Dan Cuenca
Dan Cuenca在創作過程中,總是與超棒的創意人與品牌合作。作為一個骨子裡其實是插畫家,
Philippine native raised in New York, studied graphic design at Pratt Institute, and currently working as an independent art director, illustrator and photographer.
In my continuing art journey I’ve collaborated with amazing people and brands. An illustrator at heart, my current personal work focuses on 15 second shorts on my Instagram, as well as a collaborative short animated film. I welcome new projects as a learning process to educate and challenge myself to new disciplines. I find inspiration from creatives pushing themselves into uncharted territory. Challenging themselves to learn and grow. I believe with change we seldom stay stagnant.
看他的作品?請上 grinandfury.com
Dan will be joining our Build a Home Project, read more here
Dan 將參加睦祥育幼院的夏日改造特別企畫,請點此看更多訊息。
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