嚮光對於當前活動所採取的防疫措施 COVID-19 Bright Side Update

by | Apr 14, 2020 | Event Call-Out, Highlight

Bright Side COVID-19 4/1 Update 英文版本

2022 April 1th UPDATE

Thank you so much! 

We have Big Friend volunteer opportunities all year round and you simply sign up when we have an event to see if there is space. There are no particular skill requirements as long as you agree to the volunteer consent form when you sign up; and all you have to bring is yourself and a water bottle. 

Upcoming workshops updated regularly: https://www.facebook.com/pg/brightside.tw/events
You can sponsor a child’s creative education workshop  or plant-based meal here: https://brightside.tw/donate
Sign up for our newsletter and updates:https://bit.ly/39YVKvK

Your support to us now is more important than ever.  We are still making adjustments due to COVID and know that everyone was greatly affected ths past two years.

We want to let you know that the Bright Side Youth and all of us here appreciate your donation as we push to provide essential services to our youth and communities. We continue to be involved in youth’s creative education in children’s homes and indigenous regions on a year round basis and doing what we can to still stay active in their lives. 

The latest updates include vaccine mandates by the government and the communities we work with:

Vaccine Requirements by Area:
14 days prior: Two vaccination doses
3 days prior: proof of negative rapid antigen test
14 days prior: Two vaccination doses + one booster
3 days prior: proof of negative rapid antigen test
14 days prior: Two vaccination doses + one booster
3 days prior: proof of negative rapid antigen test
3 days prior: proof of negative rapid antigen test
3 days prior: proof of negative rapid antigen test

We will continue with the below measures for our office and workshops in the interim due to COVID-19:

  • We will require Bright Side staff and members to not have travelled outside of Taiwan and have a clean bill of health for a minimum of 28 days prior to the workshop; and no known close contact with those who have been affected, who are under quarantine, or have also returned to Taiwan from affected areas either domestically or abroad. 
  • Taking temperatures (workshops) and providing alcohol sterilization. 
  • Continue to support local restaurants and farmers, continue our Eat for Love plant-based nutritious meal support to youth via takeout and catering. 
  • Ensuring that our communities will have access to food staples and necessities if they are affected, either financially or in other means, due to COVID-19.  
  • Using technology to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on underserved communities. Continue to push new interactive courses online to provide training for our Brighter Futures Program and other courses knowledge enhancement. At the same time, this introduces youth to online tools for education empowerment.
  • Sourcing instructors and tutors specifically with long distance learning experience so we can safely expand our Brighter Future education to provide online tutoring for youth who request or should require the services.
  • Implementing technology by tapping into partial live streaming of our creative education and Brighter Futures program for Big Friend volunteers and sponsors .

Of course, we remain accessible and will provide support whenever called upon.  We are still booking and planning sessions with our locations in Taoyuan, ChingChuan, Miaoli, Taitung, and the Wanhua community. 

 How you can continue to support Bright Side

  • Consider converting to a monthly donation if you are on a one time basis 
  • Sign up for our emails and notifications
  • When you purchase items or checkout, be sure to use our 愛心碼 Code 101010 whenever possible and it will automatically donate your electronic receipt to us
  • Stay safe by washing your hands, maintain safe social distance, and wear a mask when you go out to public areas because when you take care of yourself it in turn helps others! Thank you!

 We would love to hear any ideas that you may have.








萬華: 打完第兩劑滿14天+3天內抗原快篩陰性證明
桃園 打完第二劑滿14天+3天內抗原快篩陰性證明已接種疫苗追加劑(第三劑)且滿14天者可免除篩檢
苗栗: 打完第三劑滿14天+3天內抗原快篩陰性證明


  • 我們將要求嚮光協會的工作人員和成員在活動開始前,至少28天不得出國,有良好的健康證明;並且沒有與患者或正在接受居家檢疫的對象或從疫情感染地區(特別是歐盟和美國或其​​他嚴重地區)返回台灣的人,有密切聯繫與接觸。
  • 課程中實施體溫測量及提供酒精手部消毒。
  • 繼續支持在地的餐廳和農民,以外帶的形式,持續為孩子們提供從愛出發的純素營養餐點。
  • 確保我們服務的社群,若因疫情的關係在經濟或其他方面受影響時,能夠獲得充足的食物以及生活必需品。
  • 我們以科技遠距教學,透過數位教學工具,減少疫情期間對資源較少的社區帶來的影響規劃 Google Classroom ( Google 雲端教室)線上課程或其他在線替代方案,來持續為孩子們增強知識。同時,也向孩子們介紹網路上的充權教育工具。
  • 聘任具有遠距教學經驗的講師和家教,一同規劃、擴展課程在疫情期間能持續維持線上教學,將遠景計畫內容更完善的提供給需要及有意願參與的青少年。
  • 利用遠端以及部分直播,來進行創意教育及嚮光遠景計畫,讓我們的大朋友以及贊助者也可以在線參與。



