街坊人物專訪| 佳欣
Daisy: 可以請你簡單的自我介紹嗎?
JX 佳欣 :我叫佳欣,出生於台灣,在那裡的寄養家庭裡長大。被領養來到加拿大以後,我度過了人生第一次的聖誕節,也在想為什麼在台灣的時候,從來沒有收過聖誕老人的禮物。
D: 還記得第一次看件贈送物資及禮物為孩子們帶來的影響時的感受嗎?
JX: 看到孩子們拿著禮物和生活必需品的照片時,我真的很高興,心裡頭也覺得暖暖的。
D: 當你知道聖誕佳欣已經邁入第10年了,而且為數以百計的家庭、孩子提供物資和禮物時,是什麼感覺呢?
JX: 非常榮幸可以參與這個充滿愛與關懷的計畫,也很慶幸我的爸爸當初找到了Daisy,很感謝Daisy在過去幾年裡的各種幫忙。
D: 嚮光協會致力於建立一個全年提供資源和教育的長期支持系統;對從一開始就跟我們一起成長的孩子和家庭有什麼想法或期望嗎?
JX: 我希望這些資源和教育能夠給孩子更健康快樂的生活,並讓他們從中獲得力量,再去幫助更多人。
D: 有沒有什麼想告訴孩子們,或是想鼓勵他們的話呢?
JX: 我小時候的夢想是成為聖誕老人,送禮物給需要的小朋友。雖然我當時只有六歲,但在我父母和Daisy 的幫助之下,我實現了自己的夢想。要實現夢想,最重要的就是不要放棄,持續向著目標前進。
D: 可以為也想要對這世界做出正向改變的孩子們提供意見嗎?
JX: 不是只有很大的行動,才能夠為世界帶來正向的改變。即使現在只是你腦中的一個想法,如果你下定決心要做,你也可以成為改變世界的力量。
D: 對於這個活動未來的發展或是未來與嚮光的合作,你有沒有什麼期望呢?
JX: 我希望有一天能夠到台灣,親自把禮物交給小朋友們。我也期待能擴展這個活動,鼓勵更多人一起加入改變的行列。
D: 有其他特別想提到的想法或是印象深刻的事嗎?
JX: 這個活動讓我更能為他人著想,也更深刻的體會到,有些人的生活其實很不容易。我特別感謝每一個在這趟旅程中幫助我的人,也等不及想知道這個活動還可以發揮什麼樣的影響力。
NEIGHBORHOOD INTERVIEW|Jia-Xin Rosenberg (Santa Jia-Xin)
What I have loved being around children is continuously being inspired by them. Jia-Xin, since the age of six when I first learned she wanted to give back to the community, has been such a huge source of inspiration for Bright Side Projects.
Back in 2012 I didn’t have that much interaction with children and after working in marketing and luxury goods for most of my life wondered how could a child at such a young age, be so compassionate, kind, thoughtful, and generous even moreso than many adults? And how could we be the driving forces to empower her to empower other children? Ten years later, we have grown up together, learned together, and best yet, have given back to others so that they may do the same. I welcome you to this quick interview to learn a bit more about Jia-Xin and hope you can also join our journey!
Daisy: Can you give a short introduction about yourself?
Jia-Xin: My name is Jia-Xin, I was born in Taiwan and spent time in foster homes there. When I was adopted in Canada I experienced my first Christmas and wondered why Santa had never brought me presents in Taiwan. I decided I would like to become Santa when I grew up so that I could make sure children in Taiwan got presents.
D: Do you remember how you felt the first time you saw the impact of the year end gifting?
JX: I was excited and it was very heartwarming to see the pictures of the kids with all their new presents and necessities.
D: How does it feel to be on the 10th year of Santa Jia-Xin’s year end necessities knowing that through this campaign we provided for hundreds of youth and families?
JX: I feel proud to be a part of such a loving and caring campaign. I am so glad that my dad found Daisy Lin and I am so grateful for all of her help in these past years.
D: Bright Side Projects has been building a long term support system providing resources and education all year round ; what are your thoughts or hopes for the kids and families who have grown up with this program since the beginning?
JX: I hope that it has helped them to live healthy and happy lives and that it will encourage them to want to help and make other lives better.
D: Any words for kids who want to also make a positive change in the world?
JX: Making a positive change in the world does not have to start with something big. It can start off with a thought or idea but it depends on your mindset and your willingness to want to make a positive change in the world.
D: What are your hopes for the future of this campaign or in working with Bright Side Projects?
JX: I hope to be able to go to Taiwan one day to give the gifts and meet the foster care kids. I also hope to be able to expand my campaign and encourage others to want to make a positive change.
D: Are there any other thoughts or remarks you want to make?
JX: This campaign has taught me to think about others and realize that not everyone has an easy life. I am extremely thankful for everyone who has helped me on this amazing journey and I can not wait to see how this campaign will expand.
Explore our website to learn more about our year end campaigns over the years and join us!

佳欣 Jia-Xin Rosenberg
Santa 聖誕老人
Jia-Xin was born in Taiwan, moved to Canada when she was 6, is currently residing in the United States with her wonderful family and attending is high school.

「拳」神貫注 — 跨越挑戰,發現無限可能
https://youtu.be/Czvt79HfQzw 我們與拳擊教練Andre合作已將近十次,每一次的活動都充滿了學習與成長的機會。 一樣是拳擊課程,但每一次的課程進行方式都各具特色,充滿了不同的學習和挑戰。除了拳擊運動,我們也帶著孩子們探索巴西飲食文化,讓他們對世界有了更廣闊的視野。同時,我們也帶孩子們參訪UFC,拓展他們對未來職涯的探索與發展。...

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在充滿溫暖與關愛的歲末時刻,嚮光帶領孩子們透過藝術創作,學習關心毛小孩與環境,共同為流浪與老年動物發聲。本次活動與「桃園市老毛秀秀同伴動物照護協會」合作,為孩子們帶來溫馨的學習與創作體驗。 ⭐️ 「藝術,讓愛發聲」系列課程: https://shorturl.at/cPk8p⭐️ 更多活動照片:https://shorturl.at/0J9pP 活動一開始,我們特別邀請大朋友Joyce的老狗狗Vic先來到現場,為孩子們的創作增添靈感。Vic可愛的模樣和溫柔的陪伴,帶領大家進入藝術創作的氛圍,也為作品背景添加了不可思議的色彩。...

【活動報告】:2024/12/15 「聖誕佳欣」用愛包裝,讓溫暖傳遞 x 喜鵲娛樂
能夠將愛與快樂傳遞給他人,無疑是人生中最大的喜悅。能遇見蕭敬騰和Summer,這對充滿愛心與信念的夫妻,對我們而言無比榮幸! ⭐ 影片: https://shorturl.at/8108k ⭐ 更多照片:https://shorturl.at/9LKdR 他們不僅支持了台東新馬蘭部落及竹東清泉部落的孩子們聖誕禮物和歲末工作坊,蕭敬騰 和 Summer 與整個 喜鵲娛樂團隊更親自動手包裝了近 300 份禮物,將這份愛心化作溫暖與真摯的力量。本次發放禮物及物資的用車,也是由喜鵲娛樂慷慨捐贈,才讓這份愛與溫暖得以順利傳遞。...

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