We were so excited to be able to meet the kids of Wanhua again for the second time this year after a very unpredictable year! After first coming in February with Baganhood making plant-based burgers and delicious waffles together, we had hoped to come back and for half a year was thwarted by COVID-19.
We never gave up on our determination to return to get to know the kids and learn about Japanese culture, making sushi, rice balls, and sharing japanese shaved icy (Kakigōri) made for a perfect summer workshop!
This time we were also happy to welcome many new faces to the group. The kids had a fantastic and delicious time and we look forward to returning in the coming months so be on the lookout on how you can become a Big Friend or support our creative education workshops!
2020 may mark our first year getting to know the youth at Wanhua and Taiwan Community Practice Association 台灣社區實踐協會 but the seed was planted in 2012! Eight years ago we first met social worker 王佩琳 (Taipei Women’s Rescue Foundation 婦女救援基金會), someone who has supported Bright Side Projects since our inception, who was responsible for putting us in touch with the association. Thank you so much!
特別感謝 Thank you:Carleen Emma(剉冰機)|Sara Chien Jed Chen 大武有機生產合作社(香蕉 )|王佩琳 婦女救援基金會|新安據點 柏祥、明毅、陳甄
大朋友 Big Friends:彥融|怡臻|淑倫|芸錞|家瑋|子淇|Aching|Daisy|Yu-An
攝影師 Photographer: Aching
贊助者 Sponsors: MERCK 台灣默克股份有限公司 | Organic B 有機比比| 林宛亭|林孝旭|許愷軒|張瑋芝|盧玟亘|兆夆國際土地開發有限公司|高溫玉|陳佩奇|葉澤穎|葉蔓君|葉炫佑|鄧宇博|謝心怜|無肉市集| Anon|楊壽蘭|李易倉|楊曜彰|郭明進|林穎| anon| Claire Chen| NCCU IMBA Oath Club| Anon|陳均汎|陳彥彰|陳珈凱| Anon|劉明佳| Anon|周美鳳| Anon|謝玲蘭|吳小姐|官秋菊|陳忠群|板中312全體師生|梁星宇| Makoto / Liz|吳振安|蔡孟潔|陳忠群|呂月招|游淨玲| Sarah Milne|邱郁甄|林玲慧|李巧詩 | Chieni McCullough| Kelly Lin|陳明寄| 23129 新光|謝麗雲|林后珍|柳凱勝 | 蘇昱誠 | 蘇碩彥 | 蘇振元 | 謝s | 樹林企業(股)公司
定期定額:捷式股份有限公司 | Sarah Milne | 陳婕瑀|Anon|Anon|徐靜淑|Anon|趙文隆|王清金|陳惠榮|黃柏諺|葉盈蘭Anon|Ishi Lin|梁秀珊|Anon|王俊凱|劉依融|鄭鉑翰|陳冠如|陳煜鈞|江炳彰|朱敏道|Joanne|楊涵淇|潘麗婉|張芷翎|Angela Lin|張璲麟|洪嘉珍|陳冠霖|Anon|探索天下有限公司|黃俊益|陳佳妤|YuRi’s蔬食日嚐|楊珮寧|陳建樺|呂靜佩|黃靖媁|HSIA YI WEI|口袋名單|吳一帆|黃慧茹|江玕瑢|李甯潔|蔡沛叡|亞夢服飾|曾于珊|Anon|高大仁|林O喬