  1. 如果您此次為一次性的捐款,可以考慮轉為每個月定期捐贈。
  2. 持續追蹤嚮光獲得最新消息及Email更新。
  3. 當您購買商品或結帳時,可以使用我們的愛心碼代碼101010,將您的電子收據捐贈給我們。
  4. 勤洗手以確保安全,外出應全程配戴口罩,保持安全的社交距離,照顧好自己,也會幫助他人!謝謝!




Bright Side COVID-19 6/6 Update 英文版本

2021 May 17th UPDATE

June 6th UPDATE
While our last update was on May 14th, we had a Plan B in place that week in case Taiwan went on a lockdown so that our essential services and resources to children would go uninterrupted.

We are currently working remotely and have launched our Brighter Together Online services on May 17th, with online classes fully operating by May 24th.

Brighter Together allows our communities to continue to connect with us and provides free and unique educational resources for our youth through online livestreaming content and offline resources where internet infrastructure is lacking. It works towards providing assistance to alleviate some of the key factors that disportionately affect low-income and underserved communities during this period of isolation. Three key factors include access to schooling and education, rise of malnutrition, and mental wellness that may result in depression and physical violence. To read more about our services including scholarships, online tutoring, necessities relief packages, please head to the links below.

More about Brighter Together: https://brightside.tw/brightertogether/
Sample of Brighter Together Classes: https://brightside.tw/schedule/
Donate Education + Plant-Based Meals and Staple Goods: https://reurl.cc/2r82KE

We remain accessible and will provide support whenever called upon.  We are still booking and planning sessions with our locations in Taoyuan, ChingChuan, Miaoli, Taitung, and the Wanhua community.

How you can continue to support Bright Side:

  • Consider an one-time donation or monthly donation by clicking here
  • Sign up for our mailing list to receive our latest info here
  • When you purchase items or checkout, be sure to use our 愛心碼 Code 101010 whenever possible and it will automatically donate your electronic receipt to us
  • Stay safe by washing your hands, wearing a mask when in public spaces, and maintain safe social distance, because when you take care of yourself it in turn helps others! Thank you!

We would love to hear any ideas that you may have.

** 2021/6/6更新 **

5月17日起嚮光協會推出 「嚮光線上 攜手嚮光 Brighter Together


Brighter Together 線上互動教室讓嚮光社群能繼續與我們保持聯繫,透過進行線上視訊教學或在缺乏網路基礎設備地區分配實體資源的方式,為嚮光的孩子們提供免費且獨特的教育資源。我們將邀請更多朋友一起加入,並期待提供更多樣化的課程內容給所有嚮光社群的大朋友還有小朋友們,讓他們知道自己是被關心著、被愛著的。

了解更多: https://brightside.tw/brightertogether/
嚮光線上互動課程: https://brightside.tw/schedule/
LINE 聯絡EMAIL 聯絡點進支持嚮光孩子 



Bright Side COVID-19 Measures 英文版本

2021 May 14th UPDATE
We want to update you on what Bright Side Projects is doing entering our second year of the global COVID-19 pandemic as your support to us now is more important than ever. 

Last year we were greatly affected by COVID-19 and know that individual donors also felt it’s impact not just in Taiwan but globally. 

It has been shown the pandemic can impact the underserved communities more than others. 

To continue our support for the communities we also need your help!
Consider a single time donation or monthly donation:
Sponsor summer surf camp: https://neti.cc/O8xENEn


Rather than cancel programs due to the risk of spreading the virus, we are investing in long distance learning. Children’s regular educational resources and schools have already been cancelled or delayed and for them to miss out on educational resources and interaction can be devastating.

Here at Bright Side Projects we are determined to continue to creatively find ways to provide education and resources to underserved communities. Technology can help mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the underserved population and we are implementing distance learning so no child gets left behind. 


We apologize that in the interim for the safety of youth and also due to governmental restrictions  we are unable to provide Big Friend with volunteer opportunities.

Due to this, we are also working on ways to implement technology for Big Friend and sponsor engagement. We are tapping into partial live streaming of workshops and also creating interactive and engaging curriculum with Bright Future Education and Talent Basket. We are also planning other ways you can actively volunteer or teach with and through Bright Side Projects Online. 

