
身兼藝術家、教師、設計師、瑜伽士、廚師、翻譯、攝影師、插畫家、產品經理、智囊於一身的詹姆斯萬事通!在臺灣嚮光協會成立初期,我們就很幸運地遇到這位堪稱融文藝復興的燦爛於一身的佼佼者。從臺南到蘭嶼、在桃園建新家,詹姆斯多次創作、幫助我們協會,並且使我們的教學內容和孩子們的生活豐富多彩。 我們非常感謝他與嚮光間長期建立的友誼和他處女座式的可愛怪癖!

Daisy: 你是在何時、如何得知嚮光協會?為什麼想參與?
James: 2012年的夏天,朋友邀請我一起參與嚮光,為清泉部落的孩子設計一場肢體畫畫工作坊。當時我在歐洲居住六年半以剛剛搬回台灣,對台灣的一切事物和文化都感到好奇,原住民文化便是其中一個我特別想接觸卻一直沒有機會接觸的部份。所以聽說嚮光的計劃的第一時間,我立刻就決定想要參與。

D: 你已經拜訪過清泉的孩子將近五年,親眼看著他們日漸成長的感覺如何?這種長期陪伴方式有跟其他團體的差別在哪裡?
J: 最近一次上到清泉,房子和山都還是一樣,只是以前的小小孩都長大了,熟悉的孩子都下山唸書去了,那天我們做壽司,吃壽司,作瑜珈,夾流水麵線,聽說台北下了大雨,山裡卻一直出著太陽。上課到一半長大的志隆突然出現在會所對面,一樣安靜不多話,不願意靠近會所但記得每個來過山上的人,我們在同一個屋簷下待了十分鐘,沒說什麼話但心情很複雜,我走去盛了一碗湯回來他就消失了。

D: 在嚮光協會的工作坊期間,什麼類型的照片或時光,讓你想嘗試捕捉?
J: 當下覺得美好的畫面。可能是尖叫奔跑的孩子,可能是孩子閃著光的大眼睛,可能是遠方的山,或是大小孩背著小小孩排成一排走過長長的吊橋。

D: 為何你會持續參與嚮光協會的活動?
J: 第一次上山接觸清泉的孩子,也是第一次接觸泰雅族的部落和部落裡的人之後我回到城市裡,記得當時腦海裡只有一個念頭 : 我沒有上山去教他們什麼,反而是山裡的孩子們教會我好多東西。他們的生命狀態是那麼地純粹,當我回過頭來看自己在城市中生活的狀態,卻充滿了好多混濁不自然的東西。為了能持續接觸那份乾淨的純粹,我開始不斷地回到山裡去。

D: 你對孩子們有什麼期望,或是你能夠做什麼?
J: 我只希望他們都能快樂地活著,偶而想起我們一起經過的時間。

Interview|James Teng

Artist, teacher, apparel and accessories designer, yogi, chef, photographer, illustrator, production manager, intellectual – James is everything! We have been so lucky to have met this Renaissance extraordinaire at the beginning of our inception at Bright Side Projects. From Tainan to Orchid Island and Build a Home at Taoyuan, James has taken on many hats and aided the association in multiple creative directions, enriching the content of our edu-workshops and the lives of the children. We are grateful for his friendship and his Virgo-esque quirks at Bright Side!

Daisy: How and when did you find out about Bright Side Projects and what made you want to get involved?
James: In the late summer of 2012 I joined Bright Side Projects not just as a Big Friend but designed a course integrating art with body movement and dance. At that time I had just returned from living in Europe for six years and was “new” to Taiwan and curious about changes and also the indigenous culture, which I have never had contact with. Hearing about Bright Side Project’s program, I immediately decided to join.

D: Since you have joined the workshops for the past five years, how do you feel this long term relationship is different than other volunteer groups?
J: The last time I was in ChingChuan it all seemed the same – the homes, the mountains, basically the facade. However, the children have all grown up. The kids I once knew have all left perhaps to further their education elsewhere. That day we made sushi, ate sushi, did yoga, introduced “nagashi somen” or flowing noodles, and heard the news that back in Taipei city it was raining hard while the sun was out where we were. Halfway through the class Jr Lung, now grown up, suddenly appeared. He said nothing and did not want to get too close to the venue. However, despite this, he remembered each and every person who had come to ChingChuan before. We stayed under the same awning for ten minutes not saying a word. When I went to refill my bowl of soup he had disappeared. In just a flash, the children become teenagers, the teenagers leave these nestled mountains and I wonder if they will remember this day where we were together making sushi, eating sushi, partnering for yoga at the schoolyard, using chopsticks to capture the noodles.

