
更多照片: https://tinyurl.com/mrxwzwb4

久違萬華的孩子,他們都長高了不少,但相處起來依然覺得熟悉,彷彿時間沒有流逝。孩子們一開口就問:「今天會有好吃的椰奶水果沙拉嗎?」我們不只準備了嚮光招牌的新鮮椰奶水果沙拉,還配合日式大福的主題,準備了 OOH CHA CHA 特製的手工純植新豬排,配上日式咖哩和 用心米舖 有機米飯,組成簡單又美味的午餐。

在正式課程中,由 Coya 老師先示範麻糬的製程,不時會請小孩們幫忙製作,之後孩子們分成兩組,包麻糬、切水果和準備紅豆沙餡,兩組都選擇做粉紅色的麻糬,從他們把切好的水果包進麻糬的過程,可以看見他們是如何將自己的個性和創意融入到創作中,並且引以為傲。


Maybe it was through a series of trial and error but the third time was a charm in making this amazing strawberry and fresh fruit daifuku! It has been such a long time for us to be able to get back to our kids in Wanhua but it felt like no time had passed although the kids did grow much taller! 

Kids started off the day with the right questions when they arrived – asking if the delicious fruit salad with coconut milk would be served today. We not only have our signature fresh fruit salad prepped, but continuing in the theme of making Japanese strawberry daifuku, Ooh Cha Cha handmade Omnipork cutlets were also fried in the morning to be paired with Japanese curry and YongXin organic rice for a delicious lunch.

Teacher Coya had the kids assist with a mochi demo and while it steamed, kids split into two groups to make their own mochi, cut fruit, and prep the red bean paste. Both groups selected to make pink mochi. In putting their sliced fruit into the daifuku, you could quickly see how each child injected their own personalities into their creations and how proud they were. 

As part of our “gift creation” workshop for the daifuku in which they could choose to gift the delicacy to someone they were thankful for, all the kids each decided to take one away to gift to their families ranging from grandparents to younger siblings. We want to thank you for your support so that kids could have this magical experience and be able to share it with others!

老師 Teacher:陳瑀彤 Coya Chen

大朋友 Big Friends:Iris Peng 彭詩婷 | Daisy Lin
攝影師 Photographer:Daisy Lin

特別感謝 Thank you:台灣社區實踐協會 | Santa Jia-Xin | OOH CHA CHA | Mai Bach | OMNIPORK、 GREEN MONDAY

贊助者 Sponsors:
Global Giving Riot Games | CHAO 炒炒新亞洲蔬食 | 台東政府112年公益彩券 | 樹林企業股份有限公司 | H*********哲 | Anon| 賴*玲 | Mila Young | 王映文 | 捷式股份有限公司 | 楊*慧 | 離線來尬聊 | Renee Chan | H********樹| Organic B 有機比比 | Little Wonders 親子概念店 | 許*琇 | 施宇*/施軒* | 連* | 陳力嘉| T*********a| H*******羲 | 古*升 | 柳*辰 | 黃*發 | 匿名 | H*******y | 李*庭 | 黃******y | Earth Amigo | 陳**琦 | 老爹蔬食 X 拾叁珈琲  | F45 Daan & Neihu | Anon | Terance Chen | Ooh Cha Cha | BaganHood 蔬食餐酒館 | 陳雨軒 | 江山藝改所 Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo | Nuttea 堅果奶飲 復興 | 新築窟Hsinchuku | 仁里居商號 | Plants | 零居 Zero living | 心雕居 | 第三空間 Seedsaw Studio | 芳草巷懿芳素食工坊 | Veganday Cuisine | Ooh Cha Cha | VegFarm 無國界蔬食餐廳 | 半半食室 Vegan Daily | Uncle Q | CHAO 炒炒新亞洲蔬食 | 穗科手打烏龍麵 | 蔬漫小姐 Miss Shu maan. House | Nice Cream 

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