Big changes can only come when we work together!


We hope that everyone is staying safe! We want to let you know the COVID-19 measures we are taking at Bright Side Projects.

As you know, these are trying times and we appreciate your support as we provide essential services to our youth and communities.

Bright Side Projects is still involved in youth’s creative education in children’s homes and indigenous regions on a year round basis and doing what we can to still stay active in their lives. Whether you have donated previously or follow what we do, we want you to know that we and Bright Side youth need you and appreciate you!

We are taking the current measures for our office and workshops in the interim:

  • We will require Bright Side staff and members to not have travelled outside of Taiwan and have a clean bill of health for a minimum of 28 days prior to the workshop; and no known close contact with those who have been affected, who are under quarantine, or have also returned to Taiwan from affected areas either domestically or abroad. 
  • Taking temperatures (workshops) and providing alcohol sterilization. 
  • Continue to support local restaurants and farmers, continue our Eat for Love plant-based nutritious meal support to youth via takeout and catering. 
  • As nutrition is still an important part of our every day lives, plant-based meals will still be served but prepared beforehand with more stringent hygiene measures taken and enjoyed with social distancing precautions taken. Kids in the Kitchen and other plant-based food creation sessions with children will be delayed.
  • Ensuring that our communities will have access to food staples and necessities if they are affected, either financially or in other means, due to COVID-19.  
  • Using technology to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on underserved communities. Continue to push new interactive courses online to provide training for our Brighter Futures Program and other courses knowledge enhancement. At the same time, this introduces youth to online tools for education empowerment.
  • Sourcing instructors and tutors specifically with long distance learning experience so we can safely expand our Brighter Future education to provide online tutoring for youth who request or should require the services.
  • Implementing technology by tapping into partial live streaming of our creative education and Brighter Futures program for Big Friend volunteers and sponsors

Of course, we remain accessible and will provide support whenever called upon.  We are still booking and planning sessions with our locations in Taoyuan, ChingChuan, Miaoli, Taitung, and the Wanhua community.

How you can continue to support Bright Side:

  • Consider an one-time donation or monthly donation by clicking here
  • Sign up for our mailing list to receive our latest info here
  • When you purchase items or checkout, be sure to use our 愛心碼 Code 101010 whenever possible and it will automatically donate your electronic receipt to us
  • Stay safe by washing your hands, wearing a mask when in public spaces, and maintain safe social distance, because when you take care of yourself it in turn helps others! Thank you!

We would love to hear any ideas that you may have.






 對教育活動的影響: 創意教育課程/遠景計畫





正因如此,我們也在努力為大朋友們和贊助者提供線上技術的支援。我們將會透過直播部方式,並與遠景安國際教育交流顧問和Talent Basket一同構思線上參與的互動課程,將課程內容與大朋友志工及贊助者分享,也讓你可以參與其中或進行線上教學。 







  • 我們將要求嚮光協會的工作人員和成員在活動開始前,至少28天不得出國,有良好的健康證明;並且沒有與患者或正在接受居家檢疫的對象或從疫情感染地區(特別是歐盟和美國或其​​他嚴重地區)返回台灣的人,有密切聯繫與接觸。
  • 課程中實施體溫測量及提供酒精手部消毒。
  • 繼續支持在地的餐廳和農民,以外帶的形式,持續為孩子們提供從愛出發的純素營養餐點。
  • 確保我們服務社區的人們擁有足夠的糧食及生活必需品,不論是在疫情影響或是財務狀況影響下。
  • 攝取充足的營養是日常生活基本所需,因此協會將持續提供純素餐點,會更加嚴格執行事前準備的衛生措施,並維持安全社交距離。綜合以上考量,作伙呷菜以及任何與孩子一起進行的純素餐點活動都將延期
  • 運用科技的力量減輕疫情對資源不足社群的影響。為參與遠景計畫及其他課程的孩子們持續推出新的線上互動課程、增強知識。同時,也向孩子們介紹網路上的充權教育工具。
  • 邀請具有線上教學經驗的講師一同規劃、擴展課程,將遠景計畫內容更完善的提供給需要及有意願參與的青少年。
  • 透過直播部分創意課程及遠景計畫活動,將課程內容與大朋友志工及捐款者分享。




  • 考慮一次性的捐款或每個月定期捐贈
  • 收到嚮光協會電子通知
  • 當您購買商品或結帳時,可以使用我們的愛心碼代碼101010,將您的電子收據捐贈給我們。
  • 洗手以確保安全,保持安全的社交距離,公共場合戴好口罩,照顧好自己,也會幫助他人!謝謝!

