Mai Bach 是台北純素餐廳「Ooh Cha Cha 」的共同創辦人及首席執行長,她是出生並成長於南加州的美籍越南裔,2008年畢業於加利福尼亞大學洛杉磯分校,主修大眾傳播並輔修全球研究學。

源自對旅遊的渴望,她在2008年剛畢業之時,和當時的男朋友、現在的老公一起搬來了台北。接下來的五年裡,她邊旅遊邊教學,在2010年了解到畜牧業所帶來的毀滅性影響,因此漸漸轉為蛋奶素飲食,並於一年後採全蔬食飲食。透過反覆的試驗,她將最喜歡的食物製作成純素版本,邀請朋友們協助品嘗並研發出自己的食譜。憑藉著這份熱忱,她和丈夫於2013年創辦了Ooh Cha Cha,並於當地推廣純植物飲食的方式與理念。作為台北第一家純植物飲食的餐廳,Ooh Cha Cha不僅致力於提供豐富美味的食物,同時也重視工作的公平公正及永續經營,並積極與同樣富有創意靈感的各式社群合作。Ooh Cha Cha是台灣第一家得到BCrop認證的餐廳。


Mai Bach is co-founder and CEO of Ooh Cha Cha, plant-based and vegan restaurants based in Taipei, Taiwan. Born and raised in southern California to immigrants from Vietnam, she graduated with a B.A. in Mass Communications Studies and minor in Global Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2008.

Fueled by a yearning to travel, she moved to Taipei, Taiwan with her then boyfriend, now husband, upon graduating in 2008. She spent the next five years teaching and traveling, during which she also slowly transitioned to a vegetarian diet after learning about the devastation from factory farming in 2010 and went fully plant- based a year later. Through a lot of trial and error, she started

veganizing her favorite foods and developing recipes to test on all her friends. In 2013, she decided to take all this new passion and open Ooh Cha Cha to introduce and educate local communities to the concept of plant-based, whole-food eating with her husband. As Taipei’s first plant-based, whole-food eatery in 2013, Ooh Cha Cha strives to provide food not only rich in flavor and satisfying for the appetite, but supports fair and equitable work, sustainable operations, and supporting and working with other inspiring communities. We are now the first certified restaurant BCorp in Taiwan.

Mai is an extremely passionate female social entrepreneur who finds joy in connecting with and helping people.