by Bright Side Projects | Jun 17, 2015 | Arts & Craft, Earth & Greenery, Kitchen Table, Post Report, Youth
Today we switched between making vegan pizzas and creating wind chimes from recycled items! As part of a mini It’s A Vegan Affair event, a few of us had learned to make pizzas and wanted to share our newfound skills with others. SONY DSC SONY DSC SONY DSC SONY DSC...
by Bright Side Projects | Mar 9, 2015 | Arts & Craft, Event Call-Out, Youth
之前參與 BUILD A HOME 計畫的藝術家 Long Long 要回來跟孩子們一起參觀新家並舉行工作坊。我們想要邀請大家一起來,午餐時間自己動手做披薩,工作坊課程內容則是希望藉由講故事的引導, Long Long 及志工們一步步帶領著小朋友們做出好玩的藝術品。 重要必須報名: Important – you must fill out application to register: We are so excited to...