What am I donating to?
Every little bit helps. Whether or not if you have time to make the journey, aiding others in their quest to making lasting friendships is of the utmost importance. You can donate single time or make it a monthly occurrence. Read more about what we’ve done, recent post reports, or feel free to download our in-depth newsletters. We urgently need you to aid us on our journey as each donation connects communities. Welcome to read more about our Brighter Futures Mentorship Program, Art for Advocacy Animal Welfare Series learning about compassion for animals through art!
信用卡定期定額/ ATM 櫃員機 / 網路 ATM / Credit Card Recurring
銀行資料 ATM 轉帳 / Bank Details / Bank Wire
台北富邦銀行 – 安和分行
銀行代號 012
帳號: 4901 0202 2421
(戶名) 社團法人臺灣嚮光協會
Bank Name: Fubon Bank – Anhe Branch
Bank Code: 012
Account: 4901 0202 2421
Swift Code: TPBKTWTP
A/C Name: 社團法人臺灣嚮光協會
歡迎個人、公司、組織或團體捐款。我們的想法、創意和課程都需要您的愛心來實現。捐款贊助需要收據的朋友(僅限臺灣地區),留下姓名、身分證/統一編號、地址、聯絡電話、轉帳最後5碼。有任何問題,歡迎填 https://goo.gl/rKbCbU 或寄信至 donate@brightside.tw 與我們聯繫。收到捐款及聯絡方式後,我們將於45日以內製發正式收據。
Please fill out https://goo.gl/rKbCbU or email donate@gmail.com when you fund us and advise on the amount and last 5 digits of transferring bank account. If you need a tax deductible receipt please include either your name (Surname/First) or Company name, phone number, mailing address, and your ID or company number. Official receipts will be processed within 45 days upon receiving payment and full contact information.
郵政劃撥帳號 Post Office GIRO
愛心碼捐贈電子發票 Electronic Receipt Donation Code
愛地球捐贈電子發票,直接跟店員說要打愛心碼:101010 (十十十)
Electronic Receipt Charity Donation : At checkout counters (7-11, FamilyMart, etc) let them know you have an “ai xin ma” code 101010 (ten ten ten) or have them swipe the barcode below and the receipt will electronically be donate to us.
我需要收據 Receipt Info
歡迎個人、公司、組織或團體捐款。我們的想法、創意和課程都需要您的愛心來實現。捐款贊助需要收據的朋友(僅限臺灣地區),留下姓名、身分證/統一編號、地址、聯絡電話、轉帳最後5碼。有任何問題,歡迎填 https://bit.ly/3jS7CCC 或寄信至 donation@brightside.tw 與我們聯繫。收到捐款及聯絡方式後,我們將於45日以內製發正式收據。
Please fill out https://bit.ly/3jS7CCC 或寄信至or email donate@brightside.tw when you fund us and advise on the amount and last 5 digits of transferring bank account. If you need a tax deductible receipt please include either your name (Surname/First) or Company name, phone number, mailing address, and your ID or company number. Official receipts will be processed within 45 days upon receiving payment and full contact information.
臺灣嚮光協會希望提供物流與資源規劃以促進社群參與,我們相信任何人只要願意採取行動,就能為世界帶來正向的改變,每一天睜開雙眼都會因為今日與未來能夠更加美好而受到鼓舞。 感謝在各領域擁有專業的大朋友們加入我們的行列,在藝術手作、體育以及科學的各個專題課程中熱情分享技能與知識,精心打造無數令人難以忘懷的奇妙時刻。臺灣嚮光協會舉辦超過125場次的課程活動,這也意味著我們創造了上兩千個大朋友與小朋友實際互動、深入交流的名額機會,在這樣的情況下,友誼是自然而然萌發的。
2015年至今 (由台北出發單程火車距離為4-6小時)
這個位於台東的新馬蘭部落主要以阿美族原住民為主, 大約有75戶家庭, 350個人, 大約30位小朋友來參加FUKID的專題課程




