
1. 一層樓高的聖誕樹
內容: 我們將會在蘭恩基金會用回收保特瓶建造一棵3米高的聖誕樹。希望邀請島上的居民來一同參與並協助我們的創作過程。
日期: 2015/11/17 ~ 11/20 (可以選)
地點:財團法人基督教蘭恩文教基金會 / 台東縣蘭嶼鄉紅頭村漁人 147 號

1. 協助分類、清理及組合保特瓶。
2. 讓每位前來參與的大朋友都使用現場材料創作一支個人的保特瓶小風車。

了解更多: https://goo.gl/jefpns

We are so excited to have this chance to come to Orchid Island and welcome everyone to come and create together with us! There are two exciting activities lined up, one constructing a 3 meter high Christmas Tree from recycled materials and a second featuring creations with children. These will be fantastical masks of “our” hybrid creatures from plastic bottles and other recycled materials gathered on Orchid Island!

Christmas Tree Construction (Plastic Bottles)
Date: 11/17-11/20 (any one or more of the days)
Location: Near the airport; Lan An Cultural & Educational Foundation / https://www.lanan.org.tw/
Tasks for the Christmas Tree: Collecting, sorting, cleaning, and constructing a Christmas tree out of plastic bottles together. Creation of windmills from plastic bottles.

Read more on the process: https://goo.gl/jefpns

2. 小怪獸回收創作工作坊

內容: 我們需要志願的大朋友和我們一起帶孩子們一同收集島上的回收資源,並引導陪伴每個孩子將回收材料轉化成自己獨一無二的小怪獸面具,然後在傍晚一起戴上自己創作的小怪獸面具,在聖誕樹旁生起營火,玩耍團聚。

時間: 11/21 (六)10:00-18:00
地點:財團法人基督教蘭恩文教基金會 / 台東縣蘭嶼鄉紅頭村漁人 147 號


課程費用 (不包含交通): 免費! 感謝聖誕JIAXIN捷式股份有限公司贊助


1. 線上填寫表格: https://goo.gl/Lj8eFI
2. EMAIL到brightside.tw@gmail.com

臉書: https://www.facebook.com/events/588710864617964/

Little Monster Masks (Plastic Bottles)

We are looking for a few Big Friends who want to head out with kids together to gather recycled materials within the environment and use these to create a mask of a magical and unique creature. These are the gifts children create for themselves. After the creation we will host a celebration around the Christmas Tree into the early dusk!

Date/Time: 2015 11/21 (Saturday) 10:00-18:00
Location: Lan An Cultural & Educational Foundation / https://www.lanan.org.tw/
Tasks for the Little Monster Masks:
Setup, clean up. Collecting, sorting, cleaning, and constructing masks with children together, arts and crafts. Creation of afternoon chocolate candy snacks.

Material Fee : FREE covered by Santa Jia-Xin benefactor and Jet Sunny 捷式股份有限公司

Limited spots, so register now!

How to register:

  1. Read and register here: https://goo.gl/Lj8eFI
  2. Email brightside.tw (at) gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/588710864617964/