Daisy Lin | Jiun Lin | 汪皓中 | Ruriko Lee

攝影師 Photographer: Daisy Lin

特別感謝: 弘道老人福利基金會 南港據點 | 南港社工 張沛萱 | 南港大朋友 汪皓中 | 南港台語翻譯 潘玉卿 鄭柏祿 |  繪畫指導 李依諦  | Haichen Hsu 的烘乾機(乾燥葉子) | Sara Chien 的精緻玻璃壺

贊助者:Kimi Lee | 何宥妍

定期定額: 楊小慧