by Bright Side Projects | Apr 25, 2016 | Event Call-Out, Orchid Island, Youth, Yummy Foods
Share 僅需1000元台幣就能支付一個孩子或一位婦女的工作坊材料費以及蔬食餐點!Just a little over $1000 NT/ $30 USD covers workshop materials and plant-based meal for a woman or child! 台北富邦銀行代號 012帳號: 4901 0202 2421(戶名) 社團法人臺灣嚮光協會信用卡/PayPal: Bank Name: Fubon BankBank Code:...
by Bright Side Projects | May 8, 2014 | Post Report, Youth
While we are focused on getting the association registered so we can begin to properly fundraise, workshops for this year have been decreased. However, interest has not waned as within 48 hours of registration our first official workshop in ChingChuan was full for...
by Bright Side Projects | Mar 7, 2014 | Arts & Craft, Event Call-Out, Youth
Update March 9th: After only 48 hours this workshop is FULL (已額滿) You can waitlist / 可以候補 If you have not registered, even if you are a return volunteer, there are no more spaces. 課程(已額滿)。麻煩等我們6月份的成。 如果你還沒有報名GOOGLEDOC沒有把你算在這次志工名單上。 ***** 透過一次短片拍攝製作過程了解電影製作的工作內容和技巧。...