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What we learned is that there’s just never enough time to be had with our kids in ChingChuan.
We wanted to bring a little something spooky (as always) but always relevant to our workshop today; learning about eye health through the creation of DIY yucky eyeballs! Working with upcycled and expired contact lenses, a collection of old and beaten up pingpong balls, forgotten pipe cleaners and yarn, jiggly eyeballs were made by all.
The day started off with making an afternoon snack of intestines cinnamon rolls to pair with their lunch of “dirty” rice that featured little baked cockroaches the kids also made. We added a bit of pesto green on the rice for a more “scare” effect.
Without us realizing it, time flew by and we wish we had more – the intestines and cockroach creations was so fun and intensive but we still also had eyeballs to make to learn about eye health.
After lunch kids make the eyeballs and learned the basic exercises that could be done to improve eye health. This is one of the first generations to grow up completely with 3C screens set in front of them, at times serving as babysitters to give parents a bit of rest, so the potential is even higher. We wanted to take this time to ensure that Halloween was still spooky but also a learning experience about a serious subject.
We loved being with the kids and having new Big Friends and also Ruriko returning to us as she also missed the children of ChingChuan just as much as we have. Please continue to support our creative education workshops with the children!
老師 Teacher: Grace Chang
大朋友 Big Friends:Grace Chang | Jiun Lin | Ruriko Lee | Daisy Lin | Jenny
攝影師 Photographer :Daisy Lin
特別感謝: 桃山國小老師林育宏 | 桃山國小校長蘇美娟 | 馬丁神父 | 哈那 Hannah | PLANTS 貼紙 | Omnipork 玩饗食庫 提供的新豬肉餡餅 | 狀猿運動訓練室的乒乓球 | Jessica Liu與Jenny提供的隱形眼鏡
王美惠|楊小姐|蕭敬騰|捷式股份有限公司|古*慈|宋語宸|丁林秀鸞|Elaine Kuo|吳先生|王*凌|段安玲|詹雅琳|侯詠容|黃上宸|H*****兒|洪*縵|王美惠|丁昶興|KWZ|林佳樺
…|謝*芬|簡育儒|陳*妤|Peace Be Upon You|Jack 尤|陳臻怡|李淑娟|李梅華|陳姿辰|張*君|盧家琪|余肇玲|葉宸熹|雙鳥|黃宣庭|覺心文化有限公司|施姵甫|張凱閔|林佳儀|張啓筠|希塔療癒Sofina|俞*儀|何*澤|蔡孟潔|鐘士凱|楊*慧|張加油|范宇璇|夏偉|許海晨|江佳穎|蕭靜儀|黃薇臻|陳修平|紀**|王*宇|鄭郁慧|王清金|孫婉菱|王琪|洪先生|K&J|CHENFAN|郭*銘|吳*葦|柯*慧|Jou|藍*芬|蕭敬騰的小風粉絲|林明瑾|劉依融|黃阿雙|張*慈|梁朝陽|余肇玲|林靜怡|鍾*祝|鐘士凱