
更多照片: https://tinyurl.com/37be6sh3





In a blink of an eye we’re ten years old! We were told from the beginning that our mission seemed illusive and other than to serve material necessities, many did not understand what more kids “needed.” They need what most of us need – to be heard, seen, and to be loved.

More images: https://tinyurl.com/37be6sh3

We have been alongside the kids and their families, gone through the growing pains of adolescence, turbulence of teenage years, and now into adulthood we are happy to report we are still continuing on this life journey with them. Through our creative education workshops that go into a deeper level on connecting and engaging youth and adults, we provided a safe space and outlet for people to be heard and to learn.

Today we had a special day with some Big Friend volunteers make and bake a multi-layer rainbow birthday cake and birthday cupcakes for ourselves. Kids were ecstatic and involved in every step of way, including sneakily taking bites of the fresh fruit and cake batter when they thought we were looking! There is no cake more beautiful than a plant-based one that is created together with compassion, love, and sprinkles!

Lunch was a hearty spread of Beyond Patty ciabatta sandwiches, bolognese pasta, and our signature fruit salad with coconut milk.  We reveled that the kids would spend this day with us and look to more time spent together in the future.

On our tenth year we are also happy to report we are providing these creative education empowerment workshops to older persons as well. After all, when we say what most of us need – to be heard, seen, and to be loved – there is no age barrier! We hope to see you in our workshops soon!

老師:Elizabeth Ting 丁維郁
攝影師 攝影師:Iris Peng 彭詩婷 | Daisy
大朋友 好友: Iris Peng 彭詩婷 | Ruriko Lee 李依昍 | Yuting Chang 張郁婷 | Edie Tsai | Lulu Chou 周穗露 | Daisy Lin

特別感謝:桃山國小 林育宏老師

贊助者 Sponsors:  Lulu Chou | 樹林企業股份有限公司 | 捷式股份有限公司 | 追溯 Hair Studio | 痞食維根 Peace Vegan | 一禾堂 – 復北店 YIIHOTANG | Janice Lu | 樹林企業股份有限公司 | H***********y | Angela Lin | 金炎沙藝坊| 陳冠丞 | 樹林企業股份有限公司 | 黃********a | Anon  | Yoga with Ruriko | 陳俊明 | C*********g | 李依昍 | 廖秋惠 | 陳*孜 | 陳*莉 | 莊淑雯 | 陳*葳 | 陳俊男 | 石勝行 | H**********************洲 | 柳*辰


Andy Hsia | Anne | Emily | G***********s | H*************************a | H*********N | JimmyPeng | Jou | LeeKimi | Makoto Hamada | MimiY | Runivore Tom | Sofina希塔療癒 | WorldVegan | 凱羚林 | 劉依融 | 台灣哪衝浪有限公司 Swelleye, Ltd. | 吳雨柔 | 夏*甄 | 孫善緯 | 宋曉君 | 康*瑋 | 張*慈 | 張*雅 | 張加油 | 張嘉耘 | 徐心怡 | 戴承正 | 施姵甫 | 施誠浩 | 曾韻安 | 李*庭 | 李Kimi | 李依昍 | 李天玉 | 李甯潔 | 林*廷 | 林*蓁 | 林佩如 | 林夏天 | 林宥瑞 | 林小風 | 林靜怡 | 柯*慧 | 梁朝陽 | 楊*慧 | 江佳穎 | 王人巧 | 王琪 | 盧家琪 | 第三空間工作室 | 芃虹商行 | 范宇璇 | 蔡孟潔 | 蕭靜儀 | 藍*芬 | 覺心文化有限公司 | 許才元 | 許海晨 | 賴曉沛 | 郭明進 | 鍾*祝 | 鐘士凱 | 陳姿辰 | 陳臻怡 | 陳韻竹 | 黃******************************a | 黃*敏 | 黃*芳 | 黃*菊 | Anon | HSIA YI WEI | Joanne | YuRi’s蔬食日嚐 | 劉依融 | 吳一帆 | 吳則葦 | 呂靜佩 | 張璲麟 | 張芷翎 | 探索天下有限公司 | 朱敏道 | 李承龍 | 李甯潔 | 林孝旭 | 梁秀珊 | 楊涵淇 | 江炳彰 | 洪嘉珍 | 洪湘綾 | 王俊凱 | 莊仁生 | 葉盈蘭 | 鄭鉑翰 | 陳佳妤 | 陳修平 | 陳冠如 | 陳冠霖 | 陳婕瑀 | 陳建樺 | 陳彥彰 | 陳怡珊 | 陳惠榮 | 陳柏霖 | 陳煜鈞 | 陳耀祺 | 高大仁 | 黃靖媁