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為了迎接企業參訪活動,我們和孩子前往 UncleQ by Veganday 純植創意料理餐廳,享受 #純植 午餐饗宴,孩子抱著期待的心情迎接兩個企業的參訪:嚮光協會以及 UFC GYM TAIWAN 內科模範館。
第二站抵達 UFC GYM TAIWAN 內科模範館,印入眼簾的是一大片明亮的落地窗及健身器材,孩子發出「哇!好壯觀!」的讚嘆,接著由營運部、業務部及教練部的工作人員介紹健身房的組織和工作內容,並設立「如何推銷商品」的任務給孩子挑戰,孩子的表現令人出乎意料。
我們選擇了 UFC GYM TAIWAN 作為這次企業參訪的目的地,主要是因為這裡是孩子們心心念念的拳擊教練 Andre Terere 所任職的企業;同時,讓孩子有機會體驗到設備齊全的訓練環境。當天邀請到拳擊教練 Andre 訓練孩子,經過50 分鐘的訓練,孩子們筋疲力盡,在返程的車上呼呼大睡,感謝 Andre 樂於陪伴孩子。
We were ecstatic to have support to be able to sponsor a Brighter Futures Initiative corporate visit to UFC Gym for our Taoyuan MuHsiang Children’s Home’s teens before the lunar new years, with a stopover at Bright Side Projects headquarters.
We picked up the teens in Taoyuan early morning on Friday and headed over to lunch at Uncle Q x Vegan Day, prepping them for the day ahead with not only a filling meal before boxing class, but things to look out for and going over questions that could be asked during the corporate visit. We want to thank Uncle Q x Vegan Day for accommodating our large group and their delicious plant-based meals!
At the Bright Side Projects office, we had a short introduction of the art gallery and the workspace environment the teens would work in if they became apprentices with us and the job tasks they would be responsible for in creation of creative education workshops throughout Taiwan.
We then headed to Neihu’s UFC Gym and the youth were immediately drawn to the impressive interior, eager to try out the machines and equipment. For the next hour and half, the UFC staff team provided a thorough introduction and examples and certifications of what it takes to run a fitness center and the career paths required from management, sales, fitness trainers, etc. Their patience with the kids and interaction were to be commended as the youth felt welcomed and were comfortable in asking questions to get to learn more.
After the “staff” training session, we entered into another type of training session – a full 50 minute fight fit course with boxing coach Andre Terere. As he had volunteered several times at Taoyuan, their faces lit up with smiles as they recognized him as a familiar face, an old friend, and also as a tormentor! The 50 minutes of non stop training from intensive drilling exercises, sprawling, burpees, squat jumps, punching grappling dummies, and kicks, the hour long ride home was met with silence and snores.
Not only did the youth state their exhaustion but added it was a fun and great experience, but they look forward to the next Brighter Futures program. We are grateful for the support for the initiative as our kids are fast growing and ready for the next chapter in life!
課程老師 Teacher:UFC GYM TAIWAN內科模範館|Andre Terere
大朋友 Big Friends:Grace Chang |Tiffany Chang|周庭榆 | Daisy Lin
攝影師 Photographer:Daisy Lin
特別感謝 Thank you:桃園市私立睦祥育幼院 |劉緣玉阿姨|小白|嘉嘉|UncleQ by Veganday 純植創意料理餐廳|UFC GYM TAIWAN內科模範館 |財團法人台灣省私立統一企業社會福利慈善事業基金會
贊助者 Sponsors:財團法人林宗毅博士文教基金會|WeBike Challenge