街坊人物專訪| 羅卓琳
在協會實習了近半年的時光,不管是以實習生身份或是以朋友身份,我們真的都很喜歡Ruby (羅卓琳)!她開朗的個性讓辦公室充滿著笑聲,也在工作坊中閃閃發亮。Ruby不僅為孩子們的臉上帶來笑容,也會煮美味的全植餐點將孩子們(還有我們)的肚子餵飽飽。我們很幸運能在這個生命旅程中結識許多相信我們正在做的事情的人們,也感謝他們成為嚮光孩子支持系統不可或缺的一部分!我們祝福Ruby未來一切順利!
Daisy: 你是在何時、如何得知嚮光協會?為什麼想成為嚮光實習生?
Ruby: 在2020年年底看到國藝會網站上的徵才資訊得知嚮光協會正在徵集實習生。起初在資料查詢時看到嚮光協會的網站頁面十分簡潔精美,而且有不少孩子和志工的照片,配合網頁文字,讓我覺得這是個很溫暖友善的機構,便亦有了想成為協會實習生的念頭。
D: 你覺得嚮光與其他組織有何不同之處?或是嚮光在做的事與 其他組織有區別,這有什麼重要的意義?
R: 最大的不同在於,嚮光的對外活動和內部工作方式,皆十分緊扣並把協會的宗旨體現出來:倡導孩兒童權益、環境友善。而工作伙伴都抱有相同的理念一起合作,使整個團體能把宗旨更有效地發揮出來,以及傳遞給更多不同的人,我認為這種理念的傳遞十分具有意義。
D: 在參與嚮光培力工作坊的過程中,有什麼有什麼值得紀念的時 刻或與孩子們的互動讓您印象深刻?
R: 每次參與活動走訪不同的機構和孩子相處,每個孩子都十分溫暖可愛,讓我認知到陪伴和愛能使孩子如此快樂,更能造就他們成為如此溫暖的人,這或許與家庭背景沒什麼關係,如何培育孩子才是重點所在。
D: 是否有因為實習或與孩子互動,改變你未來處理問題或與孩子相處的方式?
R: 有,在活動過後看孩子的問卷,他們內心的想法未必在活動當刻展現出來,但不代表他們沒有更多的想法,而且他們會有些獨特的見解是大人未必想到的。我想,陪伴和耐心聆聽在和孩子互動過程中是十分重要的。
D: 實際在培力營與孩子面對面後,在辦公室的實習的時候心裡 是否有不同的轉變呢?
R: 會的,看到孩子活動過程中的雀躍和笑容,我會更加理解為何協會的每位工作人員都這麼用心規劃每一場活動或注意每一個細節,因為看得見孩子的快樂和成長實是這份工作最快樂最值得鼓舞的事,所有努力都十分值得。
D: 你對孩子們有什麼期望,或是你能夠做什麼?
R: 我希望孩子繼續保持對世界的好奇心,勇於尋找不同的答案,並且懂得欣賞和愛自己,成為自己心目中最想成為的人。我想把我學到的、會的東西告訴孩子,令他們發展出更多不同的可能。
Ruby was our intern for almost half a year and we really loved having her not just as an intern but as a friend! She filled our workplace with so much laughter with her personality and it also shone through at children’s workshops where she not only brought smiles to their faces but also filled theirs (and our) tummies with her delicious cooked plant-based meals.
We are so blessed to meet people on this lifelong journey who believe in what we are doing and become an integral part of the support system for Bright Side Youths and our Projects! We wish Ruby the best of luck in her endeavors!
Daisy: How and when did you find out about Bright Side Projects and what made you want to become an intern?
Ruby: I saw the posting for an internship opportunity on the National Culture and Arts Foundation at the end of 2020. When I looked on the website, I felt that the design was very clean and beautiful, and had numerous images of children with volunteers. Along with the text, I felt the warmth of this organization and wanted to be a part of it.
D: What do you think are unique characteristics to Bright Side Projects from other organizations?
R: I feel the biggest difference is that Bright Side Project’s working external working style and how they operate internally is children’s empowerment and being eco friendly. The people who work together are on the same page and share the same goals so that we can all communicate the same message to those outside. Being able to express the mission of Bright Side Projects is extremely meaningful!
D: Any memorable moments in the workshops with the children?
R: Every time I’ve participated in the activities in different locations, the children have been warm and adorable, making me see that nurturing them with companionship and love brings them such joy and is capable of making them into a warm person. Perhaps our backgrounds are different but it doesn’t matter; how we are able to come together to nurture children is the most important thing we can do.
D: Has this internship or moments in interacting with children through Bright Side Projects brought about any changes in how you approach issues/kids in the future?
R: Yes! After our events we read through and key in the post-event questionnaires gathered from the children. Perhaps during the workshop, not all their inner thoughts were expressed but reading through what they’ve written, I’ve come to realize it doesn’t mean that they don’t have more to share – and their viewpoints come in so many forms that adults wouldn’t have thought of. The most important thing in the process is patience and spending time listening to the children.
D: How has it been working in the office as an intern and being able to tie that in with the importance of the work Bright Side does with the children when you see their faces?
R: Definitely! Seeing the children at the workshops and the way they smile, I understand why each and everyone who is at Bright Side Projects spends so much time planning each moment of the workshop and is careful with attention to detail; because it impacts the happiness and growth of the child. Seeing children grow up with such joy also brings us absolute joy and encourages us to move forward. For them, all the effort is worth it!
D: What are your hopes for the children or what you can do?
R: I hope that children will continue to be curious about the world and be brave enough to seek different answers. I also wish that they will know to appreciate and love themselves, to become the person that they want to be. I want to take what I know and what I’ve learned to share with the kids, that the possibilities are endless and they are capable of doing more.
Welcome to join in our events or if you can read and write Mandarin fluently, join us as an intern!
羅卓琳 Ruby Lo
實習生 Intern
畢業於輔仁大學博物館學研究所及中國文學系。熱愛嘗試和見識不同事物, 認為生命的價值在於認識自己和與他人建立連繫, 在生命歷程中體會愛, 並認為愛是世界上最寶貴而使人充滿活力的酷東西!
Ruby graduated from the Institute of Museum Studies and The Department of Chinese Literature at Fu Jen University. They love to try and see different things, and believe that the value of life is to know yourself and connect with others. Ruby views the opportunity to experience love in the course of life is one of the most precious, energizing, and coolest things in the world!
[活動報告]:2024/07/03-2024/07/04(宜蘭頭城)山海培力夏令營 Surf Summer Camp
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