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嚮光致力於推廣平等的重要性,我們藉由這次攝影課程,與樂齡介紹 3/8 國際婦女節的由來、代表顏色、年度手勢與主題,並強調打破刻板性別印象,提倡平權。


此外,我們與樂齡分享手機人像基礎拍攝技巧,為了下午的「攝影小任務」做預習。平時有拍照記錄生活的樂齡,甚至還會自拍呢!除了攝影技巧,他們也認識修圖 APP「美圖秀秀」,如何使用貼圖功能來裝飾照片。


嚮光大朋友早已在休息區準備好美味的純植小點心迎接路途辛勞的樂齡。本次小點心有使用 Omnipork 新餐肉的刈包、松包子、鹹甜口味的帕里尼,以及新鮮水果。樂齡吃得津津有味,甚至搶著打包回家呢!




A simple photography class slowly evolved into something a bit more magical, a beautiful picnic outing on International Women’s Day to view the blooming flowers at DaAn Park. With some basic camera and mobile photo skills learned, we began the long MRT journey getting from Nangang to our featured destination.

Our group dressed in purple (the color designated for the day of Inclusion) arrived to a mini picnic setup with Asian western plant-based fusion in mind. Sweet and savory paninis and Omnipork supplied dumplings and Guabaos were served alongside fresh fruit and non-alcoholic red wine. The weather had been temperamental the entire week but we were blessed with fortune as by the time we stuffed our last guabao into our mouths the sun came out and the onslaught of photography began. Beautiful hues of pinks, blues, and purples framed the smiles. We made sure that the route was inclusive for all regardless of age, photo skill, or physical disabilities.

We really want to thank all everyone that made this ordinary day so extraordinary and hope you can all enjoy the photos we took and the ones that they took as well! 

老師 Teacher: Tiffany Chang

大朋友 Big Friends: Grace Chang | Tiffany Chang | Daisy Lin | 林雅鈞 | 陳蘊倫 | 簡秀芳 | 楊鑾鳳| 汪皓中

攝影師 Photographer: Daisy Lin

特別感謝: 弘道老人福利基金會 南港據點 | 南港社工 張沛萱 | Jenn Huang 相機 | OmniFoods Omnipork 的新餐肉 |松包子 | Pei-yi Han的熱壓吐司機 | 唐希璇的露營推車和野餐墊

贊助者:Kimi Lee定期定額: 楊小慧