抓緊萬聖節的尾巴 ~ 嚮光團隊來到新竹清泉陪伴孩子們度過今年美味又刺激的萬聖節吧!!????????

►更多活動照片 More images:https://reurl.cc/Ny8Op9



說到萬聖節孩子們第一個脫口說出的「 trick‘ o treat ! 不給糖就搗蛋 !!」
萬聖節的由來對清泉孩子來說是一塊小蛋糕了!!我們準備了萬聖節版快問快答考驗孩子的反應力和協調力~先請孩子排成直線,以大朋友為中心點,左邊是 YES 右邊是 NO,以左右橫移的方式回答 PPT 上的萬聖節的小知識,孩子玩得滿頭大汗、不亦樂乎,直到結束還搶著說還要玩呢!




讓孩子依序從第一個恐怖箱出發,也許是一開始恐怖箱內的內容物沒有讓孩子感受【恐怖】(因為裡面是摸起來乾乾軟軟的假手),接下來孩子們都很大膽地將手伸進恐怖箱內探索,當摸到史萊姆特調花椰菜及義大利麵後的孩子臉色都無比驚嚇 :「 哀額~這是什麼啦!怎麼黏黏的!」揭曉謎底時,孩子們的興奮指數已經破表了!!

✔︎ 自己動手做 #純植午餐





響食文化探索( Culture through Cuisine )最重要的就是讓孩子透過烹飪學習不同文化,親手製作美味的純植餐點,加深了味覺記憶,感謝清泉孩子們與我們一起度過了以往不同的萬聖節,真切地感受到孩子們的活潑及踴躍❤️ 期待下次見面呦!

In the past decade we’ve hosted so many spooky workshops in ChingChuan during this time of year, so that we know our kids are looking forward to learning something new and exciting. On our side, we love the challenge and were especially excited to see some new faces – younger siblings of older Bright Side students who have now since graduated high school. We also were happy to have our middle school youth join us this time – but we knew the pressure was on since she has been joining our workshops since at least 2016 – almost 8 years – and has seen, made, and done almost everything!

We definitely stepped up to the challenge this time. This was a day of learning about the culture of Halloween through games, making horrifically delicious lunches with skulls and eyeballs, and themed mystery boxes that ended up not only testing their sense of touch but also (unexpectedly) their olfactory abilities. 

Through games of YES and NO we had them shifting around left and right to answer questions about Halloween’s origins. Horror media protagonist villains (such as recently popular Megan and Wednesday) were mimicked through song and dance. We then split into groups to make plant based lunch, empowering kids to be able to create eyeball (plantbased mozzarella cheese for the whites) meatball pasta including the sauce, witches fingernail cookies, and eyeball fruit punch in a cauldron of dry ice along with the Bright Side Projects staple, coconut milk fruit salad. 

While we ran out of time for costume dress up, the kids still had a great time getting into the post Halloween spirit. They were excited that we would be able to come back so soon in December for our 12th Santa Jia-Xin gift creation workshops – thank you all for your support that have made this journey possible and to provide nourishment, warmth, education, and love to communities all these years.

We hope you can support our year end activities or join as a Big Friend volunteer!

老師 Teacher: Tiffany Chang

大朋友 Big Friends:  Daisy Lin | Grace Chang | Ruriko | Charline Jourcin  | Edie Tsai 

攝影師 Photographer:Daisy Lin

特別感謝: 桃山國小 老師 林育宏 | 桃山國小 校長 蘇美娟| 馬丁神父 | 哈那 Hannah | Liza Milne (道具) | Charline Jourcin (道具) | Josephine Lin(道具) | Ooh Cha Cha (義大利麵, 獎, 起士)

贊助者:H*** | 高偉恩 | 捷式股份有限公司 | 連*銘 | 黃彩綸 | 楊*慧 | 樹林企業股份有限公司 | 賴*玲 | 蘇俐蓉

定期定額:Andy Hsia | Anon | CHENFAN | HSIA YI WEI | Jack 尤 | Joanne | Jou | Kevin | Kimi & J | Peace Be Upon You | Scott Hsu | YuRi’s蔬食日嚐 | 王*宇 | 王清金 | 王琪 | 江炳彰 | 何*澤 | 吳*葦 | 吳一帆 | 呂靜佩 | 希塔療癒Sofina | 李承龍 | 李政翰 | 林小風 | 林孝旭 | 林明瑾 | 林靜怡 | 施姵甫 | 柯*慧 | 范宇璇 | 孫婉菱 | 張*君 | 張*慈 | 張加油 | 張芷翎 | 張璲麟 | 探索天下有限公司 | 梁秀珊 | 梁朝陽 | 莊仁生 | 許海晨 | 郭明進 | 陳*佳 | 陳冠如 | 陳姿辰 | 陳建樺 | 陳柏霖 | 陳修平 | 陳惠榮 | 陳臻怡 | 陳耀祺 | 凱羚林 | 黃宣庭 | 黃靖媁 | 楊*慧 | 葉盈蘭 | 劉依融 | 蔡孟潔 | 鄭鉑翰 | 蕭靜儀 | 賴曉沛 | 鍾*祝 | 簡明萱 | 藍*芬 | 覺心文化有限公司 | 鐘士凱