每次到南港陪伴樂齡總是很開心,他們樂於嘗試新事物,也讓我們可以一起學習!這次我們帶著樂齡一起烘烤 #純素 狗狗餅乾,送給 Mary’s Doggies 的毛小孩!我們鼓勵樂齡透過自己的力量幫助動物,也是一個分享愛的機會。

⭐️更多活動照片 More images:https://reurl.cc/bDXkLE



提及聖誕節,我們一起回顧嚮光的聖誕使者 – 佳欣。一位住在育幼院的臺灣女孩,六歲那年被領養到加拿大,參與了聖誕節活動並感受到前所未有的溫暖,發現是不是聖誕老公公忘記來臺灣了呢? 因此自 2012 年開始,透過嚮光於聖誕節送禮物給臺灣的孩子。今年我們也延續這份慷慨,把溫暖分享給樂齡。




We always love coming back to Nangang and our friends here are eager to learn new things because we are also learning right alongside them!

For the previous Christmas thanks to our Jia-Xin annual gift creation workshops, we made gingerbread cookies and decorated them together. This year we continued that mini tradition but made doggy cookies that would be treats donated to Mary’s Doggies. Everyone took this task seriously and made some of the best cut and best baked doggy treats of this entire season! We know that the love baked into these cookies will be tasted!  Bright Side Projects has always loved the idea of empowering communities to give back and help others and year end is the perfect opportunity to make that happen.

We began the day with beautiful festive colors of green and reds and some glitters of gold in cute headbands and santa hats. Rustic wooden ornaments were provided so that everyone could write on one side what and who they were grateful for and paint some winter themed decor on the other side. Things might have been a bit rushed – because our older friends took such pain and care into their sketches on the draft that they almost ran out of time to paint on the ornaments!  These were still completed in time for the set up and showing of the Christmas tree that we all decorated together thanks to lovely donations from our friends William and Tara! There was such joy on everyone’s faces as they put on one ornament after the next, including everyone trying to put their ornament up high, and then being able to turn on the lights and seeing how beautiful everything came together when we work and create together.

It’s interesting to think that while each day may seem the same, we have the power to make it different by our small acts of kindness, or sharing experiences with not just new friends but even old friends. We are in control of what we choose to do and we really love that our older friends can still participate in new and meaningful experiences and can take us on this journey with them!

老師 Teacher: Grace Chang
大朋友 Big Friends: Grace Chang | Tiffany Chang | Daisy Lin | Elizabeth Ting | Mai Bach | Ruriko Lee | 陳蘊倫

攝影師 Photographer: Daisy Lin 

特別感謝: 弘道基金會 社工沛萱、尚程 | Tara (聖誕樹裝飾及狗狗模型) | William  (聖誕樹及裝飾) | 桃園睦祥育幼院 | Amy (聖誕樹裝飾)| Ooh Cha Cha (奶油)| Lucile Lo (聖誕節道具)

贊助者:The Rosenbergs | Sharon Curtis Ramsay | Paul Tenk | Marla Rosenberg | Kaliah Ames | Rosa Dejoy | Cassie Holden | 高偉恩| Elizabeth Ting | Lot Consulting Partners | Botega | Cantina | Nice Cream | La Locanda | Vinology
定期定額: 楊小慧