D: In Bright Side, what are the moments that stand out to you?
J: In those perfectly composed moment, interluded by the shrill shriek and laughter of a child and their running feet. Perhaps it’s the sparkle that shines from the wide-eyed expression of the child, maybe it’s the distance of the mountains, or its the lingering shadows of the children as they run in a line over the suspension draw bridge.

D: Why do you continue to join in Bright Side Projects workshops?
The first time I went up to the mountains and met the kids of ChingChuan was also the first time I had interaction with the Atayal tribe. I remember all those years ago the thought on my mind when I went back to the city was that I was not here to teach them – but the children were the ones who have taught me so much just in a day. In their lives there is a sense of purity and straightforwardness, this muddled and unnatural cluttered in comparison to the metropolis jungle. To find footing again and reminder to restart the compass, I continue to join in Bright Side Projects.

D: What are your hopes for the children or what you can do?
J: I only hope that their lives are full of joy and perhaps once in awhile remember the happy moments of the fond times we have spent together.



滕孟哲 James Teng

滕孟哲 James Teng

攝影師,廚師,設計師,翻譯, 大朋友 , 嚮光會員| Photographer, Chef, Designer, Translator, Big Friend, BSP Member

Born in 1982 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
BA in “Man and Identity” at Design Academy Eindhoven.
Specializing in material research, interior products, exhibition space design and photography.



[活動報告]:2024/02/02 (桃園) 遠景計畫 企業參訪

[活動報告]:2024/02/02 (桃園) 遠景計畫 企業參訪

把握寒假時光,嚮光帶著桃園睦祥育幼院的孩子來到台北進行企業參訪,讓孩子們走進職場,希望透過企業參訪讓孩子能夠為未來的職業生涯提前做準備。 ►更多活動照片 More images: https://reurl.cc/77bmE9 為了迎接企業參訪活動,我們和孩子前往 UncleQ by Veganday 純植創意料理餐廳,享受 #純植 午餐饗宴,孩子抱著期待的心情迎接兩個企業的參訪:嚮光協會以及 UFC GYM TAIWAN 內科模範館。...

[活動報告]:2024/01/20 (萬華) 歲末狗狗餅乾 DIY 活動 - 毛小孩尋家大作戰

[活動報告]:2024/01/20 (萬華) 歲末狗狗餅乾 DIY 活動 - 毛小孩尋家大作戰

嚮光歲末禮物製作工作坊最終場來到萬華,大家還記得去年九月份在萬華的活動嗎?嚮光帶領孩子透過攝影認識 Mary's Doggies(瑪莉愛狗協會) 可愛的毛小孩。這次,我們與孩子一同製作美味的狗餅乾送給 Mary 的狗狗們,幫助牠們補充能量,完成訓練並且找到永遠的家~►更多活動照片 More images:https://reurl.cc/67dbzM►回顧狗狗攝影活動 Images and post report from Mary’s Doggies workshop:...

[活動報告]:2024/1/6 (台東)冬季愛心暖流歲末物資發送活動 Santa Jia-Xin Year End Necessities

[活動報告]:2024/1/6 (台東)冬季愛心暖流歲末物資發送活動 Santa Jia-Xin Year End Necessities

「 佳欣送禮 」已持續十二年囉!今年嚮光依舊秉持著愛與祝福,將滿滿的溫暖分享給台東新馬蘭部落的孩子與家庭。 ►更多活動照片 More images:https://reurl.cc/nrrVq1嚮光團隊於活動前兩週開始準備孩子們的禮物,並採用零廢棄包裝的方式,精心打包與寄送;發送禮物當天,我們搭乘火車前往台東,期盼能看到孩子收到禮物的驚喜表情。 在活動地點的路上,便看到 家長小玲 於門口向我們熱情地招手,一個大大的擁抱與簡單問候,傾訴滿溢的想念。「真是的~我們多久沒見了?」「哎呀!上次見面也是一月呢!」...

[活動報告]:2023/12/9 (清泉)歲末狗狗餅乾 DIY 活動 - 毛小孩尋家大作戰

[活動報告]:2023/12/9 (清泉)歲末狗狗餅乾 DIY 活動 - 毛小孩尋家大作戰

延續聖誕佳欣的溫暖,歲末禮物製作工作坊來到第四場!我們前往清泉,到達時孩子已經坐在教室外等待,看起來十分期待今日的課程,孩子即將化身為小小廚師,為自己與同伴製作豐盛的純植聖誕餐,也將烘烤狗狗餅乾,分享美味給毛小孩,一起來看當天的記錄吧! 更多活動照片 More images:https://reurl.cc/M4Ax9v由烹煮 #純植午餐...